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DREAM vs. Sengoku promotional video

By Zach Arnold | December 26, 2009

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This is the hype video for next week’s Dynamite event at Saitama Super Arena.

Topics: DREAM, Japan, Media, MMA, Sengoku, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “DREAM vs. Sengoku promotional video”

  1. Steve4192 says:

    Fun promo for hardcore fans (love the use of ‘The Rover’ at the start of the video), but if completely useless for anyone else. If you don’t already have an intimate knowledge of the two promotions, that video is just a bunch of half-naked anonymous Japanese dudes standing around.

  2. Dave says:

    Yeah, it is intended for Japanese fans, obviously.

    I find it funny that Yoshida is like the ‘leader’ of SRC and Tanigawa is the ‘leader’ of DREAM.

  3. Coyote says:

    Is the same for the Japanese people, when they see a Zuffa video.

    ¿Who the Fack is Evans in Japan?

  4. Steve4192 says:


    Most hype videos (including DREAM’s usual stuff) tend to include action shots of the fighters to help people identify why they should watch them. I can’t recall the UFC ever producing a video of guys just standing around. I can’t remember the last time I saw a Rashad video that didn’t include the Salmon & Iceman KOs.

  5. theYiffer says:

    I’ll have to say that this is the worst hype video I’ve ever seen. If I caught this on TV, how would I know what the hell this was for? Does FEG really want Dynamite to fail that badly?

  6. d says:

    This isn’t what’s going to air on TV though. For whatever reason, they produce some youtube exclusive promos, this one was a rush job.


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