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PR: MMA Bootcamp Now At R1 Training Center

By Zach Arnold | October 30, 2009

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L.A.’s original MMA training center, R1, has extended its innovative MMA Bootcamp Program to run on a weekly basis. Well known for developing many of today’s MMA champions the R1 gym now has another focus, bring MMA style training to those interested in realizing its overall benefits. After three successful month long MMA bootcamps where members trained utilizing the same methods that our pros were schooled in, we have decided to extend our MMA Bootcamp program to Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings from 6AM – & 7AM.

That’s correct 6AM, as one of our members told us “the AM training works out best for my lifestyle. I haven’t been able to do this kind of consistent training for over 15 years.”

Our cutting edge MMA Bootcamp was designed by our world renowned trainers to build stamina & lean body mass, increase focus & awareness, teach you MMA & self defense skills. Get acquainted with the world’s fastest growing sport in a safe & clean environment with real MMA professionals. Our MMA Bootcamp will teach you the complete game from standing to ground, striking to submission and everything in between. We also take great care in preparing the mind for a clean performance with breathing, focus and body movement drills. There will be no sparring whatsoever as the MMA Bootcamp is designed to enhance basic MMA skills, drills and overall conditioning.

“I could do this class for a year and would keep improving on my basics & conditioning” is another comment that we have been hearing, so the R1 management decided to give it a try.

If you would like to try it out but are s bit skeptical please hit the link below for a short video:

About R1 Training Center

R1, Los Angeles’ original MMA gym, has developed champions in every major MMA organization around the world. Established in 2000,

R1 is known as a Mecca for champion MMA fighters and Martial Artists who come to train with our staff and members. R1 is a complete training facility dedicated to helping those in search of a way to improve their performance.

For additional information please got or call us at 310.322.5552.

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