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Report: Floyd Mayweather to fight on May 1st, would go head-to-head against UFC PPV

By Zach Arnold | January 20, 2010

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And his reported opponent? Shane Mosley. So, we’ll have Sugar Rashad vs. Sugar Shane on the same night competing against each other on PPV. If it happens, which I’m skeptical about, then UFC will just continue to stack the card for what is turning out to be a really good Montreal show on paper (excluding Kimbo vs. Mitrione likely happening).

Seems kind of curious that this would happen, given that Mayweather fights in Las Vegas on 3/13. Nonetheless, he’ll need to take a lot of bookings to make up for the lost cash in not fighting Manny Pacquiao.

Update (1/20): Steve Cofield says UFC in Montreal has been moved to May 8th.

Topics: Boxing, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 25 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

25 Responses to “Report: Floyd Mayweather to fight on May 1st, would go head-to-head against UFC PPV”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    Kimbo’s on that card right? UFC should probably still do 500,000 minimum.

    It will be interesting to see what type of buyrate Floyd Mayweather Jr. can generate now that he isn’t fighting Manny Pacquiao. I think one of the reasons why both FMJ and Manny had such high buyrates last time is that people were getting their mouths wet for the upcoming super fight. Without that looming and all the bad publicity, I can’t imagine it having a positive impact on either of their careers.

  2. Joseph says:

    I will be buying the Mosely vs PBF fight. I have been waiting for that fight for years.

  3. Detective Roadblock says:

    Zach you’re really being silly griping about the second fight on the UFC PPV. Let it go, dude.

    I’ve wanted to see Floyd and Shane go at it for years. I think Shane will wallop him. I doubt that fight will actually happen though. The irony of Shane having been caught doing steroids already makes is ironic. I wonder what testing demands Floyd will have for this fight to happen.

  4. Derreck says:

    I have no interest in boxing so this news really isn’t of interest to me. But I love the UFC 113 card, its a definite buy for me. Its a MMA fans dream card.

  5. liger05 says:

    PBF beats Mosley. PBF can do what Cotto did to Sugar Shane but a lot better. PBF by UD

  6. Alan Conceicao says:

    Oh, awesome. I picture this being a lot like Judah/Mayweather: Mayweather signs to fight guy who already has a fight against dangerous opponent who then loses, still fights the loser anyhow (who will then be a nearly 40 year old “over the hill” joke to many). Can’t he just wait for the Berto/Mosley fight to happen? Mosley is an older guy and while Berto is hardly perfect, he’s got fast hands and decent power – things that will bother Mosley and make that bout great.

  7. Fluyid says:

    I’m thinking that Mayweather won’t fight on both the March card and this May one.

    As for Mosley vs. Berto, I think that’s going to be a really good fight. Berto is fast and explosive, and may catch Mosley. Mosely should win, but it’s definitely no gimme.

    Mayweather can always go guest host RAW and stuff like that to hype his fight, so he’ll never lack for coverage. I think it would be great if both the May fight card with Mayweather and the UFC did 650,000+ buys.

  8. Robert Poole says:

    Well PBF better pray to god that Mosley wins that fight with Berto or he’s really going to be screwed and is going to be sorry he sabotaged the Pacquaio fight with ridiculous demands.

    In fact, I think for that reason (well that and I like Berto a lot) I am going to pull that much harder for a Berto win. 🙂

  9. David M says:

    Mosley is (obviously) much more seasoned than Berto. Berto is a great athlete (so is Mosley) and is probably quicker than Shane at this stage of their careers, but I still think Shane beats him. I believe Berto got dropped in one of his fights recently and has struggled to put it all together. Obviously he has great potential, but at this point I still think he comes up short against Mosley.

    PBF vs Mosley is what I have wanted to see for years. Someone compared this to PBF v Judah, but the difference is that Mosley doesn’t mentally quit, and has much more big-fight experience than Zab, and also is a better defensive fighter. Zab has amazing handspeed (faster than Floyd and Shane), but he can’t fight going backwards at all, and didn’t seem to have a plan B against Floyd. Against Cotto he was exposed as someone whose boxing skills weren’t anything extraordinary and was never able to make Cotto pay for his aggressiveness.

    I think Floyd vs Shane is fight of the year.

  10. liger05 says:

    Shane beats Berto. I like Berto but his defence isnt good enough and Mosley will drop him a few times.

  11. Fluyid says:

    Berto vs. Sugar Shane is cancelled.

  12. Chuck says:

    “The irony of Shane having been caught doing steroids already makes is ironic.”

    He was never caught doing anything. He was implicated in the BALCO scandal. And it wasn’t steroids, it was EPO.

  13. Chuck says:

    I looked it up just in case, and he was implicated for steroids too (the clear) and a doping agent (the cream) so my bad there. But the rest of my post stands; he was never caught nor tested positive, and he admits to EPO usage, but again, was never caught nor tested positive.

  14. Chuck says:

    AGH! I have to make ANOTHER correct. The Cream, I meant it was a masking agent. Zach, just combine this post with my last one please.

  15. 45 Huddle says:

    If Mayweather doesn’t ask for the same testing of Mosley that he requested of Manny…. I believe that is proof enough that he was trying to find a way out of the fight.

  16. Detective Roadblock says:

    Victor Conte the owner of BALCO produced the records showing that Shane bought the cream and he clear from him. The same stuff Bonds used. If you want to say he wasn’t caught by an AC fine. But you’re just playing the semantics game. Shane used it and had to pretend he didn’t know what he took. It is ironic Floyd wants to fight him and dodged Manny while pretending it was about steroids. This just. Makes Floyd look like an even bigger tool.

  17. Fluyid says:

    There almost HAS to be enhanced testing, including blood tests, for the Mayweather vs. Mosley fight. I’m sure there will be.

    [On a side note, I read that Houston Alexander got KO’d last night.]

  18. Alan Conceicao says:

    I would be surprised if there wasn’t testing, just from a PR perspective. Shame to see the fight with Berto being off, but this is a more than solid fight. I think there’s a reasonable argument that it may be better than Floyd/Pacquiao. Plus; it’ll sell.

  19. szappan says:

    Berto has pulled out of the Jan. 30th bout with Mosley due to the Haitian earthquake.

    I’m guessing that makes a potential Mayweather vs Mosley bout that much closer to reality. If they really want to make an impression on PPV buys, they’ll make it a doubleheader with Pacquiao vs Clottey… but I doubt they will.

  20. A. Taveras says:

    If this fight happens (Mayweather/Mosley) it is for the WW championship in my book. Pac can face the winner for the real championship, so potentially this could lead to an even bigger superfight than Mayweather/Pac on 3/13 would have been.

    BTW for all the self-proclaimed experts haunting comment boards I recommend a listen to the latest episode of featuring a frank interview with the ‘mad scientist’ behind BALCO, Victor Conte. Very informative regarding testing windows and steroids.

  21. Fluyid says:

    “Whoever fights Floyd Mayweather in the future, that person will be subjected to random blood and urine testing. I don’t care who he fights, that will be the case. Floyd is out front, championing this effort to change the way the sport is handled in the future,” Ellerbe said.”

  22. Doddz says:

    Floyd can’t fight a person who has lost five times, he is used to get beat ups, Give Floyd some1 who will give tough time, Mosley had his time pre 2000, he is no longer he is a chancer he will end up live Oscar.

  23. Both Floyd Mayweather and Shane Mosley were bred to be fighters like a farmer’s prized horse. Both guys grew up with boxing gloves hanging from their crib ceilings. The debating can go on and on forever. The bottom line is neither guy is going to give you an inch – both fighters are relaxed in the ring, comfortable and fluid in such a way that it’s easy to believe boxing pumps through their veins in absence of blood. Mayweather vs Mosley im really looking forward to. Mayweather looked untouchable against the smaller Marquez and Mosley was awesome against Margarito. That fight was 18 months ago and previous to that Mosley looked ordinary against a washed up Mayorga. So is Shane still in top nick? I see Mosley starting fast using his jab to take the early rounds. Floyd usually starts slowly but will take control around round 5. The usual dropping of the shoulder and lightning counter punching will take Floyd home to a points victory and hopefully setting up the fight with Manny.

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