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Bellator 25 at the Chicago Theatre

By Zach Arnold | August 19, 2010

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The card line-up for tonight’s event on FSN/Comcast Sportsnet:

Dark matches

Main card

Topics: Bellator, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 14 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

14 Responses to “Bellator 25 at the Chicago Theatre”

  1. tycott says:

    Are you gunna do a post about Kennedy’s media are zuffa yes men speil?

    • Zach Arnold says:

      You’re referring to this:

      LT: You totally have the floor. Whatever you feel like, say it.

      TK: I think you guys are mostly yes-men. You kinda cover the stories that you think every– Like, I can only hear about Brock Lesnar so many times, and I don’t care. The guy has six fights. I want to hear about the real down-and-dirty stories that are really plaguing the industry, like how guys have to go down to Mexico to get knee surgery, or how 65 to 70% of MMA athletes don’t even have insurance, or how some boxer is about to make $24-30 million for a fight and we have fighters that make, on average, $2-3,000 a fight. Those are things that not many people talk about, but, in my opinion, are like the relevant, disgusting, black-eye issues of the sport. And, I don’t know, we’re just kind of soft. We like to print things that most people like to read, but we’d never really get down to some of the things that should be improved.

      Someone needs to introduce this guy to our site. Pronto.

      • 45 Huddle says:

        Kennedy talked a big game, but really is clueless about a lot of the things he talked about.

        He needs to educate himself on the difference between an employee and an independent contractor and why it legally makes sense for UFC fighters to be classified as the later of the two. And then look at why health benefits are out of the question. Does he bring up how the UFC voers all medical costs for a fighter during competition? Do the other organizations do this?

        He needs to educate himself on how much money Joe Stevenson made in 12 months and him not having health insurance was a dumb fighter move and a national health care issue.

        He needs to educate himself on business maturity cycles and how boxing is at full maturity and actually slightly on a decline. And how MMA is still in a growth period. This is one of the reasons why pay is different. Not to mention that the entire structures of each sport are different and that changes pay. And how about if fighters did make Floyd Mayweather money how that would actually HURT the sport and give us less stacked cards.

        I swear these Strikeforce fighters are getting little man complex. They are in the minor leagues and feel the need to bolster themselves up more. He’s almost as bad as Josh Thomson trolling the UG and saying how Bobby Lashley is a better wrestler then Brock Lesnar and how the SF Heavyweight Division is better then the UFC’s.

        Lastly…. Let’s talk about if the media is really a bunch of “yes men”. A great way to see how they view the sport is through their rankings. Time and time again they put in far too many non-UFC fighters and rank them far beyond what they have ever accomplished. Out of the main 7 weight classes, the UFC really has about 60 to 62 of the Top 10 guys (out of 70). It is hard to find rankings that give the UFC more then ~52 ranked fighters. If anything, the MMA Media is a cheerleader for most non-Zuffa businesses in a hope that somebody will slay the giant.

        Sherdog jumped through hoops to try and justify the IFL as being important. The entire media pushed Affliction like they were some awesome events, when on paper they were solid but nothing off the charts great. Sure they had a lot of big names, but most of the fights were easy to predict the winners of. The media completely downplayed Pride’s downfall.

        Even with Bellator now. Who in the media is really talking about their problems? They all ignore it. They don’t push the issue on how Bellator is likely in the red and won’t be back after season 3. They barely publish any stories about DREAM not paying many of their foreign fighters. If it was the UFC, there would be a weeks worth of articles bashing them.

        The MMA Media is much more critical of the UFC and gives the rest of these organizations a free pass in ways that they shouldn’t. Kennedy is full of it.

      • edub says:

        This guy would be the perfect head for Country wide athletic commission. As 45 said, he needs to educated himself on a few things to be up to date on everything he speaks on, but he has the one quality that would make him perfect for the spot if it were ever invented. He’s Fearless.

  2. Shonie is totally spent and then some. I loved watching the guy, but I’d prefer he moves on. Shame he probably hasn’t made any real money in this game.

  3. jj says:

    Wow, had I known about this show sooner I probably would have attended it live. They need to do some better advertising.

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    The female fight was slow.

    The Heavyweight fight was both sad and bad. A bad Heavyweight fight is one of the worst things to watch in MMA. The judges decision was pathetic. But who really cares? They both looked horrible.

    The Brad Blackburn vs. Dan Hornbuckle fight was solid. That looked like an upper level fight. Not Top 10 guys or anything, but at least a solid back and forth fight with some decent skills. Hornbuckles stock continues to go down in my opinion. Got outwrestled by Askren and his striking looked sub-par here.

    • 45 Huddle says:

      Konrad is so boring that even after he wins this tournament, who is going to want to pick him up? He makes Jon Fitch look exciting. I can’t see the UFC or Strikeforce wanting anything to do with him. And Japan is also out of the question.

      Sure the guy will be a Top 20 Heavyweight sometime in his career. A combination of his strong wrestling and how weak the division is overall with guarantee this. He might even be able to pop into the Top 10 briefly. He has no chance at being champion. And he makes me not want to watch MMA…. He is that boring.

  5. cutch says:

    He is Brock Lesners training partner after all the money Brock has made the UFC i am sure they would pick him up. He’s young and is a two time NCAA champion and has been fighting for less than a year

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