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Your mandatory “Dana White talks about meeting Vince McMahon” video post

By Zach Arnold | July 24, 2011

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The amount of hedgy, coded answers one can read into what was said during this interview is rather numerous in nature.

Topics: Boxing, Media, MMA, StrikeForce, UFC, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “Your mandatory “Dana White talks about meeting Vince McMahon” video post”

  1. fd2 says:

    Dana famously only sleeps about four hours a night and works constantly, and that was when the UFC was the only thing on his plate. If Lorenzo said he wasn’t sure about the particulars of a STrikeforce negotiation I’d say it was complete bullshit, but it actually doesn’t strike me as that unbelievable that Dana isn’t really directly involved.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    Vince McMahon has already made the move from SpikeTV to a NBC network.

    Dana White is thinking about doing the same.

    Comparing notes perhaps?

    • fd2 says:

      It’s actually fairly well known in fighter circles that Dana and Vince talk on the phone regularly regarding ppv scheduling. (it’s not good for WWE or UFC if their ppvs are on the same day.) I doubt this is anything but two guys who talk regularly having lunch and catching up.

  3. Jonathan says:

    Can I just say that MMA is a different beast when it comes to owners and promoters and reporters when it comes to the clothes that they wear?

    Dana is wearing a black t-shirt, and Helwani is looking like a hipster in a black plaid shirt and tie and a beard.

    Compare them to some of the ESPN guys….and David Stern.

    • Kelvin Hunt says:

      If you want to look at attire…aside from a few select fighters(GSP, Rashad Evans, Jon Jones, Florian at least on MMA Live) dress poorly…not saying they should were a suit to EVERYTHING…but at least the press conferences man!


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