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Transcript of Jason “Mayhem” Miller interview on AOL Fanhouse

By Zach Arnold | November 5, 2009

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INTERVIEWER: “Now, let’s talk about that. Obviously you have a huge fight on Saturday fight and I’ve heard you say in interviews that you know you want to be more than just the Bully Beatdown guy and a lot of fans are getting to see you now on that show and they don’t even know that you fight really. How much does that weigh on you?’

MAYHEM MILLER: “I think you’re misquoting me, man, I do not really care that they know, I never said that I want them to know more but they are going to see that I’m a world-class fighter on Saturday night. You know? I think that of course most people know me as the wacky guy on the TV show, cool with me! I don’t care how you know me as long as you know me. So, uh, you know, I’m going to go in there and show everybody that not just the wacky guy on Bully Beatdown, but also the wacky guy who kicks people in the head.”

INTERVIEWER: “Just to clarify, I wasn’t saying that was uh an issue for you, it just you know to show more people what you’re all about. All right, well you got this shot against Jake Shields and obviously you’ve fought in the UFC before but this, I mean, let’s be honest, this is the biggest fight of your career. Do you view it that way just because it’s on CBS for a title?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “Yeah! Oh yeah! I never really thought about it until you said it right now! Wow. Uh, doesn’t change anything, I’m still going to beat him up.”

INTERVIEWER: “Do you respect his game as an MMA fighter? I mean, obviously, twelve wins in a row, um everyone says that they’re going to stand with him but it doesn’t really work out when they get into the cage or ring with him.”

MAYHEM MILLER: “I don’t think that, yeah, he said he’s going to stand with me, of course he’s lying! Because he’s not going to do that, but same time I know a few tricks of my own on the ground so if we get there, you know, I’m going to be able to do stuff to him as well so it’s like um you know it’s one of those things, I see the glaring weaknesses in his game, I’m going to do my best to exploit them.”

INTERVIEWER: “What do you think about his ground game overall? I mean, is this the best ground fighter that you’ve ever faced in your career?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “Hell no! I think… Jacare wrapped me up like a pretzel, you know, Christmas present, I was like wow, this guy is all over like just a snake, you know, and I think that while Jake Shields is definitely good on the ground, um I think that uh most of the time he’s dealing with a guy who’s you know smaller than him and I’m of equal size so we’re going to you know he cuts his weight real well but now he’s fighting at 185 and I don’t think he’s going to be able to squash me like he’s squashes everybody else.”

INTERVIEWER: “Obviously we’ve read all you know some of your harsh words towards Jacare on Twitter and all that stuff. Is he still on your mind or are you over the whole beef with him?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “No, I mean, whatever. Dude, he doesn’t like me and I don’t like him, you know, it’s just something we’re going to have work out, you know, through through through couple’s counseling is what I was really thinking but I mean if we’re going to fight, OK, I’ll do that too.”

INTERVIEWER: “Well you’ve fought in a lot of organizations in your career and now here you are fighting for a title on CBS for Strikeforce, you win the title obviously you sort of found a home. Is that exciting to you to fight for one organization, be known as a fighter who competes solely for that league or organization/promotion?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “You got your facts wrong, pal, I’m also fighting in DREAM so you know I’m also a DREAM fighter. I fight in Japan, I fight here in America now, so it’s uh I’m still you know nobody’s girlfriend you know. I date around.”

INTERVIEWER: “Would you like that better to not be exclusive?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “Yeah! Of course. It allows me to do what I want to do, you know what I mean, it allows me to kinda go around and uh choose what I’d like to do or what path I want to take my career, as opposed to fighting in one organization you know that owns everything and I can’t do anything else and there’s no MTV show for you, pal, you know? You’re going to have to go on um TUF you know. No thanks.”

INTERVIEWER: “The Ultimate Fighter.”

MAYHEM MILLER: “Yeah, no thanks.”

INTERVIEWER: “Well, uh, in talking to Scott Coker, I believe and I may be mistaken, I thought that he had said that you are exclusive to Strikeforce now but now you’re saying…”

MAYHEM MILLER: “In America? Yeah, in America.”

INTERVIEWER: “Oh, in America, that’s the caveat.”

MAYHEM MILLER: “In America, that’s the little asterisk!”

INTERVIEWER: “All right, well OK, so now you’re going to be bouncing back and forth, but if you do win the title, does that change anything or can you still keep, I mean is there a clause in the contract that if you’re the champion you have to fight more here in America for Strikeforce?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “Ooh, should have read my contract, huh? Damn! I don’t know, yeah, I mean, I’m sure, nah, there’s no clause where I’m not allowed to uh fight anywhere else, you know, I’m going to fight where I want to fight.”

INTERVIEWER: “All right, I saw you talking to your dancers earlier and obviously a big part of the you know the Mayhem Experience are the entrances and everything. Is Strikeforce and CBS, are they going to let you do that on Saturday night, be yourself?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “Well, I mean, I hope so, you know, we’ll see on Saturday night, uh as far as everyone saying they’re like YEAH, we’re going, we’re behind on you on your entrances and do what you want to do, be you, and I’m like, all right, cool, but you know we’ll see if they get it, you know, maybe uh this first one we might have to work some kinks out, who knows you know, I hope they just get it right on the first try.”

INTERVIEWER: “Do you practice with them beforehand or do you just kind of do it out there for the first time?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “You bet your sweet ass I practice.”

INTERVIEWER: “All right, just uh then it would be even more impressive, you should have just said that you didn’t and everyone would respect it more and more.”

MAYHEM MILLER: “No! You got to learn your moves, baby.”

INTERVIEWER: “Do we get a preview?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “I never give a preview, bro.”


MAYHEM MILLER: “Never have and although you are a good looking man, I don’t think I’m going to do it, I don’t think I’m going to do for it you buddy.”

INTERVIEWER: “All right, and finally are we going to see another season of Bully Beatdown? Everyone wants to know if we’re going to see a third season.”

MAYHEM MILLER: “Hey, everybody wants to know that! I don’t… I don’t know! I haven’t got it confirmed yet. Ratings did good, so I hope for everyone’s sake that we do, that we get another one. It’s a fun show to do and it’s a fun show to watch so, I’m hoping we do.”

INTERVIEWER: “Rumor has it Jake Shields talked to a few MTV executives and he might be hosting the show now.”

MAYHEM MILLER: “Yeah, you know… *laughing* Aaaahhhhhh!”

INTERVIEWER: “Can you confirm or deny this?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “Yeah, but it’s weird because uh they’re going to have Jake just walking around and I’m going to just talk for him so it’s going to be all my voice dubbed over. He just goes this like this (mouth open) and then I talk for him.”

INTERVIEWER: “Are you saying that he doesn’t have what it takes to host a show?”

MAYHEM MILLER: “I’m saying that he doesn’t have what it takes to order some food at a restaurant.”

Topics: Media, MMA, StrikeForce, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “Transcript of Jason “Mayhem” Miller interview on AOL Fanhouse”

  1. BM2 says:

    Thank you for these transcripts. I very much prefer interviews in this format, rather than video or audio.

  2. GassedOut says:

    Great interview! He’s a clown, as usual! Thanks, Zach!

  3. jr says:

    Jason deserves credit for getting more young people into MMA. Great work on the transcripts

  4. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Am I the only one that thinks Mayhem’s gimmick is lame? I cannot stand that guy. Nor do I see his appeal to anyone over the age of 13 or so.

  5. 45 Huddle says:

    Mr. Roadblock must be old enough to stay at home by himself. I am too, because I find him very lame as well.

    I don’t see this fight even being competitive. Miller is not a great striker so he won’t be threatening Shields with that. And Shields is a better grappler. The only thing I think could hurt this fight is Miller’s ability to not get finished… Which means it could be 5 rounds. Personally, I’m hoping Shields is good enough to tap him.

    On a side note (but still referring to this card)…. Sherdog asked the “pro’s” to pick the winner of Fedor vs. Rogers. It was 27-4 in favor of Fedor. One of the 4 who picked Rogers was Pete Sell…

    Chael Sonnen staying as a company man, didn’t pick, and instead said this: “Two fatties swinging like bums. Yawn, stretch, back to sleep.”

    To me… The problem with this card is not the talent. It has a lot of good talent. All 8 fights on the main card are solid fighters. The problem is the match-ups. Obviously anybody can win, but outside of Werdum/Silva, all the fights have a heavy heavy favorite who is easy to predict as the winner. That doesn’t make for a good card in my opinion. I personally like to see more fights that are hard to pick. Makes it interesting.

  6. IamANT says:

    Haha…”He just goes this like this (mouth open) and then I talk for him.”

    Mayhem is always great, hopefully he can pull it off on Saturday.

  7. Kelvin says:

    Miller is corny IMO.

  8. GassedOut says:

    Yeah, but FUNNY corny.

  9. Nepal says:

    Thanks for posting the transcripts. I generally like this format rather than having to watch the full 6 minutes or whatever. I guess Mayhem is an exception because you get more from him than others in a video because he’s such a character. I think he’s great, I realize everybody’s different but Mayhem is funny and unusual. To me it seems that people that don’t like him just don’t appreciate humour.

    The card is a bit predictable. Miller’s standup, while better than Shields’ isn’t much better. Miller will have some size but not enough to overcome Shields grappling control. No way Shields subs Miller though. If Jacare couldn’t do it, Shields can’t either. Shields by decision, not as dominating a decision as GSP put on him tho.

  10. Mr J says:

    think you guys are being abit harsh on mayhem, its just his thing. If all mma fighters had personalities like Hendo you wud all be moaning 😀

    P.s no offense to hendo hes quality 😀


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