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Which organization will bring back Karo Parisyan to MMA?

By Zach Arnold | December 17, 2009

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I had originally set to do this post over the weekend, but I got sick and it got put on the back burner. Anyhow, Josh Gross of Sports Illustrated did an interview with Karo Parisyan and asked Karo how his life was going and what was next in his MMA career (audio here). It’s one of the rare times where I cannot vouch 100% accuracy for the quote transcription despite the fact that I went over and over and over in replaying the audio at different speeds to try to get the best-possible accuracy on this quote below. The interview is a long one, so I only included the first answer (which was three minutes long). Karo is all over the place when talking during the interview, so sometimes it’s hard to keep up with his train of thought. I thought it was worth taking the time to write out what Karo had initially said in his SI interview.

“Let me tell you something, there’s so much emotion and so much stuff going on through my body but you know I’m not a chick, you know I fucking it’s for a man everybody deals with it, even girls deal with problems. Right now I’m getting my life back on track basically, man, in a million years I would never thought stuff like this would ever happen to me because you know it’s like when you don’t think of it it actually happens. I would never imagined my career was on skyrocket, I was doing great, training, fighting, blah blah blah, and then couple of you know stupid stuff happens in your life and some you know a couple of mistakes you make that you don’t think it’s going to be like you know destiny-wise and you fuck up your own destiny a certain way but you know I’m good man, I’m getting my life back on track. I have so much more to offer to the Mixed Martial Arts world, so much more I just can’t give up like this and just leave the martial arts world and the fighting world and have everybody think of Karo like, ah dude, this guy what happened to him, he fucking fell off the face of the earth and he screwed up, you know it’s not just me. I just never know how to give up, so, you know first and foremost I would like to apologize to the UFC and especially Dana and Lorenzo Fertitta and you know and Dana White for what happened you know, I don’t crap where I eat, UFC was my home, you know I’ve been here for seven years and here my intentions were never to screw the UFC especially Dana and Lorenzo you know whatever happened happened, lot of bad stuff happened in my life, some bad decisions, you know and you know it’s like one of those things that you don’t think it will happen, you’re like no no no, but you know I’m a big believer in karma and you just don’t fuck up and when you screw up it’s going to bite you in the ass, excuse my language. I don’t know man, right now I’m in a better mental state trying to get everything back on track, that’s what I said in my last interview and before that you know and I understand that people don’t believe me any more and it’s a natural thing, it’s human nature like you know this guy said that the last time that everything was fine and you’re doing everything but why would I believe him now? You know, but… I don’t expect anybody to hear what I’m saying right now, all I expect people to do is especially for my fans I let a lot of people down you know, a lot of people down and you know I still have a lot of support, I still have a lot of support you know from a bunch of people and fans all around the world and other countries even like you know what I mean like the President man, I got a lot of support from people but besides the support I’m just you know asking for one more chance to be able to redeem myself and show everybody that who Karo really is and in time I will prove myself when I come back and start fighting in Mixed Martial Arts for whatever organization it may be.”

I’m not sure if he’s talking about Dana White when he says the President or who he’s talking about. If someone can figure out everything that he said in the opening of the interview, please let me know so I can correct the record.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Which organization will bring back Karo Parisyan to MMA?”

  1. A. Taveras says:

    Very intriguing interview. Karo goes on to say some darker things that make me worried for him. Like you said his thoughts were all over during the interview. This is one where you really have to listen to his voice to get a sense of where he is at.

  2. Chris says:


    I thought the interview was kind of disturbing. He talks a lot about fighting, but not much about how he plans on addressing his problems.

    He also does not seem to have a plan B to make a living if can’t resume his fighting career. And that’s a recipe for tragedy. I wish him luck.

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    UFC will likely never touch him again. I don’t see Strikeforce either as they have already had enough issues with Nick Diaz pulling out of fights and have probably learned their lesson.

  4. jr says:

    It’s going to be hard for him to stay off the painkillers while being in a sport that involves pain. I hope he can go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting every day to stay on the wagon. Addiction like his can be a lifetime struggle.

  5. jj says:

    “they have already had enough issues with Nick Diaz pulling out of fights and have probably learned their lesson.”

    Really? So why are they planning on putting Diaz in the main event next time he fights?

  6. GassedOut says:

    Just listening to him and reading the transcript of the first bit here, I’ve seen that rmabling thought process in people with substance abuse problems before. It’s like the withdrawal (even medically supervised) causes some kind of manic-depressive thing in small scale. As sad as it is to see and hear, it’s actually a sign things are moving in the right direction and his body is detoxifying. I really wish him all the best. This is going to be literally the fight of his life.

    I hope he has a plan B too. If he doesn’t he’s in for a very long road indeed. Maybe he can be a trainer in a dojo somewhere.

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