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WEC 11/18 Las Vegas, Nevada

By Zach Arnold | November 18, 2009

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Venue: The Pearl at The Palms (9 PM EST)
TV: Versus

Dark matches

Main card

Topics: Media, MMA, WEC, Zach Arnold | 14 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

14 Responses to “WEC 11/18 Las Vegas, Nevada”

  1. Zack says:

    Awesome main event…would like to see LC on the main card.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    I assume that if Gamburyan wins, he will fight for the title…

  3. […] I’m not as interested in this card on Saturday as I am for the WEC show on 11/18. […]

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    They need to fire this announcer. How many shows has he done and he doesn’t know the difference between a guillotine and a RNC? WTF!!

  5. Chuck says:

    Man, Aldo DOMINATED that fight! What’s the over/under that Faber gets the first crack at Aldo?

  6. 45 Huddle says:

    If Faber wins his next fight, I guarantee he will get a title shot.

    I’ve said in the past that it would take some time for the Featherweight Division to work itself out. I think it finially has. Aldo will likely be a long term champion. I don’t see Faber beating him.

  7. Zack says:

    How awesome is it that Pedro Rizzo is translating for Aldo right now?

    WEC is the big winner tonight because now they can get Faber back into another title shot. The real question is will Uriah have to get a win before they give him the shot?

  8. 45 Huddle says:

    Urijah Faber is already scheduled to fight Rafael Assuncao in January on the undercard of Varner/Henderson.

  9. jr says:

    Reed Harris’ prayers were answered tonight with Brown going down. Sad to see Rob lose on a split decision.

  10. Mark says:

    That was a good show from WEC as they always do.

    I picked Brown to win assuming he’d takedown Aldo and keep him down, so I was shocked he got destroyed like that.

    If they’re really doing a PPV this is the best outcome for them. They couldn’t do another Brown-Faber fight, but they can get either Faber-Aldo or if Faber loses and Brown wins their next fights Aldo-Brown II and if they both win give Faber the shot and Brown fights the winner. A Featherweight title match main eventing is the only way to lead the show.

  11. Zack says:

    I don’t think they can pull off a successful PPV. Not that the fight opinion comments correlates directly to interest, but any of these threads are always dead…both pre and post show.

    I’d like them to stay on free TV personally. I especially like when they run on weeknights cuz it’s a nice change of pace.

  12. Mark says:

    Well, honestly half of the comments sections are all about people coming to piss and moan about the lack of respect shown to Zuffa and preaching the gospel of Zuffaology, so a WEC thread is bound to do about 30 posts in its whole shelf life while Zuffaologists will raise other threads t 60-90 posts.

    That said, it’s worth the experiment. It’s not like they’re giving it PRIDE level production values or a UFC 100 fighter payroll to put it mildly. If only 10% of the WEC viewers bought the show it would be a modest success. And UFC’s viewer-to-buyer conversion rate is usually better than that.

  13. Zack says:

    Mark, you’re right but it’s also a delicate balance with Versus. I’m sure they would be upset if you put all the stars on PPV instead of their network.

    I’d be interested to see the numbers for sure.

  14. Ivan Trembow says:

    I don’t blame the UFC for not wanting to book Karo Parisyan anymore. I just hope that Parisyan’s addictions don’t kill him.

    Addiction to painkillers is a very serious issue that has contributed to the deaths of many pro wrestlers over the years. In MMA, a recipe for painkiller addiction is brewed on shows big and small by the fact that fighters do not have medical insurance and they do not get paid unless they fight.

    They don’t get paid if they have to pull out of a fight due to a training injury, which inherently encourages them to fight through major injuries to get that next paycheck or to make that next show, which is the same kind of mentality that has led to the deaths of so many people in the different, but in many ways similar, pro wrestling industry.

    Parisyan is far from the only MMA fighter to have major issues with painkillers. There are plenty of other fighters who have talked about painkiller addictions, including Frank Mir, Joe Riggs, Kevin Randleman, Mark Coleman, and Mark Kerr, just off the top of my head.

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