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Nick Diaz: “Looks like someone doesn’t want me to win!”; UFC gives him BJ Penn fight

By Zach Arnold | September 8, 2011

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“Another Youtube video… driving back, um, from… whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa… let me fucking trying to get back to Stockton here…

“(To another driver) FUCK YOUR MOTHER!

“Trying to get back to Stockton here, I was in San Francisco at the last minute trying to get on a airplane this morning to go to a press conference for the UFC… wanted me to fight for the title against Georges St. Pierre and now they’re telling me that they’re going to give the fight to Carlos Condit… which I think is ridiculous and Georges thinks its a great idea because Carlos Condit poses an even greater threat, so… I guess that just leaves me out… fighting one second I’m, um… I’m about to come into some money doing a little bit of boxing, you know… fucking probably lose some teeth but I’m ready to get paid, you know… so I’ll fight whoever and whatever and anything, you know, I’d definitely rather fight GSP of course, but… I was ready to do some boxing and they didn’t like that so they got me OUT of that and they got me into a fight with GSP for, you know, same money or more money or whatever but now it looks like they get to save money and I don’t get paid and locked in a new contract, all these dealmakers making deals, you know… all I know is I’m ready to fight, so… you know, I’m sorry I didn’t make it to the beauty pageant but, you know, I’ve never not showed up to a fight and, um… I’ve never backed out of a fight in my life, that’s not what I do, so I just wanted to throw all of that out there and… I don’t know… you know, I’m ready to fight and I think that, uh… this is pretty much done here… so, peace out.”

Carlos Condit will now face Georges St. Pierre on October 29th in Las Vegas. The news of Diaz getting yanked out of the fight with St. Pierre was all over the Bay Area news headlines on TV Tuesday night.

On Wednesday night, Dana White said that he was going to give fans the fight ‘they wanted’ and booked BJ Penn vs. Nick Diaz as the semi-main event for UFC 137.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 49 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

49 Responses to “Nick Diaz: “Looks like someone doesn’t want me to win!”; UFC gives him BJ Penn fight”

  1. fd2 says:

    “Looks like somebody doesn’t want me to win!”

    Yeah. Apparently it’s you.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    When I have talked about rankings and fighters in the past, I have said that doing it on the big stage has always meant more then doing it on the smaller shows, even if it’s the same fight.

    Nick Diaz proved my point today.

    He couldn’t handle the pressure, and he no-showed.

    Being Eddie Alvarez and fighting on Bellator with basically no press around is not even comparable to being in the UFC, having huge amounts of press for every fight…. including if you are main eventing, the requirements and strains placed on the fighters.

    It’s just another reason universal rankings don’t work.

    Nick Diaz had no problems showing up for pre-fight stuff at Strikeforce most of the time. All of a sudden he gets to the biggest stage in the biggest fight…. And he turns into a spaz. The pressure gets to everyone… Some so much they basically back out of a fight.

    Nick Diaz will forever be known as a coward. He talks about how he will fight anybody and wants all of this money…. But when the biggest opportunity for both of those came his way…. He ran for cover.

    SF Middleweight Champion lost to GSP. SF Welterweight Champion chickened out. Which SF champion is next for their downfall?

    • david m says:

      LOL at an internet fanboy calling Nick Diaz a coward. Nick Diaz has more than 30 professional MMA fights; how many do you have?

      Does he have serious psychological issues? Yes. Is he an immature moron? Yes. Is he a coward? Get the fuck out of here with that idiocy.

      Your whole posting style belongs in the Republican debates; you are still talking shit about Strikeforce even after the company was bought by the UFC. The idea that Diaz chickened out is beyond retarded; in your mind do you honestly believe Diaz was scared to fight? What a joke.

      Also the idea that Diaz just became a spaz NOW is a hell of a historical rewrite. I guess things like the truth don’t stop your revisionism. Do you not remember his 3 marijuana related fuck-ups? Do you not remember Diaz’s positive test after the Gomi fight costing him a win? Do you not remember Diaz being pulled from a bout against Jae Suk Lim in 2008 for smoking weed and thus not getting cleared? Do you not remember him being pulled from a bout against Hieron in 2009 for not getting his urine test done on time?

      In your pea brain, Diaz was mentally fine until he got to the UFC; it was the pressure that “broke” him, not his already-well-established tendency to fuck up.

      • Zack says:

        LOL @ Diaz being a coward. I’m sure you consider Karo a coward too eventhough he was fighting grown men when he was 16.

        This is a bummer though. All blame aside, I was really looking forward to this matchup and Condit vs GSP just isn’t as exciting.

      • 45 Huddle says:

        Who said he was mentally fine before the UFC?

        But never in this sport have we seen such a dick tuck the magnitude of Nick Diaz. The guy is straight up afraid. So much that his coach threw him under the bus and told everybody that he snuck out his back down.

        Sneaking out your coaches back door? That’s not a social disorder…. That’s straight up coward. He talks tougher then any other man in this sport. He is purely overcompensating for what he doesn’t believe deep down.

        I know this will take some time for you…. but even in this pead sized brian of mine…. I have already figured out the truth…. That your idol is a mental midget and a coward.

        He got everything he ever asked for in this fight…. Money, GSP, Respect…. And he was too scared to get beat that he sabotaged it.

        Nick will forever be rememberd as the biggest fraud this sport has known….

        • Rutger says:

          Ah well you see, you’ve made the classic mistake of assuming you know what you’re talking about there (pead sized brians aside.)

          You are also assuming that Diaz knew he’d get dropped from the fight for not turning up to a press conference, I’m not sure you can credit the man with that much intuition to be honest. He may have sabotaged his relationship with Zuffa, and that he would have certainly seen coming. That’s clearly his reasoning (whether logical or not) rather than being afraid of a well mannered Canadian.

          He’s just the attention seeker at school that swore at anyone who tried to tell him how to act or what to do, and this is f*** you to the world. Pointless way to be, certainly, but so what?
          At the end of the day, he gets paid for punching people in the face. Why expect anymore from him than that?

          If he was genuinely afraid as you suggest, more people other than yourself would be able to see it. I can’t personally. All I see from him is some street punk with an attitude problem whose never shown anything in the way of fear when up against anyone. He’s stood in the pocket sticking his chin out at some relatively dangerous strikers more times than I can be bothered to remember, not really the act of a fearful man. Mad perhaps, but not fearful.

        • 45 Huddle says:

          “If he was genuinely afraid as you suggest, more people other than yourself would be able to see it. I can’t personally.”

          Are you serious?

          He ducked Hieron and Miller in Strikeforce. Hence the “Don’t Be Scared Homie” line…..

          And he even avoided seeing GSP before a fight….

          3 strikes he is out. If this was a 1 time thing give him the benefit of the doubt. This is the 3rd time in 2 years he tucked his balls between his legs after he talked a big game….

          Guys who are afraid…. Like Diaz…. Took more smack then needed to overcompensate…. It’s pretty simple.

    • RST says:

      I dont know if I’d call him a coward, I think he would fight anybody.
      I dont think he was scared to lose to GSP.

      He’s lost before.

      He’s definitely selfish though.
      I figure it was more a matter of him thinking he can do whatever he wants to do as long as he shows up on fightnight.

      I’ve met a lot of guys who are good at street fighting, and most of them act like that justifies them doing whatever they want to do.

      The thing is, Diaz may never back down from a fight, but they doesn’t equal getting paid for it.

      He can go down to the dope spot and fight all he wants. And maybe even get thrown in prison and fight some more. But I’ll tell you what, if he did go to prison your word is your bond. Thats all they have. So if you SAY you’re going to do something you better do it, or you’ll get in a fight that might not be so fair for you.

      BTW: I wonder if Diaz is under the impression that they would put up with this in boxing?

      Although I guess at a boxing PR he could at least just show up and start a fight. People dont seem to mind that as much for boxing.

      • 45 Huddle says:

        He wouldn’t fight Mayhem Miller after he said he would… So to say he would fight anybody has been proven false.

        Don’t be fooled by his tough guy words. He has a history of talking tough and then running for cover….

        • RST says:

          You might be right.
          Nobody knows what goes through Diaz’ head, maybe not even himself.

          But I have a hard time accepting him being afraid of mayhem out of all people.

          mayhem isn’t even that good.

          BTW: I’d also like to add to what I said about a “street fighters” mentality (jackson is another example).
          Almost all of them that I’ve met are also pretty much unemployable because of it.

          Without welfare, section 8 or prison most of them couldn’t survive.
          And thats why I have no sympathy for them.

        • edub says:

          He offered Mayhem a contract at the same weight he fought Shamrock and Smith at. Mayhem didn’t take the fight because “he couldn’t make it the weight. Eventhough he fought at 183 6 months prior against the corpse of Sakuraba.

          Against Heiron he was going to fail a piss test, and be sidelined for a year.

          Both situations were different than this.

  3. EJ says:

    Hopefully this will teach Zuffa a lesson, you don’t hand guys title shots that don’t earn them in and out of the cage. Nick Diaz had no business being in the cage with GSP, they are only lucky that he pulled this crap early and could replace him with little harm. This is one of the few times were Dana being a fan got the best of him but i’m just thankfull they pulled his card and sent a huge message to everyone of their fighters not to screw up their business or you’ll be SOL.

    • Nepal says:

      This doesn’t teach Zuffa a lesson. Guys don’t get title shots always because they “earn” them. This is a business, they get shots “sometimes” because they earn them and “sometimes” because a promoter can build a storyline that the masses will accept and will generate a ton of money for the promotion. Diaz fell into that category, GSP was a -350 to -400 for a reason. People know he was highly unlikely to beat GSP. Why do people keep pretending UFC is a meritorious organization? For the most part it is but frequently it’s a “make money org”.

      I think Diaz will get his walking papers after that video. It’s one thing for the boss to drop the F-bomb, it’s another for Diaz in his “apology speech” to yell “Fuck your mother” etc. That video would be a great addition to a future Diaz promotion – not. The guy as Dana says, “doesn’t play the game”. He should be gone.

      Otherwise put him in versus Fitch, Kos, Ellenberger, Hendriks, Story and he’ll get his ass handed to him anyway.

      • RST says:

        There was no apology in that video, he just blamed everything on everybody else.

        It was insultingly selfish IMO.

        He has a skewed outlook of the world like somebody owes him something.

        • edub says:

          Yep. That’s exactly why I think saying it’s because he’s scared is a wrong explanation.

          He’s just not all there.

  4. Rutger says:


    I am quite serious yes. I really don’t think the “don’t be scared homie” really proves anything does it? Other than that was the view of the fighter he supposedly ducked. Are we saying he is in fact a master of psychology and not just some guy who gets paid for fighting in a cage?

    Besides, I’m not convinced he would duck out anyway personally, at least not for fears sake. It doesn’t add up even slightly based on how he performs in the cage. But that is just an opinion based on the limited information I have access too, not a fact. You follow?

    I understand your point to be fair to you, but it seems a wild leap of logic (possibly the wrong word to use) to suggest that someone who acts like he’s fearless in the cage is actually fearful in reality. I’d have said, in his mind at least, he would be more fearful of being knocked out by Daley than GSP and he didn’t look like he was at all. The reasons behind his not choosing to go to the press conf or to fight Hieron or Miller are not clear to anyone other than Diaz. You can make an educated guess, sure, but that’s not what you are doing here.

    • 45 Huddle says:

      There is video footage of him saying he would fight at Middleweight…. Later, Miller said yes, and then Diaz refused.

      In the simpilist form…. Nick Diaz is that kid in High School who talks the toughest game to the badest kids in school. And then when those guys say okay to fight, he finds any way to back down.

      Diaz is not mastermind. But avoiding the press conference is pretty easy to see that deep down he was afraid of this fight and this is how it manifested externally.

      He got everything he asked for. GSP, Money, and respect…. And he purposely threw it all away. And don’t tell me he didn’t know this would happen. In fact he knew he wasn’t in the right so badly he avoided his own coaches….

      He’s just a scared little bully who is afraid to lose at this point in his career.

      • Rutger says:

        Like I said, no real basis beyond assumption that leads to that conclusion.
        Fear is certainly an explanation, but not one that seems to fit given all the other contradictory evidence to hand. Sure you can point to instances and say this proves cowardice, but you can easily pick and choose evidence to prove pretty much any stand point on anything. I’ve met lawyers who genuinely believe they could argue a case for Hitler successfully.

        As I said before, I don’t think you can say with any certainty that Diaz would assume this was the best way out of the fight, or if that was even what he wanted, smoking a joint is much easier anyway apparently! And I don’t really see why GSP would inspire fear in anyone anyway, least of all some street punk who apparently cannot stand anything vaguely conventional or authoritarian. If a low rent knock out artist like Dan Hardy can avoid a finish for 25 minutes against GSP I can’t see Diaz, even at his most paralysingly fearful, believing he couldn’t do better than that.

        Maybe he didn’t want the fight in the end. Maybe he suffers from chronic mood swings and the thought of explaining his mania to Gracie, let alone Dana White, was more than he was willing to take. Maybe he just wanted to piss Dana White off, mad idea I know. Maybe he has more serious social issues than anyone is giving him credit for and needs a shrink or some witch doctoring. Maybe he doesn’t like Zuffa and is deliberately causing them problems. Maybe he took too much meth at Gracies house and wigged out, people tend to head home at that point believing they are on some kind of crusade, so why not Diaz? In fact watching the video above you could easily believe this one to be the case!
        Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, and that’s the point, you don’t really know and neither do I. Pick one of the above though, they all make more sense than the cowardice angle.

      • Rutger says:

        Like I said, no basis beyond assumption to make that claim really.

        Sure, you can point to instances and use them to show your theory to be correct, but you can do that with pretty much anything – it doesn’t really make it so. I’ve met lawyers who genuinely believe they could get Hitler off of a war crimes conviction, this doesn’t mean Hitler was justified in killing millions does it. You may be right, he could be fearful, but this flies in the face of a bucket load of evidence to the contrary.

        I really don’t see how Diaz could be expected to know the fight would be dropped following the missed conference, surely a fine would be more likely in any case. I can’t believe he was looking for a way out due to fear, even if he was looking for a way out. And surely smoking a joint is an easier of ensuring this anyway. Diaz has never shown himself to be anything other than a punk with an aversion to anything conventional or authoritarian, and I hardly think GSP inspires much fear in anyone. If a low rent knock out artist like Hardy can avoid a finish for 25 minutes I don’t believe Diaz, even at his most paralysingly fearful, could possibly think he could do worse.

        Maybe he just decided he didn’t want to fight. Maybe he suffers from catastrophic mood swings and the thought of explaining his mania to Gracie, let alone White, was more than he could handle. Maybe he just doesn’t like Dana White, mad I know. Maybe he just wanted to cause Zuffa problems for his own mad reasons and never intended to fight for them in the first place. Maybe he just has bigger social/mental issues than anyone is giving him credit for and he needs help or a witch doctor. Maybe he just took too much meth at Gracies house and wigged out. People do tend to head home in that state believing they are some mission or other whether they understand why or not. Actually watching the video above that seems entirely likely.
        Maybe maybe maybe maybe, and that’s the point isn’t it. You don’t know, and neither do I. Pick one of the above though, they all make more sense than the cowardice angle.

  5. ergface says:

    Very dissaponting. I’m a huge fan of Nick and I was really looking forward to this fight, but at the same time I can’t fault the UFC for their response. UFC could still have elected to go on with the fight. If other fighters repeated this action in the future there is nothing to prevent UFC from applying a different standard. Still it was their choice and in the final analysis I can’t fault it.

    I second everyone pointing out to 45 Huddle that calling this guy a coward is silly. 45 you may be right in regards to the rest of your comments about Diaz, but buckets of blood, sweat and brain cells that Diaz has left behind in the cage belie the label coward.

    • 45 Huddle says:

      COWARD – a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.

      When you call people out…. And then avoid to fight them…. That is basically the definition of a coward.

      It would be one thing if he never called GSP out. But he did. He also said he would fight any Middleweights. And when it was presented to him, he ran from the chances to fight.

      That’s a coward.

      Just because he takes fights he at least has a solid shot at winning…. Doesn’t change the fact that he runs his mouth, doesn’t back it up, and then chickens out when they are a legit real opponent.

      • ergface says:

        45 thanks for the dictionary definition. There is plenty of video footage out there of Nick Diaz facing danger, difficulty, opposition and pain, and then behaving in ways that are far from being describable as timid or intimidated. Nothing in that dictionary definition of coward refers to the posturing, sleazy politics or backroom business inherent in the prize fighting game.

      • edub says:

        And there’s even more of instances of 45’s opinions and ideas being completely off base on this site.

      • david m says:

        You are one hell of a troll.

  6. BuddyRowe says:

    Fighter’s Only has some very interesting quotes from a recent interview. It doesn’t sound like Nick Diaz wants to be a fighter anymore. He has some sort of anxiety problem it would seem .

    About the whole Mayhem Miller thing. Everybody seems to forget that STRIKEFORCE wouldn’t allow Miller to fight on tv after the CBS brawl and just didn’t tell Miller that. So you can’t say Nick was ducking him. SF wouldn’t have signed Miller up for ANY fight. Cesar Gracie likely knew that but was unable to spill the beans.

  7. david m says:

    GSP is scared to fight Anderson Silva. HE IS A COWARD!!!! YOU SEE, UNIVERSAL RANKINGS DON’T WORK! GSP IS SCARED!

  8. bluerosekiller says:

    The kid has ADD. That much has been established.
    And, as a fellow sufferer of ADD, I know from personal experience that it often comes with other disorders that manifest themselves as one ages, like bi-polar disorder, OCD, intermitent rage disorder, oppositional defiant disorder & substance abuse issues.
    Any of this sound like familiar behavior by a certain individual?
    I know them well, because I’ve dealt with each & every one of them throughout the course of my life. And, it’s hell.

    I don’t believe that Nick just became totally unhinged or some such thing, I just think that he didn’t feel like doing the press, that sitting there for the press alongside the man whom he was going to be punching in the face soon was just his idea of torture. Because, boredom IS torturous for ADD sufferers & it breeds anger & a feeling of losing control.
    So, he said “F**k it, I’m not doing ’em”…
    To which, in the case of Scott Coker ( who played the role of enabler for the past couple of years ), there would have been little to no consequences for in the recent past. So, he probably thought he’d be yelled at by White & fined at most.
    Which, unfortunately, isn’t what happened.
    And, sometimes, hard lessons must be learned.
    Hopefully, now Diaz & his people will seek out some more in depth help for his mental/emotional heath issues & refocus on his career goals.


  9. bluerosekiller says:

    bluerosekiller says:

    September 7, 2011 at 8:39 pm

    OK, how about this?
    I’ve seen the YouTube video now & really don’t know what to make of it other than Diaz appears to be saying that his no show was caused by him missing his flight. Which, is no excuse at all really as he’s a grown ass man who should be responsible enough to make it to the airport on time. Especially now that he’s in the “big leagues” now.
    This isn’t Strikeforce where Scott coker would bend over backwards for Nick & make apologies for him.
    And, with network television in the mix now & big $$$ involved, this isn’t the UFC that he was used to dealing with back in the day either.
    Things are on a whole new level now, one that can’t hinge on Diaz’s whims & dodgy decision making.
    But, regardless, Nick is THE most attractive challenger for GSP & it’s a fight destined to make a TON of money.
    So, my thought is, what if Dana were to make Diaz a take it or leave the organization offer now.
    Offer him a spot on the undercard. Make him fight for the right to meet the winner of GSP-Condit next. It would keep him in the public eye, whet their appetite for his title shot should he win & also serve notice that he has to toe the line now & get with the program if he wants the big fights & the big $$$.

    What do you think?


    YES! YES! YES!

    I called this one last night, did I not?

  10. bluerosekiller says:

    Sorry, long time haters like 45 Huddle, but THIS is what Diaz deserves. NOT being cut.
    He’s lost the big $$$ championship opportunity, which is a legit punishment. AND, he suffered the heart in the throat scary ass feeling of thinking that he was likely out of a job. The only one in town that was prepared to pay him what he was worth to do what he does best…
    Which, just may have been the sort of attitude adjustment Nick needed.
    And, Dana & the boys MUST have liked what they heard back from Diaz & his peeps ’cause they made the BJ match on the spot.
    Which, to me, is AWESOME.
    NOW, I’m back to ordering the PPV on Halloween weekend & looking forward to my fav fighter in a great match up which will lead to bigger & better things.

    I’m thrilled.


    Nick Diaz KO2 BJ Penn BTW

    • 45 Huddle says:

      I actually like the Diaz/Penn fight.

      Diaz paid his penalty already. It’s time to move on. He is healthy…. So this fight makes sense.

      • EJ says:

        Not to me it doesn’t, this is what I talked about when I talked about Dana being a fan. Nick Diaz should be sent to the middle of the card and given nothing but one dimensional wrestlers until he gets the message. Not being put on a co-main event against BJ, the only think about this fight that I do like is that Penn is going to knock him the fuck out and end all of his hype. But overall it’s a another un-Zuffa like move and those are starting to pile up now which is worrisome to me.

        • david m says:

          Fortunately for mma fans who enjoy entertaining fights and exciting fighters, nobody cares about your opinion.

        • EJ says:

          You clearly care, and you also think very highly of yourself to think that you can speak for all mma fans but that’s par for the course with you isn’t it.

        • david m says:

          Meh, I have talked to a lot of mma fans and nobody I know gives a fuck about Carlos Condit. GSP has lost a lot of his luster/appeal because he has gotten so boring. Diaz is the anti-boring. So you can take your bullshit about earning a fight and go watch a best of Jon Fitch tape.

          Also, lol at me speaking for mma fans. Clearly Dana White put Diaz in the title match because he knows that mma fans actually like him and seek his fights out. Condit is an excellent fighter, no doubt, but he doesn’t have the “it” factor that makes people want to watch him.

        • EJ says:

          Clearly you’ve been talking to only Nick Diaz fans because the idea that fans care more about a guy who most don’t even know is ridiculous. And the reason Dana put Nick in to fight GSP is because Condit hadn’t done enough to put himself over the top but once he KTFO Kim it was easy to replace the nutjob with a real pro.

        • Alan Conceicao says:

          There’s pretty much zero logic whatsoever that Condit is as recognizable as Diaz. One of those two guys drew eyeballs and sold tickets, even if it was on a smaller stage than the UFC. The other guy never has, even with the UFC.

        • edub says:

          The things that would have made the GSP-Diaz fight sell better are Nick’s SF trinket, and the long sinstreak he has accrued (competition be damned). Both have seen by roughly the same amount of people, and are just as exciting.

          Diaz-GSP most likely would have done better PPV wise.

        • david m says:

          EJ-you are a moron.

          Edub-It is nice to be politically correct and try to fence-walk, but the truth is, there is no comparison between Diaz and Condit. I don’t mean as fighters, because they are both great, but rather in the aspect that draws people in. Diaz doesn’t give a fuck, and he is the most exciting guy to watch in the sport. When you watch Diaz, you can’t help but think he would be just as happy to fight in the parking lot for free. There is not a shred of professionalism to him, but it makes him more popular because he keeps winning.

          Condit is a great fighter too, don’t get me wrong. I was there when he “lost” to Kampmann and thought he was robbed. He hits hard, is aggressive with his subs, constantly scrambles, and keeps coming. He just has the charisma of a roll of toilet paper. People want to see Diaz v the Greasy Frenchman because they are polar opposites; GSP plays it safe at all costs; Diaz gives the middle finger to everyone. GSP says all the right things; Diaz says absolute nonsense or nothing at all. Diaz is real; GSP seems canned. It is not a knock on Condit to say that nobody cares about him or knows who he is except hardcore fans. Diaz has penetrated the public’s consciousness some; he has headlined Strikeforce shows that drew big ratings and big live crowds; he performs when it counts. Condit is an undercard fighter as far as the people are concerned.

      • edub says:

        I understand the factors you are speaking of when you talk about Diaz in terms of people watching him. But the fact is he’s never been “that” big of draw. He was going to be marketed as the SF champion, “the only guy left for GSP” (even when they just through Condit in there after the fact), and a guy on a 10 fight win-streak.

        “Diaz has penetrated the public’s consciousness some”

        This is a great statement right here. Diaz has gotten some press. But nothing like Kimbo, Fedor, Cung Le, or Frank Shamrock (who are the only guys outside of the UFC that have consistently had a good size following).

        Diaz was still going to have be “explained” to UFC fans, when it came to marketing him. Instead of being a UFC contender.

    • Oh Yeah says:

      Granite chinned BJ Penn has never even been knocked down.

      Nick Diaz has been getting knocked down by everyone recently.

      Your streak of one will be coming to an end.

  11. David M says:

    I can’t watch BJ vs Diaz. It would be like 45 watching Dana White fight against Lorenzo Fertitta; each landed punch will have me yelling “no!” at the screen

  12. RST says:


    Although these aren’t the action figure name brand combinations that the fanbois would prefer, I think these are actually much better matchups.

    Diaz didn’t have much of a chance against GSP’s wrestling, Condit does.

    And BJ will gladly ablige Diaz to go toe to toe in a burner, plus take every bit of attitude that Diaz can muster leading up to it with that spooky calm smirk that he does.

    Wala, cherry lemonade.

  13. bluerosekiller says:

    I still tend to think that Dana may have jumped the gun a wee bit in bumping Diaz from the main event…
    On the otherhand, the kid probably needed this sort of a wake up call. Notice that this isn’t the UFC that he was a part of before. It’s a far more corporate, mainstream sports organization than it was five years ago.
    So, now that he’s been given the message ( & obviously responded to it in a way that convinced Dana that Nick definitely “got it” ), there was no reason to punish him further by making him sit until a spot opened up on another card months down the line.
    A spot was open IMMEDIATELY & ( thankfully ) Dana was able to think outside the box by making a match as good as the one that Diaz was booted from.
    One that actually stands on equal footing as GSP’s title fight. Maybe even making the card MORE attractive to some folks than it was previously. Meaning everybody wins ( well, other than the fact that Diaz isn’t fighting for the belt & he’s making a lot less money ).


    • 45 Huddle says:

      It seems like there is a learning curve for the former Strikeforce fighters and some of their management.

      Typical merger stuff…..

  14. spacedog says:

    gotta say I like the shift. With a win Diaz can legitimize him self that much more and the rescheduled fight with GSP will only have that much more pop. If BJ wins, he shows the world he is still the man. Should be a fun fight, I hope they hit the mat at some point, I miss real BJJ match ups.

  15. RST says:

    Wow, did you guys read the Cesar Gracie response today?

    I’m not familiar with Cesar gracie, but this guy seems to be a real piece of work.

    Yesterday he’s apologizing and claiming that he cant understand whats wrong with Nick and he tried everything and that pulling Nick for his actions was understandable. Now he’s saying that Dana is unfairly punishing Nick by giving him Penn (and putting him back on the card at all I presume), and punishing “the fans” because nobody cares about Condit, etc, etc…

    I mean just wow.

    He’s lucky Nick isn’t fired, or even better shelved indefinitely.

    Apparently there are 2 ceser gracies:
    The understanding, rational (and probably BSing) Ceser, and the whining, greedy irrational cesar.
    Depending on the who he’s talking to and variables in the situation.

  16. Vic Mackey says:

    I can’t even imagine having enough free time to read a post from 45 Huddle.

  17. nike tn site says:

    Along with everything that appears to be developing throughout this specific subject matter, all your viewpoints are generally relatively refreshing. Having said that, I appologize, but I do not give credence to your entire idea, all be it exhilarating none the less. It looks to everyone that your commentary are generally not entirely validated and in fact you are generally your self not thoroughly convinced of your point. In any event I did enjoy reading through it.

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