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UFC announcer Bruce Buffer talks about new sponsor Crime Scene Cleaners and The Menendez Brothers

By Zach Arnold | May 13, 2010

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You have to hear the Sherdog audio to believe it.

“I saw the, probably going to take the lead as the funniest sponsor I’ve seen on a fighter’s butt. I thought Condom Depot was definitely up there and is definitely up there, there’s something that’s funny about that on the back of a fighter’s tush (Sam Stout’s). But Crime Scene Cleaners has now taken the #1 spot for me. Crime Scene Cleaners.

Crime Scene Cleaners, let’s say that there’s a horrific crime, somebody gets shot, there’s blood everywhere, there’s brains everywhere, whatever the scenario is… the Crime Scene Cleaners it’s their job after the forensics people do all their work in the police department. Crime Scene Cleaners, what they would do is go in after forensics and police have done their job, they close the crime scene, and it’s their job to clean it.

Let’s say, like for instance, I played poker in a house in Beverly Hills about four years ago and we were playing in this room and I got a really weird feeling, I couldn’t understand, we’re in this like $15 million dollar mansion and I just had an eerie feeling and I, ‘I don’t know why guys, but I got a really eerie feeling sitting here.’ It turns out that it was the house that the Menendez Brothers killed their parents in. So, you want to talk about a crime scene because these boys shotgunned their Mom and Dad on the couch in the living room and not just once, but more than once, and that had to be a definite Crime Scene Cleaner situation.

He actually did get a deal, I think he bought the house for something in the area of something of $9 million when realistically homes in the area were going for $13 (million) or $14 million. It’s not wise to have somebody die in your home in a horrific way, I’ll tell you that much, it will definitely kill your real estate values.”

Bruce Buffer tells Rashad Evans about his problems with men who don’t dress well

“I am getting so tired of seeing people walking around with their pants hanging down to the back of their knees like they just took a dump and having their underwear hanging out and if this cool and girls find this sexy, man, then you know what, those are not the girls I want to go out with.

I was raised that when you wear a hat, and again I’m not trying to put anybody down, I’m not trying to show any disrespect to our fans out there, I’m just telling my own personal style. I was raised that when you wore a hat, you took that hat off when you walked inside a building. I was raised by a Marine, so obviously that’s part of it. The guy that wore his hat, and Rashad, don’t get at me because I know I’ve seen you wear it slightly to the side, too, but the guy who wears his hat to the side hanging over the side used to be classified in cartoons and in public and in movies as the not-too-intelligent-guy-in-the-neighborhood if you know what I’m talking about.

But, Rashad, these guys that walk around with their pants hanging down to the back of their knees, what would they do if they suddenly got in a street fight? Or if they had to take off because somebody was chasing them down ready to bang their head inside-out? I mean, what do you do, you pull up your pants and run?”

Topics: Canada, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “UFC announcer Bruce Buffer talks about new sponsor Crime Scene Cleaners and The Menendez Brothers”

  1. I just found your site, but I like it. Thanks for the share and keep it up. Quality writing unlike MANY…MANY websites out there.

  2. chris says:

    The “Buffer 360” is something he likes to do to svelt butts of welterweights apparently.
    Obviously “The Buff” likes easy access hood rats.

  3. Maxomillion Solaris says:

    I’ve tried to listen to Mr. Buffer’s show more than a few times. I go back to it because I know he is going to say some incredibly stupid things and have a very doosh-bag viewpoint that is also very positive.

    He manages to make fun of and praise his guests at the same time and he does it all in a fun loving way.

    I’ve always wondered how Sherdog gets banned so much, yet the MC of the UFC has a regular show on the site?

    Somethings are too peculiar to try to figure out.

  4. bsp says:

    I love listening to Bruce Buffer’s show — and any interviews he does — precisely because he isn’t rehearsed and will say whatever pops into his head.

    Aren’t we tired of fighters telling us they’ve “gotta fight their fight,” and “get back to basics” and all the other stale bromides you get from professional athletes? I want someone like Buffer in there to mix things up and get something different out of these guys. Make fun of the way they wear their clothes… Ask them if they’ve ever hooked up with a tranny in Rio… Just get them off their rehearsed press-banter.

    I actually wish the UFC would use Buffer more.

  5. As the owner of Crime Scene I would just like to say that I am very proud to have participated in being one of the sponsors for Sam Stout for UFC 113. I am also very grateful and thankful for Mr. Buffer’s plug and comments on our company.

    Thank you Mr. Buffer and please keep up your great commentary.

    One of your number #1 fans,

    Christian D. Cadieux
    Crime Scene

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