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Reports: Brock Lesnar is back home recovering after surgery

By Zach Arnold | November 17, 2009

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Lesnar’s chiropractor told the Associated Press that the big man is back home in Minnesota. Dana White says he is planning on an interim title fight for the Heavyweight division.

Let’s hope it is better than Randy Couture vs. Mark Coleman in February. On their newsticker tonight, ESPN ran with the story saying that the fight would be the first bout featuring two UFC Hall of Famers fighting each other.

In other UFC-related news, they reportedly have banned Clinch and RVCA as sponsors (more from Josh Gross). Clinch is the clothing line that Dan Henderson backs. RVCA is a sponsor of Fedor and BJ Penn and Vitor Belfort.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 62 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

62 Responses to “Reports: Brock Lesnar is back home recovering after surgery”

  1. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Between the sodomy and the elementary school girlfriends, this thread is totally going off the rails of the family values that I grew up with, and I’m from Boston.


  2. Zack says:

    I’m not backing off anything. I made a joke that was obviously a joke. You’re still crying about it.

    You’re still just an anonymous blowhard to me.

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    There are no jokes when it comes to implying that somebody is sodomizing a young person. There is nothing funny in that. You are just sick…

  4. Alan Conceicao says:

    There are no jokes when it comes to implying that somebody is sodomizing a young person.

    No way, did you see Curb Your Enthusiasm this week? Shit had me rolling.

  5. David M says:

    45’s theory that the UFC is banning RVCA because of “competition” is the silliest thing I’ve seen since he said Fedor getting 5.5 million viewers was bad for teh sport.

    I can’t wait until BJ gets a mysterious injury in retribution for the RVCA banning, and UFC 107’s main event becomes another dream fight, Kongo v Mir…

  6. 45 Huddle says:

    1. Banning Affliction shirts from fighters (back a few years ago) = Hurts competition

    2. Counterprograming = Attempts to hurt competition.

    3. Telling any fighter that if they sign with EA Games, they cannot enter the UFC = Attempts to hurt competition.

    4. Dangling Dan Henderson out there for Strikeforce in hopes they they sign him for big money = Attempt to hurt competition.

    RVCA think is right in line with all of those items.

    Think of it from a sponsor’s point of view…. If you know that sponsoring a non-UFC fighter might get you banned from UFC events…. What are you going to do? Most will absolutely at the very least think twice before they sponsor outside of the UFC.

    What this does is hurts the revenues of non-UFC fighters. Why else would he ban it? I know David M and Zack think it is just petty Dana White. But this guy has built up a huge MMA organization. Do you think that happens by luck?

    And yet everything he does is somehow him just acting petty? I think there is definitely a different motivation then White just waking up on the wrong side of the bed. White has a LONG history doing anything to hurt the competitors. This is no different.

  7. robthom says:

    Lol @ Kongo/Mir!

    UFC may be heading into a low ebb in quality. But its happened before and they’ve bounced back to hit some pretty spectacular highs too.

    Unfortunately I dont think dragging baroni, tito, uno, colman, vitor, etc out of the scrap pile is any kind of help as a plan b for unforeseen circumstances like this wave of injuries and swollen ego’s.

    If strikeforce really wants to fight they should load em up and strike now and hard while the UFC is down IMO.

  8. Cheka says:

    45Huddle says -“Hardly an oligopoly when DREAM and the UFC have none of the same markets…”

    Very funny. Strikeforce is still around and they do share the same market. So you make your own worst case scenario by saying “if SF did so good it would get an extension” and etc..etc.. and then you finish it off by saying only UFC and Dream will remain and that wouldn´t not be an oligopoly.

    First of all, hold your horses on SF. I´m sure they will do just fine. Once you know for a fact that they will cave in or won´t get an extension, then you can talk about the UFC being the only company left.

    As far as what is and what isn´t an oligopoly, well this is basic economy 101 – One Company with 100% of the market share = Monopoly; multiple companies sharing the market = Oligopoly. IF the UFC was the only supplier of MMA, then yes it would be considered a monopoly, but it´s not. As soon as there is more than one supplier of a certan product, then it´s not a Monopoly anymore, the larger company might have monopolistic characteristics, but it´s not a real monopoly anymore. It´s absolutely irrelevant if they provide PPV´s or not. This is simply a matter of pricing. The market remains the same. If Apple gave away their OS and Microsoft sold it, it would still be an Oligopoly, regardless of Microsoft actually charging and Apple not.

    By your own admission you don´t want competition for the UFC, so it´s of no surprise that you back anything they do. Obviously you are representing the business aspect and defending it, while others on this board are more than likely true MMA fans that support the fighters.

    45 Huddle says-“Should minor league baseball players be able to wear advertisements on their shirts to make more money? They don’t make that much. Seems only fair, right?”

    Well the UFC is the major leagues, but most get minor league pay. Again, a bad comparison on your part. Find me one major sports league i.e. MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, etc. that necessitates the players to have daytime jobs on the side. Imagine somebody playing for the NBA, but working at McDonald´s on the side to make ends meet. Ridiculous. Minor leagues pay their athletes not as much, because it´s just that… the MINOR leagues.. are you saying the UFC is a minor league when it comes to MMA?

  9. marlowe says:

    A couple weeks back one of the articles on here mentioned Couture only has so many fights left in him. Seeing Randy against aging Mark Coleman is not one of those fights I want to see. Didn’t Dana get all over Pride for using Coleman as a maineventer 3-4 years ago when they entered the US market with the first Las Vegas show?

    Do the right thing, get back Henderson, Rampage, heck even sign Gomi to see if he still has what it takes anymore put him with Guida or some fast pace worker, etc . Unfortunately, I will watch just any product they put out, but some of the Fight Night cards have been better then this card.

  10. Detective Roadblock says:

    I am not Amish Roadkill. But I enjoyed his work.

    How’s this for UFC 109 title: Alimony Mania

  11. Ivan Trembow says:

    In the span of a few days, Dana White has gone from saying that Brock Lesnar “really doesn’t want me [White] talking about his condition” to telling Yahoo Sports, “He had a hole in his intestine. The shit was leaking into his stomach.” If Lesnar wants his privacy respected, then it should be respected… as opposed to giving an interview about it to anyone with a camera or microphone and sharing personal details like “the shit was leaking into his stomach” and “the family was worried big time, they were freaking out.”

  12. Mark says:

    Yes, Dana did give a standard “Nobody has wanted to see Mark Coleman fight since he quit UFC in the late 90s” to the PRIDE Real Deal main event. Unfortunately for him he couldn’t bash Fedor fighting a lackluster opponent since he was just about to run Tim Sylvia vs. Jeff Monson which was one of the worst fights in MMA history.

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