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Alan Belcher: There’s harder guys for me to beat than Anderson Silva

By Zach Arnold | May 10, 2010

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Some interesting quotes from this interview he did right after his win over Patrick Cote with on Saturday night.

“I’m tickled to death. I felt like I still haven’t really hit my potential, but that’s what peaking’s all about, you know. Whenever I’m in the driver’s seat for that title shot, that’s when you’re going to see my best performance.”

Later on in the interview…

“You feel as thought you’re getting a lot more respect now?”

“Yeah, man, that’s what I want, more respect, and you know I’m going to get respect after tonight, after winning 6 out of 7 fights you know besides the Akiyama fight which was close, you know, what can I do man? I don’t know, I can’t look any different, you know, I wear the best shorts and I think I got the flashiest style and the most slickest style and I’m a very well-rounded fighter. So I mean, what else can I do man? Just keep trying and you know I’m a lifer in this man. I’ve been doing MMA since I was a kid, starting martial arts when I was 8 years old, Muay Thai and jiu-jitsu when I was 14, so I mean I’ve been doing this a lot longer than everybody even though I’m young and you know, dude, I’m in it for the long haul, I’m going to make a statement in this. This is my life quest so, you know, I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing, bro.”

“You called out Anderson Silva after the fight. Are you ready to face top competition in the Middleweight division?”

“Absolutely, man. He’s just a human like anybody else. I mean, what would you do if you were me? What’s Anderson going to do to me… that like if I fight a wrestler or something, they’re going to try to take me down. I mean, he’s going to try to box me and stuff and all I got to do is, you know, watch his punches, don’t get punched, land bigger, heavier shots, I can kick harder than him, and I think there’s harder guys to beat for me than Anderson. He’s an awesome fighter, you know I’m not trying to put him, I’m just saying I’m ready for the big fights whenever they may be.”

“That said, he has a date against Chael Sonnen coming up in August. So who would you like to fight?”

“I’d like to fight Anderson Silva next.”

“So you’re just hoping for Chael to get injured or something?”

“No, I mean, I don’t care, whoever, the top guys all lost, I don’t think I have to fight a loser at this point, I will if they ask me to you know rankings-wise I don’t think I have to fight a Nate Marquardt or somebody coming off of a loss to prove myself right there. Let me fight somebody that’s top, on a winning streak, you know. You know, yeah, if Chael gets hurt, I’m going to step in there. If Anderson don’t fight, I’m going to step in there, you know, whatever the UFC wants.”

In other UFC news, Paul Daley is apologizing and TJ Grant is headed to Cuba.

And the “new” Google News sucks in terms of how much the news engine is getting spammed with Bleacher Report,, MNDC, and God knows whatever other spam blogs there are out there. It’s ridiculous and it’s become harder and harder to filter for mainstream news items on UFC and MMA in general. Guess I’ll have to start figuring out a way to configure a good Google News RSS feed, filter out the crap, and post a link on the site for everyone to use. Count me out as a fan of the “new” Google News layout.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 11 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

11 Responses to “Alan Belcher: There’s harder guys for me to beat than Anderson Silva”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    Belcher is not top tier no matter how much he or the UFC tries to push that angle. He is a tough guy but definitely beatable.

    The Daley apology means nothing. Between the eye gouging and the punch, he should be banned from fighting for a year.

    And people trying to compare it to what happened at Strikeforce are really stretching it. Daley’s actions are far worse then anything that happened at the Strikeforce brawl.

    • Fluyid says:

      Nothing to add here. Just chiming in to say I agree completely.

      Wait, I do have a question:

      What is the deal with the spambots anyway? Why do they occur (who does it benefit)?

    • Dave says:

      I also agree completely. People are missing the point when they grill White about trying to sign Shields but firing Daley.

      The Strikeforce brawl was a situation that got out of control due to poor management, the Daley situation was a guy who didn’t stop fighting after the bell rung and his opponent was celebrating.

      He is apologizing because without it he has no career.

  2. The Gaijin says:

    It seems like everyone and their dog realizes the fans and the bosses are pissed at Anderson Silva, so they’re going to try to go for the low hanging fruit and grab press/heat/fans by taking open swipes at Silva. Guys like Belcher don’t belong in the title picture but they are savvy enough to attach their name to the Silva hate train and hope it drives up their value.

  3. Robert Poole says:

    Aside from Koscheck saying that Daley eye gouged him to try to save face for him trying to sell the phantom knee, I haven’t seen anybody say that Daley legitimately gouged him. Kos whining about a non-existent eye gouge and supposed greasing to keep the heat off of him for faking getting hit by an illegal knee to try to work the ref for a point deduction is pretty weak sauce and pretty lame that it’s being repeated here as if there was serious validity to it.

    • edub says:

      Dana White talked about the gouging(sp?) in the post fight presser…

      He got hit by the knee. No matter how hard it hit em or not… it landed. He had a little cut on the top of his head after it hit him.

      It definately didn’t land anywhere near his eye though.

  4. Bob says:

    I think Kimbo was also given a warning for eye-gouging.

    1st a German suplex in Bellator and then a a Pancake Piledriver that brought back memories of Col. DeBeers- now just waiting for someone to do a Jackhammer.

  5. Tradition Rules says:

    Belcher is a good fighter, and *IF* he really is that confident,…well good for him.

    But he better keep in mind that he defeated a fighter (Cote) who was out for 18 months with an injury.

    Fighting Andeson Silva would be nothing like that.

    And him saying ” all I got to do is, you know, watch his punches, don’t get punched, land bigger, heavier shots” is rediculous. Lets see him take one of Silva’s knees or even a kick. Silva can also throw some nice elbows.

    Maybe he CAN kick harder then Silva,…but its going to take more then that and landing heaver shots to beat him.

  6. Dave says:

    Belcher is fine.

    When he mentioned wanting to fight Silva I asked if he was suicidal, because it is career suicide.

    He then started following me on twitter.

  7. rainrider says:

    Until last year, I would often mistake him for the LHW standout, Eric Schafer. It’s still hard for me to distinguish them when I see them fight. I’m sure Belcher will stay with the UFC a bit longer though.

    Everybody seems to be interested in fighting Anderson Silva and nobody has mentioned Yushin Okami who probably beats Anderson 8-9 times out of 10.

    • The Gaijin says:

      No offence to Mr. Schafer, but I’d hardly call him a “LHW standout”.

      Okami beats Anderson Silva 8-9 times out of 10? Really? I have a hard time buying that one.

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