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ESPN interview: Brock Lesnar will return to action in the UFC “this Summer”

By Zach Arnold | January 20, 2010

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During an interview on ESPN’s Sportscenter program on Wednesday (11:15 PM EST), Brock Lesnar appeared with UFC President Dana White on camera to discuss his future in UFC.

ESPN did the hard sell of Lesnar, including a “bio blast” screen graphic profiling his background.

Lesnar did appear to be a little bit smaller than he normally is. Anchor Josh Elliott asked Brock Lesnar what happened regarding his illness. Lesnar said his doctor initially diagnosed him with Mononucleosis, then he went to Canada and had severe stomach pain, was in shock and had a 104 degree temperature so he went to the hospital in Canada. He said that he transferred to a hospital in Bismarck, North Dakota (Medcenter One) and was diagnosed with a hole in his intestine. He was in the hospital for 11 days with no food or water, just an IV, and lost 40 pounds. He later went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He was told by doctors that he would need surgery and a colostomy bag but he wanted to avoid that. He avoided surgery and managed to gain 30 of the 40 pounds he lost. After a medical check-up at the beginning of the year and on January 5th, doctors said a “miracle” happened and that he healed up. Lesnar had a CT scan for his stomach yesterday before preparing for the ESPN interview.

Dana White said that Lesnar went on “some holistic stuff” along with a modified diet and that it was a miracle he healed.

Lesnar said that there are no signs in medical tests showing any sort of issues regarding his diverticulitis. He talked about the mental aspect of not having control “over anything” regarding his medical situation and how it drove him crazy.

White announced that the winner of the Frank Mir vs. Shane Carwin fight in New Jersey this March will face Brock Lesnar for the UFC Heavyweight title “this Summer.” White noted that if both Mir and Carwin got hurt in the New Jersey fight that the back-up plan would be to have the winner of the Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira/Cain Velasquez fight in Australia take on Lesnar “this Summer.”

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 17 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

17 Responses to “ESPN interview: Brock Lesnar will return to action in the UFC “this Summer””

  1. Fluyid says:

    Thanks for the article, Zach. I’m not where I can get ESPN at the moment, so thanks for coming through with the news.

    “He talked about the mental aspect of not having control “over anything” regarding his medical situation and how it drove him crazy.”

    I think that’s really an interesting observation by him. I believe that many of us have a little bit of an inner control freak.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    One impression I got from the interview is his real loyalty to Dana White and the UFC. This is somewhat surprisng to me as I’ve always seen him as a guy who gets bored with stuff quickly. Makes me think he really found his calling in MMA.

    Also notice how Dana White got sone plugs in there for his Cain/Noguiera and Carwin/Mir cards. A promoter to the end!!

  3. David says:

    What a silly PR campaign! Very smart of them to capitalize off of his ‘illness’ in such a publicized manner, especially to get on ESPN. And people think D-Dubya is a dummy!!!

  4. Dave says:

    lol, it isn’t a miracle, this happens all the time. I had the same thing heal up. It happens. Brock isn’t superhuman.

  5. Fluyid says:

    “Very smart of them to capitalize off of his ‘illness’ in such a publicized manner, especially to get on ESPN.”

    I’m willing to keep an open mind, but what are you suggesting is really going on here?

  6. jr says:

    Brock might not be superman, but Dana is supercarny

  7. Mark says:

    Not to speak for him, but lots of people have speculated that Dana was playing up the “LESNAR IS NEVER COMING BACK OMGZ HE’S GONNA DIE~!~!~!~!” to create more hype for his inevitable return. People are much more likely to strongly care about this if they feel there was a threat that they’d never see him fight again than if it was simply “Brock had to take a few months off.” Compare this to other injuries that needed a long lay off where retirement wasn’t threatened.

    I’m not saying UFC did this purposely, but you have to admit all of the early public speculation on Lesnar retiring (since as it turned out Lesnar wouldn’t have known either way until 2 months after Dana speculated on his retirement) by Dana was interesting to say the least.

  8. MMA Overload says:

    This was great news to wake up to. I was also pretty excited to see it make the Sports Center news.

  9. David M says:

    Lesnar is the most important fighter in mma. He might as well be made of hundred dollar bills.

  10. 45 Huddle says:

    That is true. Even Floyd Mayweather Jr backed down from a Brock Lesnar card.

  11. Wolverine says:

    “But Lesnar’s diverticulitis wasn’t diagnosed early, and he was absolutely right when he stated on “SportsCenter” that he very nearly died.”

  12. Fluyid says:

    “Even Floyd Mayweather Jr backed down from a Brock Lesnar card.”

    Please. Money Mayweather broke the Big Show’s nose with a devestating combination. Don’t think that Lesnar would be treated any differently.

  13. 45 Huddle says:

    Strikeforce using amateurs on the prelims of their next Challenger card. Are they hurting for money that badly that they need to cut the costs of about $25,000 top of payroll?

  14. Black Dog says:

    Definitely not a miracle, as Dave pointed out. The healing up from such a situation is not uncommon, but I can certainly see why Dana spun it as such.

    I don’t think Lesnar would go before the camera unless he felt ready to meet the summer deadline. I certainly hope he’ll make it.

  15. Mark says:

    I just love how he blames his way-too-much protein diet for it, says he cut back on the protein and the problems cleared up, and this is somehow miraculous. Brock Lesnar: A simple man.

    Also amusing how he uses his Canadian experience to campaign against Universal Health Care. Is he this year’s Joe The Plumber?

  16. Alan Conceicao says:

    Strikeforce using amateurs on the prelims of their next Challenger card. Are they hurting for money that badly that they need to cut the costs of about $25,000 top of payroll?

    Ehh, not bothered. Its fights I was never going to see anyways. Besides, if they’re mismatches, even better. People love seeing KOs and don’t really care how they come about.

    I’m happy the enormous, muscular Nugent has returned to fight some more. I’m equally glad we won’t have to see him beat up a can for amusement purposes, and that the guy who has to face him will have to win a scheduled 5-round fight. Man, I’d be happy with every #1 contender being decided that way.

    BTW, I love that Strikeforce is bringing in Wes Sims for Lashley. At least it shows they are willing to think outside the boring box and bring in guys that are fantastic freakshows rather than half ass it like Kimbo/Mitrione will be. If you’re gonna go with freaks, go all the way, I say.

  17. David M says:

    Amen Alan, amen.

    Re: Lesnar’s comments on Canadian health care, this is part of his beauty. He seems like an absolute baboon and a moron, but he is clever. He could have talked about anything, but he chose to talk about one of the most divisive issues in America. He creates a buzz with everything he says/does–he is controversial, divisize, looks like a superhuman, brutally beats people, is cocky as fuck, is what the public wants a hw champion to look like, and doesn’t care who he offends. Goldmine.

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