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Report: Dana White puts a halt to video blogs on UFC’s YouTube channel

By Zach Arnold | August 11, 2009

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His rant on Loretta Hunt couldn’t stop him from continuing the video blogs, but apparently a rumored behind-the-scenes type show with HBO can.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “Report: Dana White puts a halt to video blogs on UFC’s YouTube channel”

  1. Mark says:

    Merging the HBO 24/7 set up with UFC’s Countdown/All Access would be revolutionary television to sell pay per views, that could be exciting. But I really hope it’s not going to be “Dana White 24/7”, I could see that being the lowest rated show in HBO history. He’s not as big of a star as he believes he is outside of the hardcore MMA fans who follow his every move, the general public look at him and think “who is this bald dumb asshole and why is he on television?” And expanding his ego-masturbation video blogs to an extra 20 minutes weekly could be excruciating to watch. He probably would, though. The commemerative UFC 100 magazine didn’t have Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, GSP,, Brock Lesnar, Chuck Liddell or let alone Royce Gracie or another UFC legend on it. It had DANA WHITE posing like a fighter. His ego makes me nauseous.

  2. Zack says:

    Well if any of you noobs remember back pre-TUF, Dana wanted to do a show called “American Promoter” instead of a fight show.

  3. Mark says:

    Dana did his premature “I got a deal” deal for American Promoter earlier this year and supposedly Spike thought the pilot was awful and refused to pick it up. Supposedly it was just an extended vlog of Dana putting himself over with occasional cameos of “Hey, look, here’s Arianny talking on her cell phone! Oh, and over there is Sean Sherk waiting for an elevator!” But Dana’s side of the story was he, the attention whore, felt “intruded on” having a full camera crew following him around. Sure, Dana.

    I just find it hard to believe that HBO, after all they went through negotiating with the UFC to bring specials to HBO would promote the UFC with a Dana show if they weren’t getting a cut of the PPVs or Spike specials. It makes absolutely no sense unless the HBO deal Dana promised 92 times over the past 3 years happens in addition to the reality show. Do you think the HBO Boxing people are going to want Dana on their station? Definitely not.

  4. Mark says:

    Heh, when I doublechecked the info, I came across everyone’s favorite UFC “astroturfer” MMA-Logic, who a lot of people believe is a secret agent of Zuffa, bashing the entire idea of a Dana show and either going rogue or possibly someone impersonating him.

    Damn! we need another (non)reality show.

    Yeah as much as Dana needs a comb!.

    The reasons for this being stopped I couldn’t care less about, I’m just glad it’s not going to happen.

    I hate TUF and the way it focuses so much on the drama of being in the house and all the bitch fighting. It’s mostly just gossip that has nothing to do with MMA. Then they come in and say “hey you guys we don’t want you to act like this you are making MMA fighters look stupid”. No the show does that, as if you have to focus half the show on it or even show that crap on tv. Truth is to get a UFC contract all you need to do is go in there and act a dick, even if you don’t win or if you get kicked out of the house people are gonna want to see you fight.

    Sad but the UFC is turning into one big (non)reality show. It should be a serious sport where popularity means F#@k all not whether you get a shot at the title, leave that for WWE. Fighters beg for title shots! “please Dana give me a title shot”. You don’t earn a title shot by winning it seems, before you get the belt you need to win King Dana’s favour fist. It makes me feel like my favourate sport is a sham, controlled by the dictator Lord Dana and his lust for power. I mean Machida has to beat 500 guys to get a shot, Couture none and Lesnar 1. Go figure. Machida wasn’t exciting enough, It was openly talked about and hardly an eyebrow was raised. The sad thing is I’m one of the few who feel this way most MMA fans are happy with this, they love Dana and will jump at any chance to defend him or the UFC. They will say something like “typical UFC bashing” like Dana has them in some jedi mind trick. I’ve watched the UFC since day one and I will comment on anything that seems wrong be it UFC or otherwise and I can’t see why people need to defend the UFC as if they are part of a gang.

  5. Ivan Trembow says:

    I stopped paying attention to what the person using the alias of “mmalogic” had to say when he posted, “Black don’t sell PPV.”

    As for the “American Promoter” show, remember the list of so-called consequences for Dana White’s rants earlier this year? One of them was the Dana White reality show being dropped, but based on the report by Fighters Only, that hasn’t actually happened.

  6. Mark says:

    I stopped paying attention to what the person using the alias of “mmalogic” had to say when he posted, “Black don’t sell PPV.”

    Yeah, that proved that if the person is remotely involved with Zuffa its at such a tiny level its meaningless. Nobody involved with a corporation would risk making a racist comment, pissing off a moderator into tracing their IP address and exposing them. And what MMA site would turn down getting a “Zuffa Worker Is A Racist!” expose? It would be MMA media’s Bill Watts moment to turn into MMA’s Mark Madden.

    It was just funny seeing all of the UFC fanboys agreeing with that comment and seeing them immediately have to backtrack when they were reminded that they were hyping how huge Kimbo Slice was going to make this TUF season while saying Rogers scared white people.

  7. Tony says:

    You people are stupid! Dana’s the man if not for him we wouldn’t have main stream mma. how did this all turn into racist talk? is there even racism still around now days? the only kind i see is black on white crime every night on the news.

  8. Zack says:

    “You people are stupid! Dana’s the man if not for him we wouldn’t have main stream mma. how did this all turn into racist talk? is there even racism still around now days? the only kind i see is black on white crime every night on the news.”

    Troll somewhere else.

  9. Tony says:

    troll somewhere else? oh that hurts. man i don’t know what i would do if i couldn’t visit this so called mma site. I think someone needs to get a job. and move out of their parents basement.

  10. Mark says:

    It turned into “racist talk” because the aforementioned internet writer, mmalogic, who posts on various MMA websites dropping supposed UFC inside information because he’s supposedly involved with Zuffa, made a comment about Strikeforce pushing Brett Rogers as their star on a future CBS show is a bad idea because “black people scare advertisers”. The point was just that nobody really involved with the UFC would say that when Kimbo Slice is going to be their reality television star and Rampage makes them millions of dollars, so he was exposed as a fraud.


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