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Strikeforce 6/26 HP Pavilion (San Jose Arena)

By Zach Arnold | June 25, 2010

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This card will air live on Showtime East but on a three-hour delay on Showtime West. A $25 coupon is being offered if you order Showtime to watch this show.

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Topics: Media, MMA, StrikeForce, Zach Arnold | 20 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

20 Responses to “Strikeforce 6/26 HP Pavilion (San Jose Arena)”

  1. Mr. Roadblock says:

    This is an awful card. It just flat out sucks.

    If the Fedor fight were the main event w/ the EA sports lineup from last week as the undercard that would be excellent.

    Here’s a discussion point:

    If Fedor loses to Werdum he should be ranked no higher than #6 in the world.

    • Art says:

      If Brock Lesnar Loses to Carwin he should never fight again as he will be exposed.

    • edub says:

      I’d have him at #5.
      1.Winner of Lesnar/Carwin
      3.Winner of Dos antos/Nelson

      • edub says:

        Thats off the top of the head though so I might have missed something, and it depends on how competitive people are in losses.

        • ajz123 says:

          Wow. You think Nelson could be ranked higher than Fedor? Is that something you possibly missed?

        • edub says:

          If fedor loses to werdum, and Nelson beats Dos Santos…

          Does this offend you personally for some reason?

    • robthom says:

      “This is an awful card. It just flat out sucks.”

      Nah, thats not true.

      This is a decent if smallish card.
      Fedor finally fighting some decent comp in almost five
      years is worth it alone IMO.

      Le/HOS is meh, but apparently people want to see it.

      Josh Thompson in a minor good guy worth checking out..

      Not great, but not flatout awful.

      Fight night last week was more flatout awful.

      • Mr. Roadblock says:

        I thought last week’s card was good but needed a main event.

        There’s nothing on this aside from Fedor that I want to watch.

  2. ajz123 says:

    Who is the fifth UFC fighter that would be ranked higher than Fedor? I know who you would say the top four are. Also, where would either Lesnar or Carwin fall to in the rankings (based on whoever loses), or would they both still get to keep their top 5 status?

    • IceMuncher says:

      It’s not my rankings, but I’m guessing that the #5 guy would be Werdum. So the big 4 UFC guys + Werdum = Fedor at #6.

      Also, the loser of Carwin vs Lesnar won’t drop out of the top 5 in my rankings, but they’ll drop to #5 behind Cain and JDS. This is assuming Fedor wins, I don’t know what happens if Fedor loses. Fedor, Werdum and Carwin/Lesnar would be muddled around in the 5-8 slots.

      • Mr. Roadblock says:

        Exactly. Brock, Carwin, Velasquez, JDS, Werdum then Fedor.

        The Brock/Carwin loser should drop to right around #5. 2 of the top 3 fighting. The loser doesn’t drop more than below the next top contenders.

        That said, if Brock were to lose 2 in a row he should be dropped from the top 10.

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    Werdum would be the linear #1. But it would be one of those situations that most people would drop Fedor down more then push Werdum up due to the perception that Fedor lost a step.

    But I highly doubt Werdum wins.

    It should have been Thomson/Noons. That is a much more respectable fight. Women’s MMa still does nothing for me.

    It’s funny to watch the true Fedor nuthuggers trying to turn a complete squash fight (check the odds) into something more then it is.

    • robthom says:

      Never really went for the linear champ stuff myself.

      That was always the pride fanboi argument.
      Some washout from murica beat some dude at some point and then goes to japan were he loses to their champ who proceeds to perpetually fight cans and remains the “linear” champ forever.

      Ranking need to be a lot more comprehensive then that, Linearity is way to easily gamed.

      I’ll also have to disagree with you regarding the effect on Fedor and Verdum’s popular rankings.
      I see Fedor recieving the full barnett treatment and not dropping a bit.
      He’d probably still be ranked #1 if he loses.

  4. IceMuncher says:

    So, at the weigh-ins, Fedor weighed in at a pudgy looking 229, which means LHW Forrest Griffin has probably got 15-20 lbs of muscle on him.

    Now, arguing about how big of a disadvantage this is against guys like Carwin and Lesnar is boring since they’ll never fight, but it makes me think Overeem has a great shot at beating Fedor, if it ever happens. Overeem will have 30-40 lbs of muscle and better stand-up, and that size will do wonders to keep him out of trouble in the clinch and ground. I’m far more interested in that fight now than I was a couple days ago.

    • Mr. Roadblock says:

      You know what’s funny about that is I think Overeem will force Fedor to go to UFC.

      If you think about it, why risk losing to Overeem (which I agree is very probable) and becoming instantly irrelevant when you can go to UFC and have at least 2 guaranteed big paydays.

    • ajz123 says:

      Because we all know that muscle=fighting ability. If you haven’t learned by now that visual appearance has virtually no bearing on how good a fighter is, you never will. Look above….edub has Nelson possibly being ranked #3 if he wins his next fight.

  5. rainrider says:

    Anyone who still thinks Fedor has a chance against Ovreem is delusional.

  6. Jeremy (Not that Jeremy) says:

    What’s the rest of this card, it’s slotted for way more than two hours.

  7. spacedog says:

    Fedor oh SHIT!!!!

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