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Fill in the MMA sentence blanks and flame away

By Zach Arnold | June 15, 2010

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Pick at least three of the items, but if you want to do more or do all of them, be my guest.

The object is very simple — copy the sentence in your comment and fill in the blank by typing your response. I don’t know if I’d like all capital letters, but using the HTML code for bold works very well. If you can’t do either, just add … to the end of word before the blank and …before the start of the word after the blank.


1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a __________________ idea.

2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is __________________________.

3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is ________________________.

4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means ___________________.

5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is __________________________.

6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a ___________________ impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is ___________________.

8. Mirko Cro Cop should ________________ as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is _______________________.

10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is _____________________.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 26 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

26 Responses to “Fill in the MMA sentence blanks and flame away”

  1. Ooh, I love mad libs.

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a hilarious idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is unchanged..

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is horror..

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means no one buys tickets to crappy shows.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is nonexistent.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a appreciable, but not physical impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is not yet out of high school..

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should GTFO as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is near absolute zero.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is to eyeroll and scroll down.

  2. edub says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a TERRIBLE idea.
    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is SEXIFIED.
    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is INTRIGUE.
    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means MORMONS DON’T LIKE MMA.
    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is “MEH”.
    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a(N) UNKNOWN impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.
    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is JON JONES.
    8. Mirko Cro Cop should FIGHT JAMES TONEY INSTEAD OF COUTURE as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.
    9.Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is THINKING THEY SHOULD JUST FOLD INTO THE UFC.
    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is ATHLETIC COMMISIONS DO A TERRIBLE JOB.

  3. EJ says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a hillarious idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is none.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is I don’t.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means don’t know yet.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is I don’t.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a unknown impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is nobody.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should continue to compete as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is 11.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is meh.

  4. Fluyid says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a funny idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is pornorific.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is I don’t do it.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means little to nothing.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is that they suck.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a negligible impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is probably in middle school right now.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should do whatever he wants as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is zero, literally.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is very mild interest.

  5. jj says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a scary, hilarious, and terrible idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is of no concern to me, but I would like to see her in Playboy.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is usually a blank stare.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means that mormons are closet UFC fans.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is that I don’t want to listen to them.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will not have an impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is Jon “Bones” Jones.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should keep going as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is about the same. But I am really curious to see when the “don’t mention the WEC name” agenda comes back around.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is meh.

  6. Grape Knee High says:

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is why do you watch that gay stuff.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means nothing to me.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is it is a waste of time.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a hopefully negative impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is negligible.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is meh.

  7. jj says:

    Zach, I didn’t read your request for the bold or … in our answers so hopefully you can delete my first post and this paragraph. Hopefully I get this html bold code correct. If not, just delete this post.

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a scary, hilarious, and terrible idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is of no concern to me, but I would like to see her in Playboy.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is usually a blank stare.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means that mormons are closet UFC fans.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is that I don’t want to listen to them.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will not have an impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is Jon “Bones” Jones.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should keep going as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is about the same. But I am really curious to see when the “don’t mention the WEC name” agenda comes back around.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is meh.

  8. klown says:

    Guys, let’s answer the Carano question with some maturity please, so Zach doesn’t regret including it on the questionnaire. No dis to the commentators above who are making a joke, but I can see future responses going in an increasingly ugly direction.

    • jj says:

      if he didn’t want ugly responses then would not have included “flame away” in his title. that’s just asking for it.

      • Mr. Roadblock says:

        He wouldn’t have asked the question if he didn’t want those responses.

        Gina didn’t take her MMA career seriously. Why should anyone else?

  9. klown says:

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is unfortunately precarious – it’s gotta be hard to turn down a lucrative acting career in order to compete, at great physical risk, in a sport where success if far from guaranteed.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction surprise, because I am neither a fan of sports in general (except, very casually, soccer, or as I call it, football) nor am I perceived as a “violent” person

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is that they are flawed but getting better, with potential for a lot of further improvement

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is It could potentially never happen again, simply due to the increased quality of training and competition in contemporary MMA

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should make his own decision. Unlike Liddell, I don’t fear for the man’s brain and mental health. If he fights again, I’ll be excited to watch

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is strong interest because I am very interested in the regulation and management of the sport, as well as the ethical and legal questions raised by PED use in athletic competition.

  10. sammy says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a ____already done____ idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is _____bright…if she fights_____________________.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is ____interest_________.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means ____there isnt much interest_______.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is _____nonexistent_____.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a ____negative_________ impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is _____Jon Jones____.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should ____Retire___ as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is ________Zero_______.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is _____tell me something I dont know_______.

  11. Nicholai says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a ___BAD IDEA__ idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is NOT HAPPENING BECAUSE IT IS IN HOLLYWOOD.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is WHAT IS IT.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means GOD PUNISHED THEM.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is VERY ENJOYABLE.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a NON impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is PHIL DAVIS.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should JOIN A COMEDY NETWORK as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is GET RID OF LIGHTWEIGHTS AND BRING A WOMAN’S DEVISION IN NOW.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is AND YOUR SUPRISED WHY.

  12. IceMuncher says:

    Skipped some I’m apathetic about. I hope this code works.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is “I can’t believe you watch this”, unless it’s my brother or cousins, in which case we talk a while.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means UFC is less popular than religion in SLC.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is I already spend too much time online when it comes to MMA.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is either Jon Jones or somebody we haven’t even heard of yet.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is still very high.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is to put them all on steroids. I want fights between two guys that can swing cars at each other.

  13. James says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a NOT AT ALL A GOOD idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is NON-EXISTENT.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is INDIFFERENT MOSTLY.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means IT’S A BAD MARKET FOR MMA I GUESS.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT TO BE HONEST.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a NEGATIVE OR NO impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin… RING RUST ON THE OTHER HAND…

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is PROBABLY NO ONE WE THAT WE KNOW OF CURRENTLY.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should CONTINUE, BUT HE WILL NOT BE A CONTENDER as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is… WHY IS WEC NOT MERGED WITH UFC ALREADY?

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is INDIFFERENT.

  14. cutch says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a Dumb idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is im not really bothered, she is hot but I just do not like female sports and it’s even less appealing seeing a female getting beat up.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is that they do not care or think it’s either gay or too violent.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means I am not American, so cant really answer that but if they dont want to watch the show who cares, somewhere else will hold the show.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is nonexistant

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a adverse impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin but I still see him GNPing a victory.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is Jon Jones, the future of MMA IMO.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should continue being a gate keeper in the UFC until he gets beat again, as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is we dont get it over in the UK, so I will just read the spoilers and watch any fight that gets good reviews.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is not this shit again.

  15. Mr. Roadblock says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a __________________ idea — that’s probably being talked about at Showtime HQ. He’ll make more interesting fights than Coker.
    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is __of no concern to me.
    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is __interest (for half my relatives) or why do you watch that garbage (for the other half).
    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means __at least one market (one that has a ton of small events) isn’t going to buy horseshit.
    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is ____none since I don’t listen to anything since the old Fight Opinion show went dormant.
    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a __potentailly large impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin. — If Brock comes out slow or cautious he has a chance to get KO’d by Carwin.
    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is __either Shogun Rua or not known to us yet.
    8. Mirko Cro Cop should __fight like he did from the second round on in his last fight and continue– as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.
    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is __zilch, zero, nada, don’t care if I never see another WEC show again_.
    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is ___why do people keep wasting my time and everyone else’s talking about this. Yeah they do PEDs. Probably 85% of the fighters you see on TV. You’d do them too if you were in their shoes. Done properly they’re not dangerous, stop talking about it and enjoy the sport. Or stop watching the sport.

  16. The Gaijin says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a stupid idea. Tried and failed – why would you hand him the reins again?

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is uncertain. She would rather the good looking movie-star who was a former fight and not the fighter who is movie-star good looking.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives (90% of them), their initial reaction is that’s not a sport, it’s barbaric cage fighting.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means some markets require good shows to sell (and maybe that their market research didn’t pan out in the real world).

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is I used to listen to Fight Opinion radio (Cheap shill!) (What happened to it?) and now I couldn’t be bothered.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have less of an impact than the year of ring rust on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is Shogun Rua and failing him Jon Jones.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should continue fighting mid-tier and “fantasy” match-ups (e.g. Couture, Big Nog) as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned…he’s still got a strong fan following and he’s not totally shot.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is near absolute zero.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is to duck and cover because the crazies will be coming out.

  17. Chromium says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a …rather… …sad… idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is …sex-tacular….

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is …drooling… …bloodlust….

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means …they… …shouldn’t… …try… …running… …a… …show… …in… …Mormon… …central… …on… …a… …Sunday….

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is …one… …of… …indifference….

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a …minor… impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is …not… …Mauricio… …”Shogun”… …Rua….

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should …keep… …stylin’… …and… …profilin’… as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is …where… …the… …fuck… …are… …the… …flyweights… …already?…

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is …I… …need… …my… …fix….

  18. David M says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a WTF? idea.
    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is NOBODY CARES ABOUT WOMEN’S MMA, GET OVER IT.
    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is MEH/HORRIFIED.
    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means SHITTY CARD, SHITTY MARKET.
    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a NONE impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.
    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is SHOGUN.
    8. Mirko Cro Cop should RETIRE as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.
    9.Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is WHAT’S A WEC?
    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is OLYMPIC STYLE!

  19. catch says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a terrible idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is a limited schedule comeback until she eventually loses badly, followed by retirement.

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is apathy.

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means unexceptional card in a bad region on a bad weekday.

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is it’s nice as long as the hosts are entertaining or knowledgeable and insightful.

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a sizeable impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin. Ring rust is real. He should still win due to his wrestling advantage.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is somebody not even in the title picture today. It won’t happen for a long time.

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should take another fight or two against interesting opponents such as Nogueira as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned. If he still has the will for it, that is. He always talks of retirement, but has always kept going.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is roughly 8/10.

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is attention drawn to my cognitive dissonance as far as PEDs go. It feels odd to reconcile taking caught steroid users to task with the conventional wisdom that floats around that a huge portion of fighters use PEDs, if not the majority. People involved in the sport and people involved in medicine have expressed this to me many times.

  20. Dave says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a downright hilarious, yet economical idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is zilch, she was already exposed.
    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is condescension.
    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means there should be serious doubts about international expansion when they choose so poorly in domestic expansion .
    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is; unless they feature me I could care less.
    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a negative impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.
    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is nobody in the current roster.
    8. Mirko Cro Cop should call it a day as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.
    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is next to nothing.
    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is to groan and move on — crusading for fighters’ health is pointless unless they themselves are the ones that step up to the plate and make the change. It comes out of a promoter’s pocket to do more and creates possible problems, so they don’t care.

  21. b.w. says:

    1. Scary
    2. Kaput.Even if the acting thing does’t work out (which it seems like it might) i could see her getting 7 figures to do Playboy.
    3. Their response(the females)is “isn’t that that wrasslin stuf?” The males in my family are starting to come around, but still are not quite as obsessed as i am, but there’s hope.
    4. Too violent for the mormons as of now. Utah isn’t even really that important as to say NY or Toronto.
    5. Love it! Nothing better than listing to people who are as knowledgable or more with as much passion for the sport that i possess.
    6. Very little. If he was truley operating at only 80% before, then the time off will only be for the good.
    7. Easy Answer-Jon “Bones” Jones.
    8. Keep fighting if he wants to. i don’t think he has lost as much physically as chuck has, he just lost alot of the desire to compete at a high level, which is the opposite of chuck who still has the desire, but the reflexes and chin are gone. maybe try moving downt to 205 just once as an experiment
    9. As high as ever, which is very high. The WEC never fails to deliver.
    10. I’m tired of hearing about it. Unless a fighter names names, i don’t want to hear what % they think are using. The fans(including myself) don’t have a clue as well. I don’t want it to be swept under the rug either, but as long as they are using the same tests that other sports like the NFL,MLB and the NBA are using, than i am fine with the status quo. I know the tests aren’t perfect, and peds will always be around no matter how high the testing procedure become, UFC but they do work enough to make a fighter think twice imo. Hell look at Chris Leben, the didn’t even have to test him, but did, and his ass got busted. The fighters who are coming out and pointing fingers sound bitter and seem like sore losers. It’s not like Ken Shamrock had anything to lose by coming out. If he was still relevant in the sport, he wouldn’t be so forthcoming (kinda like Canseco)
    11. Nice format Zach! 🙂

  22. Dean says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a brilliant 🙂 idea.
    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is questionable
    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is “Oh, you like that stuff?
    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means having a show on Sunday in SLC was dumb to begin with
    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is good when they talk about a topic that interests you
    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a small impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.
    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is Shogun
    8. Mirko Cro Cop should lose some LB’s as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.
    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is small
    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is who cares, everyone does it.

  23. rainrider says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is a (SMART) idea.

    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is (AT A LOSS).

    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction is (OK,OK, MTV LIVES ON…)

    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means (MORMONS ARE PICKY ABOUT THE CARD).

    5. Your opinion on listening to MMA radio shows online is (TOO GEEKY TO LEAD A NORMAL LIFE).

    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will have a (PSYCHOLOGICAL MORE THAN PHYSICAL) impact on his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin.

    7. The next Light Heavyweight in UFC who will defend the title more consecutive times than Chuck Liddell is (Ryan Bader or Jon Jones, sorry I lied. Chael Sonnen after moving up on weight).

    8. Mirko Cro Cop should (STAY AT HEAVY WEIGHT) as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.

    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is (ON THE RISE)

    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is (STOP SENDING MONEY TO EASTERN EUROPE!!!).

  24. Claude says:

    1. The prospects of Gary Shaw replacing Strikeforce on Showtime is an_Intriguing__ idea.
    2. Gina Carano’s future in MMA is, done, Cyborg scared the shit out of her. _.
    3. When you describe or talk about MMA to relatives, their initial reaction ranges ___from a slight cringe to a high five followed by,”fuck yeah” ______.
    4. The meaning of UFC not being able to sell many tickets for their Salt Lake City event means __some fans are on to Dana’s shit with numerous watered-down cards____.
    6. Brock Lesnar’s battle with diverticulitis will provide _Brock with a pre-disposed excuse for the ass beating he will take in his upcoming fight against Shane Carwin, and help set-up a Lesnar v. Carwin II..
    8. Mirko Cro Cop should __snickered at____ as far as being an active MMA fighter is concerned.
    9. Your interest level in the WEC coming off of their Sacramento PPV last April is as long as your charging, I’m not watching
    10. Whenever you read about the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in Mixed Martial Arts, your general reaction is, its ineveitable, get pro-active with Doctor structured and monitored usage guidelines..


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