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Dana White’s comments breathe new life into the Chael Sonnen media controversy

By Zach Arnold | May 25, 2011

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Now that he has come out and said that the athletic commissions (California/Nevada) are punishing Chael Sonnen as harshly as Nevada punished Mike Tyson when he bit Evander Holyfield’s ear, I think it’s safe say that the discussion on this matter will continue. Bottom line: If UFC wants to book Chael Sonnen in Texas (ala Antonio Margarito), they can and they will. This whole situation is now on UFC’s door step. If they want to book Chael Sonnen, they can. If they think he’s finished and will have to fight in a state where he’ll run into problems with that state’s drug testing policy, then they won’t book him. The UFC, at this point, will not be able to hide under a commission’s ruling if they want to book Sonnen. They may as well get used to it, anyways, with Josh Barnett fighting on the Zuffa-run Strikeforce event in Dallas on June 18th.

Speaking of negative reaction towards Keith Kizer and the California State Athletic Commission, here’s round two from Marika Taylor. She accuses Mr. Kizer of conspiracy in relation to destroy Mr. Sonnen’s career. I don’t know if that, in and of itself, is a libelous statement but she has made the charge publicly.

Let’s see if she’ll go to Las Vegas and approach Mr. Kizer face-to-face.

“While Kizer and CSACs plot to end Chaels career entirely was intercepted, they still managed to keep him from making a living on TUF. I hope Chael sues the CSAC and includes Kizer in the lawsuit since he orchestrated the plan and got the CSAC to carry out his dirty work. The same day Chael submitted an application for a license in Nevada, CSAC created new suspension from thin air. Coincidence? I think not.

“Don’t understand what CSAC stood to gain by carrying out Kizer wishes or why Kizer has such a hard on for Chael. But I’ll expose everything. Kizer job description: go on radio do personal interviews, illegally talk and mock someones private medical condition imply wrongdoing, then boldly create a fake suspension in California so he doesn’t have to look like a douche bag for not giving Chael a Nevada license. Kizer got his panties in a knot when he thought Chael misquote him at December CSAC hearing. Chael clarified he had never spoken to Kizer about testosterone replacement therapy but that he believed his manager did. Keith denies ever speaking to either of them only to change his story under oath last Wednesday when faced with phone records between him and lindland Kizer squirmed around and completely changed story. Repeatedly at that same hearing that his manager spoke to Kizer re TRT disclosure not him personally. There was no ambiguity.

“The whole fake suspension was based around what Kizer told CSAC was inconsistent statements..even tho they were clarified in December. And even though Kizer was never at the hearing. when Kizer went on the radio and branded Chael a liar, they all had a meeting to clear thing up. Lorenzo Fertitta and Dana Chael and lindland all sat down with Kizer to clear the air. Kizer flat out refused to license Chael, then called CSAC, made up this suspension and then arrogantly told the press he wouldnly license Chael until he resolved his issues with CSAC. Chael had already resolved his issues with CSAC and had served his suspension for what CSAC believed was improper disclosure of medication. Chael Sonnen was moving on with his life and excited to be on TUF and go back to earning a living. Kizer single handedly stopped that.

“At the Hearing last Wednesday Kizer swore under oath. Actually he instead of saying so help me God Kizer arrogantly said “so help Me.” Pretty appropriate since Kizer has absolute power and is clearly playing God. Under kizers version of a solemn oath Kizer changed his story. Chael is branded a liar for one statement he made in December that he repeatedly clarified. Kizer goes out of his way waaaaaay out of his across state lines to nail Chael, when Kizer himself was inconsistent. Only when faced with phone records and after speaking with lindland Keith Kizer admitted that his memory was jogged. He does remember speaking to lindland about TRT. Who’s the liar now? Oh but Kizer wanted to pipe in that he never told Lindland that he didn’t have to disclose TRT. Oh That part he remembers. How convenient. Kizer is childish, petty and unprofessional. He’s an attention whore. Hes a wanna be gangster, a bold faced liar and as corrupt as can be. Kizer prevented Chael from making a living, defamed his character, disclosed a private medical condition publicly and is a disgrace to NSAC.

“CSAC maintains Chaels license expires June 29th, even though it actually expired last September.”

I’ll end this post by bringing up some comments that were made by Steve Cofield of Yahoo’s site on ESPN1100 radio when he was hosting an MMA segment with Roy Nelson and Adam Hill (of the Las Vegas Review-Journal). The subject of Chael Sonnen’s suspension came up and they were critical of the way the athletic commissions are handling the matter…

STEVE COFIELD: “Chael Sonnen. So he goes and speaks in front of, he testifies in front of the California State Athletic Commission. They say, no, 4-1, you’re not getting your license back. Now, we’re looking ahead, he’s officially banned until the middle of 2011. … Which effectively says, I guess you can go somewhere else and fight and get a license in another state but is the UFC going to go against the California commission and allow Chael Sonnen to fight? Is two years too severe for what he did?”

ROY NELSON: “Um… the way I look at it is… first they gave him, it’s like if you go to a court case and if you get a sentence for six months, you can’t go back and go, well, you know what? Now we’re going to do a year, two years. I mean, they already gave him a sentence of six months, they reduced it to six months, so stick it. And now they’re just mad because they either look stupid or they’ve got a little peeve.”

STEVE COFIELD: “It’s like double jeopardy. They found out afterwards that he may have, you know, was playing his character, so we’re going to get you.”

ROY NELSON: “So, they want to penalize him but I mean there’s blatantly guys where they’re like, yeah, I cheated, I did this, I did that. I mean, he told them before even the tests came out, so it really is on them. So, but you know, I mean, I’ve seen guys go, ‘yeah, I cheated’, and then they go, ‘OK, don’t do it again,’ ‘okay,’ and then they give them a year. Now, they’re just doing two years, I mean, I don’t think Chael should be penalized that way. I think he should just go ahead and fight outside California.”

ADAM HILL (LVRJ): “It was extremely harsh what they did and I think some of the reasons they did it are complete unfair. First of all, they brought up his money laundering case, which… I don’t know what’s going on, boxers all the time… We talked off the air about it, there’s boxers coming out of jail and going out to fight, how is that not harming the sport yet Chael Sonnen’s money laundering charge is? That’s crazy. And they also use statements he made in the media to disprove things he said on the record to the commission. That’s insane. He can say whatever he wants to the media. I want guys to be honest to be but they don’t have to be, they’re not under oath when they’re talking to the media. You can’t use what he says in interviews to discredit what he says in the commission hearing, that’s insane.”

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 31 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

31 Responses to “Dana White’s comments breathe new life into the Chael Sonnen media controversy”

  1. Mark says:

    They won’t book him in another state. These guys lived through the war to get MMA regulated by ACs, they believe just one negative incident could turn ACs against them, they’re not going to risk it for Chael Sonnen.

    Although I really doubt C.S.A.C. would do much to them beyond a public rebuke since they make so much money off of them, since it’s not like he committed any great crime against the sport like Margarito, they just aren’t going to take the risk.

    The difference between Barnett in Texas and Sonnen in Texas is #1 the decision to book Barnett was made by Strikeforce who were desperate and #2 Zuffa doesn’t want to pull him because they know Strikeforce is very low on name fighters who haven’t been defeated and taken out of a title picture. The UFC has several options for the Middleweight division beyond Chael Sonnen fights.

  2. TomK says:

    Who is Marika Taylor? It’s kind of odd that she has a “Recent Chael Sonnen news” section on her own website. Can you be a host of a documentary series that no one ever sees?

  3. Yeah, it really sucks how Sonnen is getting the screws to him just because he made an official government body look stupid by committing perjury and providing false evidence under oath.

    I can’t stress that enough. Sonnen committed a crime in his December 2nd testimony. It’s not a matter of he said/she said. It’s a matter of being called before an official government sanctioning body and giving an oath that requires you to be honest, if not forthright.

    There’s no “conspiracy” against Sonnen. When you commit perjury and falsify evidence, there are consequences, and often they are harsher than being given a longer time-out than was initially given.

    As for Dana, he should do himself and the UFC a favor and cut this guy loose. His schtick is entertaining, but he’s a PR powder keg.

  4. Tomer says:

    Even if the remarks are libelous, it’s not like Kizer would actually sue her, particularly since he’d have to prove actual malice, which is a higher standard than the normal preponderance of the evidence.

  5. Steve4192 says:

    That Marika Taylor chick is a nutjob, but she does make a salient point about California rushing to re-suspend him after he applied for a Nevada license.

    It’s pretty clear (my opinion) that Kizer called in a favor. He had no basis on which to deny Chael in his own jurisdiction, so he had CSAC extend their suspension, giving him a basis to deny Chael’s application.

  6. 45 Huddle says:

    1) Sonnen needs to learn to keep his mouth shut and just go with his suspension. Nothing good comes from opening your mouth and getting into verbal confrontations with the people who sanction you.

    2) The CSAC is being vindictive.And as somebody else said, they are penalizing him twice, which is absolutely wrong.

    Both are in the wrong here.

  7. The Gaijin says:

    Sonnen is going to have been suspended for less than 11 months when it’s all said and done – the CSAC has said that he will in fact be eligible to re-apply for a licence once his suspension is up June 29, 2011.

    I imagine that he’ll face heightened scruntiny in the application vis his need for the TRT exemption, and so he should.

    The CSAC on the whole stinks, Sonnen is a cheater and got off far lighter than he should have given that: the proper suspension for pissing hot is 1 year (he didn’t even get that), he committed perjury in his initial hearing that lead to the “lighter” sentence, he brought the reputation of the NSAC (one of the actual good commissions) and Kizer into disrepute with his lies in an attempt to save his ass and he continues to lie under oath even at his latest hearing which was the result of his initial lies.

    This is all without even considering the fact that, by his own admission, he has been using steroids since 2008 without proper authorization/documentation. So for all the crack-Sonnen addicts frothing to “get their fix”, the only reason he’s had all these “great accomplishments” that even remotely making him “deserving” of the chance to have a 2nd title shot is due at least in part to his admitted juicing.

    What a farce.

  8. edub says:

    California’s suspension is now up in June of this year. That is roughly a year suspension. He isn’t being suspended twice. The ruling of a 6 month leniency was overruled by the commission because of the money laundering, and false testimony.

    The only California did wrong here is maybe giving too harsh a punishment for a non-violent crime (however I have changed my stance and don’t see it as too negative to put emphasis on a fighters personal affairs). The other is waiting too long to actually try him for the false testimony. As soon as Gross made the statement about Keith Kizer denying the conversation with Chael the CSAC should have made another hearing date ASAP. Not wait 9 months.

    • Steve4192 says:

      “I have changed my stance and don’t see it as too negative to put emphasis on a fighters personal affairs”

      I don’t buy that.

      The commission never went into the personal lives of guys like Chris Leben and Josh Neer and gave them suspensions for multiple drunk driving convictions. Ditto for War Machine and his multiple assault & battery convictions. Same goes for hundreds of other fighters with criminal records that compete around the country. They let the courts decide their punishment and that is the end of it.

      Why are Chael’s out-of-the-cage problems the only ones to get addressed in such a manner? IMO, it is because Chael made them look stupid and they wanted to return the favor and drag him through the mud. It was petty and vindictive and completely unnecessary. They already had him dead-to-rights on the Kizer thing. There was no need to drag his money laundering conviction into things other than to embarrass the man.

      • edub says:

        I never said it was exactly right. What I am saying is people with high paying jobs in this country have to keep their personal lives in check. I can’t go out and get a conviction and keep the job I have, nor can millions of other Americans. So I don’t have a problem with it anymore.

        Just because other guys haven’t been punished from Commissions in the past because of their discrepancies, doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to punish anybody else because of it. Besides why is their no need to embarrass him? Because he treated the commission and the appeals process with the upmost respect? No Chael is getting killed right now for his shadyness about TRT, and his handling of the commission process. If he’s embarrassed because of it the only person he should blame is himself.

        • Steve4192 says:

          I’m not saying Chael didn’t deserve it. Hell, I think he got off light. I’m saying the commission should be above that kind of petty & vindictive behavior.

        • edub says:

          Is it really that vindictive though? All they are doing is listing it as a background of the person whose main crime was lying about a conversation with a fellow commission head. Why not give the background of a convicted fellon when calling into question his honesty or trustworthyness (don’t know if that’s a word)?

        • Steve4192 says:

          They did more than just ‘list it as background’. They devoted a significant chunk of the hearing to it.

        • edub says:

          Ok I didn’t know that, so no that’s probably not neccesary. I just really don’t mind a guy with his background getting his name drug through the mud I guess.

          The real problem I have with this situation is the time it took for the false testimony to be punished. As you say below if it was all handled in a timely manner we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

      • Though it may not relate to how a SAC should weigh someone’s “personal life” per se, it is worth noting re: the comparison of Neer/Leben and Sonnen that Sonnen, unlike the others mentioned, was convicted of a federal crime.

        I’d have to look at CSAC’s guidelines to know for certain, but it’s possible the inclusion of his conviction in Oregon may be more of a procedural matter than people think.

  9. Steve4192 says:

    Adam Hill also made a great point about them using statements he made in interviews to disprove things he said on the record.

    That whole hearing was a sham. They clearly had an agenda and no intention of giving Chael a fair shake. The outcome was already decided long before either lawyer presented their case. They were out for blood and Chael was going down no matter what.

    I have no problem with Chael getting busted for fibbing his way to a reduced suspension, but why bother with the dog & pony show if you have no intention of giving him a fair shake? Just announce his punishment and be done with it. Let him challenge your decision in a real, honest-to-goodness civil courtroom if he wants to appeal. That kangaroo court that they staged was a mockery.

  10. The Gaijin says:

    Co-sign. I cannot believe people are getting sucked into the “Chael the Martyr” b.s.

    Dude cheated; got caught 4x over acceptable limit; lied his way through a hearing under oath and dragged another AC and its director into it to save his ass (an AC that has quite a bit of credibility and runs in Zuffa’s home state, no less); got busted on that lie under oath and was pulled back onto the carpet to “defend” prior statements which he tried to twist again and again in his favour (not to mention lying under oath again at the follow-up hearing); and was ultimately suspended for less than 11 months!

    Wow, that’s so harsh man! Think of his family and his livelihood and the good of the sport! This is truly unconstitutional, a miscarriage of justice, abuse of power, and railroading of an innocent man who was just ready to move on with his life! A man cheats, lies repeatedly and is *gasp* PUNISHED by having his privilege (not right) suspended for less than a year!!!…these guys are on a witch hunt!

    • Steve4192 says:

      I agree that Chael got off light.

      In a perfect world, he would have got the original 12 months plus another 6 after his perjury was exposed.

      However, CSAC has got to shoulder a lot of the blame for this fiasco. They have created an environment where fighters are rewarded, for using creative half-truths (Phil Baroni), pseudo-science (Sean Sherk), or just plain old insults (James Toney) to contest their suspensions. Meanwhile, guys who come clean and beg for mercy (Hermes Franca) are given no quarter whatsoever. In that environment, who can blame a fighter for trying his luck after getting caught red handed?

      Chael got his suspension reduced by providing hearsay evidence of a conversation that never happened. How pitiful is that? They never should have reduced his suspension without getting confirmation from Kizer. Call him up on the phone. Adjourn for a few weeks if necessary. What kind of rinky-dink outfit just takes a defendant at his word? They deserve to get burned for that.

      Hopefully, this incident will put an end to CSAC rubber stamping a reduction on every suspension that gets contested. If you are going to hand out suspensions, stick to them. Quit being namby-pamby and caving in every time a fighter shows up and calls you names.

      • The Gaijin says:

        Oh I fully agree – I made an early comment about how the CSAC is ultimately a sad joke (regardless of Chael getting some “just desserts”), but it seems to be lost in the filters.

        However, I won’t give quarter to the ridiculous line of thinking of guys like EJ who try to play the “Well, the CSAC sucks and is a joke so Chael should get off easy because HE made the hearing into such a joke. He cheated and got a 6-month sentence based on a web of fabrications, but I don’t want to see them even attempt to address the whole issue because I like to hear him talk about his Mexican alter-ego!”

        • EJ says:

          Nice way to spin things again, i’ve never said that Chael should get off easy. What i’ve called into question is the CSAC unproffesional behaviour and the fact that they have no credibility which Sonnen exposed in their 2 sham hearings.

          The fact that this Marika Taylor chick seems to be the only one that actually undestands how disgracefull Kizer and the CSAC behaviour has been continues to baffle me.

          There are tons of smart people and even with the Sherk debacle there were some people who called out the CSAC. But it seems that with Sonnen there is almost no one that sees or maybe they just don’t want to see just how big of a joke this thing has become.

        • The Gaijin says:

          Marika Taylor is a mark and an idiot with an obvious agenda and no grip on reality – and if you want to talk about “spinning things”, woah boy, look no further than her insane ramblings. The fact that you continue to point to her as some kind of Woodward and Bernstein is hilarious.

          What has Sonnen “exposed”? That if you lie, lie and lie some more under oath and try to sewer someone else’s reputation by using them as your “alibi” when it’s patently false, you’ll be able to convince people to reduce your sentence? And then when all these people find out about it and your story changes 10 more times, you’ll get called on it and they may want you to answer for those lies?

        • EJ says:

          Again you’re reaching at no point did I make any such claim about her, hell I still don’t know who the hell she is. And I continue to be surprised that someone like her of all people seems to be the only on point about this entire CSAC debacle.

          Sonnen has exposed everything about the CSAC commission do you even read my post on the matter. Their appeals process and hearings are a fraud both were exposed in his dealings with them. The fact that they reversed their original suspension then turned around after being made to look foolish and buried Sonnen without any facts. Now they don’t even know their own rules on suspensions proven by the fact they keep giving different dates about when Sonnen’s is up.

          Seriously how can anyone with half a brain keep ignoring the fact that are there plain as day when it comes to these idiots. Yet here we are still talking about Sonnen instead of talking about the CSAC and Keith Kizer’s role in this debacle it’s incredible to me.

        • The Gaijin says:

          That’s such a strawman – EVERYONE is acknowledging that the CSAC is a joke and this thing has been a mess from the get go. But here you are (and she is) trying to say “no one’s looking at the CSAC” and that it’s a travesty/farce that Sonnen had his suspension increased because he ultimately got busted for steroids and then lying about it to the commission.

          Did they fuck up? Yes.
          Was this a total mess from the get go? Yes.
          Was justice ultimately served and did Sonnen get what he deserved? Yes. Though he probably wasn’t even punished anywhere near as much as he should have.

          The best part is, this is all you trying to save face for trying to be so smarmy for weeks about how impotent the CSAC and Kizer were to do anything about Sonnen (almost) getting away with it and how we were all idiots for saying they’d get him in the end. You were fine with it being a joke so long as he got away with it, but now that it’s a joke but they caught him in their kangaroo court it’s some travesty of the week.

          Also, LOL. – “The fact that they reversed their original suspension then turned around after being made to look foolish and buried Sonnen without any facts.”

          Yes, no facts whatsoever, other than the ones about all of his facts being, ya know, not facts – and the actual facts being put on the record. But keep telling yourself that.

        • Mark says:

          but now that it’s a joke but they caught him in their kangaroo court it’s some travesty of the week.

          This is the key thing that gives me endless migraines everytime I go on any MMA message board or comments section.

          At least twice a month, there’s some issue that everybody is sure is going to lead to the downfall of MMA, or is going to cripple the sports public standing forever. And it is always forgotten in less than a month.

          It has been everything from the “Elite asking Seth Petruzelli to stand with Kimbo” incident, to GSP getting caught using vaseline against Penn, to Sakuraba being allowed to fight in California, to the questionable scoring of the first Shogun/Machida fight, to scores of other things I can’t even remember because they meant absolutely nothing.

          I don’t know why, but the MMA fan community seems to attract a bunch of paranoid people with strange imaginations that like to believe the end is near more often than Harold Camping. I don’t know if they really believe it, or if it’s just entertainment for them to pretend minor situations are our doom. But you do not see this behavior in any other sports fanbase.

          So, trust me. Unless Chael does an R. Budd Dwyer and blows his brains out on MMA Live to protest the suspension, nobody is going to remember this happened. It will be a footnote to the history of the Middleweight division. And if Chael has a big comeback when he returns, maybe even just a footnote on his career.

        • EJ says:

          ” The best part is, this is all you trying to save face for trying to be so smarmy for weeks about how impotent the CSAC and Kizer were to do anything about Sonnen (almost) getting away with it and how we were all idiots for saying they’d get him in the end. You were fine with it being a joke so long as he got away with it, but now that it’s a joke but they caught him in their kangaroo court it’s some travesty of the week.

          Also, LOL. – “The fact that they reversed their original suspension then turned around after being made to look foolish and buried Sonnen without any facts.”

          Yes, no facts whatsoever, other than the ones about all of his facts being, ya know, not facts – and the actual facts being put on the record. But keep telling yourself that”

          Funny how you keep trying to make this about everyone and everything except the CSAC, this has nothing to do with me. I already said that I was wrong and I misjudged just how low the CSAC and Kizer would stoop to get back and Sonnen for making them look like clowns.

          But hey according to you it doesn’t matter how inept and corrupt they are as long as they punish Sonnen talk about a mark. That’s the difference between us this has always been bigger than Sonnen it’s about mma being in the hands of morons who are causing harm to the sport and have been exposed at every turn.

          Finally which facts would those be?, these idiots don’t even know their own rules or when Sonnen was originally suspended. Let me guess, you probably thought they presented facts against Sherk too right? smfh.

        • The Gaijin says:

          “Finally which facts would those be?”

          Since apparently you live in some ignorance filled dream world and don’t know your ass from your elbow, let me spell it out for you:

          SONNEN CLAIM – aka PERJURY: Sonnen said he did not do so [inform the CSAC of his “TRT use”] in part because Nevada State Athletic Commission executive director Keith Kizer was aware of the prescribed testosterone treatment and approved it as part of that state’s therapeutic use exemption program. (Hint: this is a LIE – can’t figure it out? Just wait for his “revised” answers).

          KIZER’S IMMEDIATE RESPONSE: [Kizer] [i]mmediately denied ever having conversations with the fighter, and specifically said a discussion involving steroids and therapeutic use exemptions did not take place. Sonnen, Kizer countered, has not been issued a therapeutic use exemption in Nevada.

          SONNEN’S REVISED STORY: When Kizer’s denied a conversation ever taking place, he claimed Kizer told him to keep things quiet, that everything was taken care of, and that Kizer had to deny it due to HIPPA laws.

          SONNENS’S RE-REVISED STORY: He misspoke and his management spoke with Kizer and got the permission on his behalf.

          KIZER’S RESPONSE: A conversation happened with Matt Lindland in 2008 that was general in nature, never mentioned the name Chael Sonnen and no formal application was submitted or permission was provided.

          SONNEN: …

          Meanwhile – CSAC Exeutive Officer George Dodd started investigating because NSAC Executive director gave statements that directly conflicted Sonnen’s.

          NEW HEARING:

          1. Sonnen’s various post December hearing interviews are put on the record. Each of them contradictory to his initial under oath testimony. FACT

          2. Kizer provides his response (the facts) to statements made in December by Sonnen, which directly contradicts Sonnen’s initial testimony (lies) – these facts are now on the record with the CSAC:

          a. Kizer and Matt Lindland had an informal conversation about TRT exemptions, never mentioning Chael Sonnen, never submitted an application nor any permission provided. FACT.

          b. Sonnen never had a conversation with, applied for, or received any sort of permission from, the NSAC regarding an exemption for TRT. FACT.

          c. Kizer and the NSAC never told Sonnen, “not declare testoterone injections in pre-bout medical questionnaire.” [b/c of the HPPA]. FACT.

        • edub says:

          Only word for this is Pwned. I don’t even think EJ knows what he’s arguing anymore.

          First it’s Chael made them look like clowns, haha.

          Then it’s they are treating him unfairly, and they are a corrupt body who operates without factual evidence.
          (Facts of case are presented)

          Then it’s we’re just not talking about the same thing. I just want to see this corrupt commission have it’s downfall because they are corrupr and don’t know what they’re doing. Which is very odd considering this only comes up after Chael (a guy EJ has championed on this site for over a year at least) gets suspended indefinitely for lying through the whole appeals process that is setup for his own defense.

          Can we drop this now, or is another option going to emerge out of thin air that proves Chael is getting treated like a Jew in Nazi Germany?

        • EJ says:

          Gaigin seriously when are you going to stop with trying to school me with these long winded and just wrong recaps?. Save them for someone who hasn’t been following and knows everything about this case from the start. That doesn’t work with me just like our little back and forth about Pacman and JMM it only makes you come off as trying way too hard.

          Also funny how you left out all the “facts” that have to do with the CSAC’s inept and idiotic behaviour. But that’s to be expected since you seem to spend every argument and post making it about everyone else under the sun except the CSAC.

          It’s almost like you basically took the case and ignored everything else except the accusations and supposed lies from Sonnen which is a joke. But again that isn’t a surprise at this point your like the prosecutor which wants jurors to ignore the corrupt behaviour of police officers and still find someone guilty. Except that if the head stinks the fish is dead and that’s the difference between us, you trust everything those inept idiots say and do and I say bs and reject it.

          Finally edub, I don’t know where the hell you’ve been but i’ve been calling out the CSAC since the Sherk debacle. I’ve also said from day one that it’s about them not Sonnen. Which sadly seems to be the reason why many have ignored the CSAC behaviour in all of this which is pathetic.

        • The Gaijin says:

          “Gaigin seriously when are you going to stop with trying to school me with these long winded and just wrong recaps?. Save them for someone who hasn’t been following and knows everything about this case from the start. That doesn’t work with me just like our little back and forth about Pacman and JMM it only makes you come off as trying way too hard.”

          That’s funny because I provide things based in reality, which you are clearly far to out of touch with – so you’re right, I’m not sure why I bother engaging with someone that’s not on the same level of intellectual ability. You ask me to tell you what “facts” they considered in “burying him” – I provided you a laundry list of facts that they had put on the record at the 2nd hearing and you just seem to want to ignore them.

          Funny – just like the JMM/Pac conversation. You keep making shit up or plugging your ears to ignore factual arguments and accusing someone of being “wrong” then providing nothing, again. That’s right, I forgot during that conversation you just ran back under your little bridge never to be heard from again on the topic. Where am I wrong? I’m not trying too hard, I enjoy putting in minimal effort to make you look foolish every time 🙂

          “It’s almost like you basically took the case and ignored everything else except the accusations and supposed lies from Sonnen which is a joke.”

          Hahaha. So your problem is I took all the facts of Sonnen’s the case, most pertinent surrounding his perjury from his defense at the Dec. 2010 hearing, laid them out for everyone to see and said at the (beginning, middle and) end of the day, Sonnen got his just desserts and was suspended? Cool. That’s a big problem there, I see how you could shake your head about that.

          Again, you asked me to show you what “facts” they considered and I wrote you a very easy to read list of new facts that they did not have the ability to consider at the Dec. 2, 2010 hearing. You just choose to close your eyes and plug your ears so you can live in your cozy little dream world.

          But it’s ok – I get it. You keep trying to get into arguments and I keep knocking them out of the park time and again, and you look dumb as per usual. So please continue with your goalpost moving imaginary arguments, to the point that you don’t even know what you’re arguing about. It’s ok, one of these days you’ll figure it out.

          But let’s get this straight – you think the CSAC is inept and bad at their job? Wow…Kojak, how did you put that all together?! Too bad none of us thought so either, it takes a big man to stand by such an unpopular argument like that.

          Again, I’ll say – it’s quite funny how you had no problem with the CSAC being a bunch of dummies when you thought Sonnen made them look foolish so he could get off on his B.s. defense. But now that they actually half-wisened up and tried to make good by taking him to task, it’s an outrage and you and Marika Taylor won’t be stopped until you can get Sonnen back on TV making fun of British people’s teeth and calling Anderson Silva a spook. *Star Spangled Banner starts playing*

      • sammy says:

        Well the problem is that most MMA fans who have issues with the CSAC are not for your well-explained reasons above…rather it is because they are mad at things like Sean Sherk’s suspension being upheld..and other ludicrous reasons.

        If everyone articulated their criticism of the CSAC as well as you have, then I would agree, but most people just think the CSAC sucks because they suspended their favorite fighter or didnt believe their BS excuses (ie, Sherk and Sonnen)

        • EJ says:

          The fact that you called the Sherk suspension ludicrous shows just why it doesn’t matter how well anyone like myself or Marika Taylor articulates the problems with the CSAC.

          People like you will always choose to turn a blind eye to their corrupt and inept practices no matter how many times they are exposed. Anyone that did any sort of research into the Sherk case would see just how badly they screwed him over. The same goes for Sonnen and his case, you really have to have blinders on to not see those facts.

          The mistake you and other keep making is trying to make it about the fighters when it’s not about them. You can replace Sherk and Sonnen with John Doe and John Smith and it would still be an outrage what the CSAC has done to them.

          So you can keep trying to convince yourself and others that nobody is making legit points about them. Or you can wake up and look at the facts and you’ll see just why the CSAC is a joke and has no credibility the choice is yours.

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