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Today’s UFC press conference/call

By Zach Arnold | July 31, 2009

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I’ll be away from the site for a little while, so whatever news is made… use this post to comment.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 30 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

30 Responses to “Today’s UFC press conference/call”

  1. Alan Conceicao says:

    So, ESPN UK’s subscription service and Channel 5 in the UK, Tito’s coming back and fighting someone (Coleman? Maybe Wanderlei?), and something else that’s not as exciting as either of those. Probably UFC 103 on Spike.

  2. David M says:

    Big announcement is that Fedor will not be in the sequel to UFC Undisputed.

  3. Oops! says:

    If Tito Ortiz fights Rich Franklin in the main event on 103 there is no way in hell it’s on free TV.

  4. rudy says:

    if tito does fight in the 103 ppv, which event gets higher buyrates? ufc 103 or the money mayweather fight

  5. Kelvin Hunt says:

    Rudy..depends on who Tito fights.

  6. Mr.Roadblock says:

    Tito vs Coleman is a fight I’d really like to see.

  7. Dave2 says:

    Ortiz-Coleman would be a good tune up. Ortiz vs. Frankling or Wanderlei would be too much for his first fight back from surgery.

  8. Mark says:

    Ortiz-Coleman would have been awesome 10 years ago, decent 5 years ago, pretty underwhelming now. Although I do give the edge to the active Coleman believe it or not. I’m not convinced Tito can even put up the fight Bonnar did. I’ll laugh if Tito loses.

  9. Alan Conceicao says:

    Well, the press conference is going. I heard about a Channel 5 element for the UK deal that includes US PPVs to be shown on a couple weeks delay after ESPN airs them. Also, I cannot wait to bet the house on Rich Franklin. Dude was definitely underrated in the PRIDE days and he’ll walk through Vitor.

  10. Dave2 says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Coleman won either. But at least this gives Tito a tune-up without being a push over. Coleman seems to be pretty decent when he can afford good training. Coleman’s style is so outdated and he’s so past his prime that it was incredible that he managed to get a convincing decision win over Bonnar.

  11. Alan Conceicao says:

    ALSO: UFC signs a bunch of dudes labelled washouts a few weeks ago and Rafaelo Oliveria. I can’t wait for Buentello/Carwin LOL.

    Seriously though, the reaction to Ortiz is priceless. A few weeks ago, Ortiz is a stupid, barely literate crap talker who should have taken a 25/25 contract with the UFC instead of running his mouth since he wasn’t worth anything. Now he’s probably going to get more money than ever before and everyone is stoked to see him. LULZ like crazy.

  12. Croatian Strength says:

    Guess that means Vitor’s off the Bitetti Combat card.
    I don’t understand why he would want to fight at 205 again.

  13. Some of the commentators on here really, really, hate the UFC.

    I’m sorry Alan, but I’m a big Tito Ortiz fan, not saying he’s the best fighter, but you have to give the man his due for being with the UFC through the dark days, and being a big draw.

    Back when the UFC didn’t have the stars they do now, Tito Ortiz was one of the main reasons as to why I followed the UFC.

    The fact that he didn’t come from an elite martial art background, didn’t have the collegiate wrestling national champion background, but was still tough as nails and entertaining…really appealed to a young viewer like me. In his first fight with the UFC, the announcers stated that he trained with fan favorite Tank Abbot, and I also noticed he wore wrestling shoes. I was a high school wrestler at the time, but I immediately connected, and have been a fan of his since that time.

    He did beat Belfort, Silva, Shamrock (x3), Griffin, and a draw with Rashad (that we would have won if it wasn’t for the fence grab).

    Plus the man knows how to sell ppvs and market himself.

    To me watching Ortiz fight anywhere besides the UFC would be like watching Brian Dawkins play for the Broncos instead of the Eagles. (I’m still not sure how I’m going to react to that).

    I know most hardcore MMA fans do not like Tito Ortiz, but I’m not one of them.

    It wasn’t that long ago when some MMA websites had Matt Lindland ranked #1 in the middleweight division, until losses to Fedor (at heavyweight) and Belfort. I don’t think Belfort has the talent to beat Anderson Silva, but it will make for some nice matchups.

    Dana also seems to be hinting at a possible network tv deal for the UFC…..

    One can only hope.

    I can’t blame the UFC for not wanting to co-promote with M-1. The UFC can survive without Fedor, but can Fedor remain relevant without the UFC?

  14. Alan Conceicao says:

    I’m sorry Alan, but I’m a big Tito Ortiz fan,

    Cool. I think Tito got the shaft from internet fans over the last year for no good reason, and I think its even funnier to see them spin this and their viewpoints now.

  15. Ivan Trembow says:

    lol at this (quotes courtesy of Michael David Smith’s Twitter page):

    “Dana White: I wasn’t a dick at all in negotiating to get Fedor Emelianenko in the UFC. I was the nicest Dana ever.”

    a few minutes later, during the same conference call:

    “Dana White: Fedor Emelianenko doesn’t want to fight the best in the world in the UFC, so “F**k him.””

    Also, in an appearance on Steve Cofield’s radio show, Carmichael Dave did not seem apologetic or remorseful about the fact that he spread false information. In fact, he made it seem like there’s nothing wrong with being a “pawn.”

    Carmichael: “”Are we pawns in this game? Of course. Even if the information is 100-percent right all the time it still doesn’t mean we’re not being used. It’s politics of sport. Of course you can be a pawn.””

  16. Adam Smith says:

    Carmichael Dave and Cofield are both mouthpieces for Dana White.

    The mma media is corrupt and incopetent, with no clue what ethics are about. They no longer care because the UFC fan base regards ethics as weakness, the same as their pied piper G.Dog White.

  17. Joseph says:

    Hey Ivan,

    Check out more hilarious tidbits here:

    Funny how all the UFC fighters were washouts and no names, but now, everyone is creaming their pants that they are in the UFC. Odd…

  18. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    I’m a Buentello fan. He’s pretty much one-dimensional, but he’s probably a decent-enough gatekeeper.

  19. EJ says:

    I just love how the UFC haters continue to throw stones at others yet never seem to point a finger at themselves. For every shill UFC reporter there are 5 who have some sort of grudge against the company that much has been proven with all these fake scandals. The same people who cry about the UFC spin machine trying to turn people against Fedor, are the same one’s responsible for the Fedor myth and M1’s delusion that they matter in MMA.

    For the record, I don’t care about Tito he’s washed up. Vitor was great, he isn’t anymore and Franklin is going to smash him. Happy for UFC UK fans but wake me up when they get a deal on ABC that is on the UFC terms. Don’t care about undercard Affliction talent coming over to the UFC either. That’s just for anyone crying about UFC backers flip-flopping, some people can support the UFC and not be drinking their kool-aid. Sad you can’t say the same about the haters whose obssession to bring them down has done more damage than ignorant mainstream media types ever could do.

  20. Adam Smith says:

    Those bloody elbow tidbits are funny.

    Most revolve around Dana’s bullshit.

    EJ, you are just sad. There is a difference between a fan of mma and a UFC fan. Don’t hate it. Just accept it.

    Not all of us can go through our lives with our eyes closed. Some of us did not even vote for Obama, if you can imagine it…

  21. Joseph says:

    Iole Strikes AGAIN:

    “If you want to blame someone in this fiasco, blame Emelianenko.

    It’s 100 percent his fault.”

  22. 2wrongs says:

    I have some experience (5 years) dealing with russian business men in the oil and gas industry. I hate to make broad generalizations but I would take Satans word over any Russian any day when it comes to money and business.

    It isn\’t impossible to do business with Russians it is just that you have to protect yourself very well and never do anything in good faith because that will be seen as a sign of weakness that they will punish. There is no notion of treating you well on one deal because they will do business with you again. Everything is a one off and they will try at every turn to rip you off.

    Maybe this Vadim guy is pure as the driven snow but that would be so contrary to my experience dealing with russians that I would say that it is a quantum event.

    Perhaps you guys think DW is Satan which is your right but don\’t kid yourselves that this Vadim guy is a poor babe in the woods who is suffering at the hands of the evil DW.

  23. Lester Grimes says:

    I totally agree with 2wrong. He hit the spot right on when it comes to dealing with the ex-soviet block. My past experience with Russian businessmen is equivalent to walking in the Artic with no clothes on. If given an opportunity, they will take the clothes off your back and leave you to freeze.

    I work in the I.T. industry. And my past dealings with Russian businessmen have been less than pleasurable. And that’s a pretty dramatic understatement on my part. Others have fared dramatically worse.

  24. 2wrongs says:

    Just some more thoughts on dealing with russian businessmen. I forgot to say that I can relate to DW and contract negotiations with Russians.

    I can tell you that this is kind of deja vu. The endless rounds of negotiations and the more insane requests from Russians to see how much you will give in. I\’m not sure who stole from whom North Koreans from Russians or visa versa but the style is similar.

    I was told that Russians are very suspicious of western motives and haven\’t figured out the whole \”win-win\” business ethic that westerners have tried in the last 20 years. If you give something they figure that you can give more and that you are never dealing in good faith (talk about projection).

    After a couple of years I\’ve realized some iron rules. Never give anything from the starting offer and even pull stuff back on subsequent offers, but never give anything more than in the first round. Always have an out even if it is lame (you didn\’t show up on time so our negotiations are at an end, how can I trust you if you don\’t show up on time, etc.) Always be ready to walk out and always be ready to walk back in. There is some other stuff about knowing who the right people are and paying them off but I\’m not sure that that applies in this case.

  25. EJ says:

    “EJ, you are just sad. There is a difference between a fan of mma and a UFC fan. Don’t hate it. Just accept it.

    Not all of us can go through our lives with our eyes closed. Some of us did not even vote for Obama, if you can imagine it.”

    Way to miss on both points…

    1. I’m an MMA fan, but like anyone with a brain the UFC is my favorite promotion because they are the best mma promotion in the world. Just like i’m a football fan and support the NFL because they have the best players and are the best league. Supporting 1 doesn’t make you not a fan of other leagues like the CFL/Arena but only an idiot would try and call the NFL’s business tactics into question considering how successful they’ve made them. It’s the same with Zuffa, people spend almost everyday trying to convince others how evil Dana is while profits, fan support and global expansion are all coming along great it’s truly incredible sometimes.

    2. I voted for McCain, this is why you should never make assumptions because well you know the saying.

  26. 45 Huddle says:

    1,720,000 PPV Buys says UFC is doing something right…. Despite the bashing on this thread. Source: Dave Meltzer.

  27. white ninja says:

    Oh yes, Ive done Russian business as well… and, well, its a country in the early stages of capitalism; and basically its true that most, if not all, successful Russian businessmen are not to be trusted at best; and at worst, are dangerous.

    Vadim is certainly not amongst the best of Russian businessmen.

    Then again, not that Dana White is top of the business food chain; so its a match made in heaven

  28. 2wrongs says:

    I guess I’m just saying keep some perspective.

    I’m sure that DW used the media but I don’t doubt that VF would have done that in a heartbeat if he had the means.

    I wouldn’t doubt that VF would hire some thugs to beat up or kidnap DW’s family if they ever went to Russia to get some more leverage (which has happened).

    DW reminds me more of an MMA geek with some personal control issues rather than Satan.

  29. Adam Smith says:

    Anyone interested in the mma media corrption should take a look at Kevin Iole’s latest Fedor bashing column on yahoo. Why are they so invested in him fighting for Dana White?

    Fedor survived communism to deal with this bullshit?

  30. 2wrongs says:

    Adam Smith:

    “Fedor survived communism to deal with this bullshit?”

    Wow, just wow.

    You really have no idea who you are dealing with.

    I hope we live to see the day where VF is in DW’s place and you can see the russian way of treating fighters. It would make Don King look like a philanthropist.

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