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Judges given monitors at UFC event tonight; TUF 11 Finale (6/19 Las Vegas)

By Zach Arnold | June 19, 2010

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Esther Lin has the photo evidence tonight of judges at the UFC event having monitors to look at.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 33 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

33 Responses to “Judges given monitors at UFC event tonight; TUF 11 Finale (6/19 Las Vegas)”

  1. Steve says:

    Once again the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Yager has no business being on the televised portion of the card. I’d much rather see Noke-Bryant or Tavares-Baczynski.

  2. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Chris Leben vs Aaron Simpson should be fun. One of my favorite types of fight is when the prospect gets put in with the tough to finish gatekeeper.

    I get as excited about these types of fights as I do about title fights, because you get to really see what a fighter is made out of.

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    How is the quality of the fighters for the finale? I gave up on this season a long time ago.

    Hammill/Jardine is a decent main event, but nothing great for a TUF Finale.

    Not overally excited about this card. Might be because I wasn’t into the season at all.

    • smoogy says:

      None of these guys would warrant an invitation to the UFC under normal circumstances. The only sorta decent contestant was Nick Ring, and he got bumped out due to injury.

      • Mr. Roadblock says:

        I haven’t watched a single episode this season.

        But I’ve been thinking about this for awhile. I think TUF is pretty much pointless right now.

        The the last show that produced any talent was the one with Nate Diaz and Gray Maynard in 2007.

        The UFC runs too many events now and debuts too many guys so there really isn’t a pool of UFC ready guys out there to fill up a reality show. You end up with a show full of bums.

        The Heavyweight show was OK because they found a couple of marginal prospects in Schaub and Mitrione and stocked the pool with Roy Nelson who was already deserving of being in the UFC. But you don’t really have that in other weight classes.

        Plus now you have SF & Belator signing the types of guys who could/should be on TUF.

        I’ve never been a fan of the show, but now I just think it’s dumb.

        • robthom says:

          Shoub and Mitrione look like potential.
          Good HW’s are rare enough for the TUF process to still make
          sense I suppose.

          I skipped a few seasons before that one, and I haven’t watched this one.

          In fact I’ll probably just read the results from tonight, not that that will put much in context though.

          There’s not really an anchor fight on there outside of the TUF audience to coerce me to watch it.

  4. Vic Mackey says:

    Yeah, Nick Ring must have gotten the surgery. That’s why he’s not on the card.

  5. Wow. This isn’t much better than the stuff Bellator is putting on. Fisher/Siver? Really? Jesus.

  6. edub says:

    Rich Attonito, and Court Mcgee are the two best prospects coming off TUF IMO. Kris is pretty well rounded and powerful with a great chin, but he loses gas pretty quickly.

    Court Mcgee reminds a little bit of a bigger version of Kawajiri.

    It’ll be interesting to see who shoots a takedown first between Siver and Fisher.

    Oh and Nick Ring was overrated. He barely beat Mcgee, and if it would have gone to a third round he probably would have gotten stopped.

  7. Zack says:

    Will be watching the Super Six.

  8. Jonathan says:

    I sincerely believe that name of the game in MMA right now is “take down defense”

  9. Jonathan says:

    Why is Matt Hamill getting punched in the face in the locker room?

  10. Jonathan says:

    Wow….ref was out of position for the eye poke. He just stood there and wondered why Hamill was floundering on the ground….and they took a point away? That was a bad move. They needed to be more on top of that.

  11. 45 Huddle says:

    Good point deduction by Herb Dean during the Hamill/Jardine fight. Jardine poked Hamill in the eye while he was getting beaten.

  12. edub says:

    I against it. I dont think it was intentional and it was the first time in the fight.

    • 45 Huddle says:

      Doesn’t matter if it is intentional. Doesn’t matter if it was the first time. He did an illegal move during a heated exchange that he was obviously on the losing end of. That illegal move allowed the action to stop and saved him from further damage.

      The point deduction was the proper decision in that case.

      • edub says:

        Ok got ya.

        SO then theoretically would you have said that in the Henderson-Franklin match? I kinda of agree with that statement I just dont know if its in the rules how you said it.

  13. edub says:

    But I got a 28-28 dec draw.

  14. Jonathan says:

    Damn…McGee just f*cking lost it in the interview…I looked up one moment and he is crying his eyes out….man…that was weird.

    Overall, good night of fights if not the b est example of fighter cardio.

  15. edub says:

    Anybodyelse think the stoppage in the simpson leben fight was bad?

    • Jonathan says:

      Personally I did not think it was all that bad. The fighter was A) not protecting himself, b) avoiding fighting, and c) not in clear control of his senses.

      • Mr. Roadblock says:

        I’d have let it go on at least one strike longer. But not a stoppage you can argue with.

        There’s something I love about seeing the prospect melt in his first figth with a cagey veteran. Prime example there. Looked real good, looked real good, hit adversity and collapsed.

  16. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Fluyid & Alan or anyone else who may know,

    What the hell happened to Joe Goosen?

    He looks awful. Is he sick? Did he stop holding mits and working out entirely or what?

  17. EJ says:

    So much for monitors being the answer to crappy judging because Jardine will be out of a job because these idiots still don’t know how to score a fight. I’m not even going to go into the bullshit by Herb Dean who screwed over another fighter because he’s an idiot which just ruined the night for me.

    • Jonathan says:

      Are you saying that Jardine should have won that decision?

    • Cory says:

      Really? I assumed that repeatedly eating punches to the face usually ends up with you losing the round.

    • Steve says:

      There is no way in hell that you can justify Jardine winning that fight from a judges perspective. Not after Dean took the point away. The best Jardine could have hoped for was a draw.

      • EJ says:

        I can easily justify Jardine winning he won the first and last round and if it wasn’t for the ridiculous point decution he would have won the second. How Hamill got the nod even if you remove the point deduction just shows that we need judges who aren’t blind idiots.

    • 45 Huddle says:

      I agreed with both the Siver and Hamill decisions. I thought they got them right.


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