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Fox News Channel covers the fake Kimo death news stories

By Zach Arnold | July 27, 2009

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As you would expect, the channel called him an ‘ultimate fighter’ and did a few teasers throughout their “America’s Newsroom” two-hour program (9-11 AM EST). “Can ultimate fighter sue for fake reports of death?” Bill Hemmer & Megyn Kelly are the hosts. Every weekday, Kelly has a segment called “Kelly’s Court” where she tackles lawsuits and other legal issues (she got her JD from Albany).

On this morning’s “Kelly’s Court,” she covered the prospects of Kimo filing a lawsuit against media sources who inaccurately reported that he died when he did not. Footage of Kimo’s press conference last week aired. The network said that the Orange County Sheriff’s office got 200 calls about Kimo’s ‘death.’ Kelly’s guests were Kimberly Guifoyle and

Guifoyle said that he has a case and the focus is on TMZ, and she noted that there’s a campaign that TMZ will be pushed as “Truth Means Zero.” If TMZ wants to ‘hang with the big boys’ she said, they have to fact check their stories. FNC showed a mugshot of a guy named Beau Taylor (a goofy shoot where he’s smiling while arrested for public intoxication) who was ‘linked’ to as the message board source that got the ball rolling. David Wohl, a defense attorney, said that Kimo’s alive but his career was dead when he tested positive for steroids. No damages to his future business prospects and the fake death stories have now boosted his career prospects. Wohl said that he will give Kimo the benefit of the doubt that he and his people are not behind these stories. However, Kelly pointed out that Kimo’s manager said that a press conference would be held and when a media reporter supposedly asked the manager if he was alive or dead, the manager (according to FNC) said to wait for the presser. Guifoyle said that even though Kimo is a public figure, the reporting was reckless because TMZ said that they had ‘confirmed the story’ but ended up pulling back. Wohl said that it was goofy and not malicious. Guifoyle said that Kimo will be in New York to film some segments with Mike Straka of Fox News on Wednesday.

“Kimo has no case against TMZ,” was Kelly’s ruling. However, Taylor may be a target but he likely doesn’t have deep pockets so he doesn’t make a great legal target.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 22 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

22 Responses to “Fox News Channel covers the fake Kimo death news stories”

  1. Fluyid says:


  2. Steve4192 says:

    Beau Taylor = One Man Army (OMA) = Reggie Warren Sr. = The guy who wrote the post on the UG that started this whole mess.

    What cracks me up is that people ran with a story posted by a known troll who has burned through countless user names due to his trolling. Anyone who reads the UG regularly knows that the guy is playing a character and nothing that posts can be taken seriously.

  3. Fluyid says:

    Kirik has banned OMA about 55 times and reinstated him each time after a short waiting period.

    Should Kirik be liable, since he knowingly allowed an insane lunatic to return to his forum repeatedly? I want to hear THAT discussed on Fox News.

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    3 Interesting News Items today:

    1. Babalu/Mousasi has been moved to Strikeforce and is for their LHW Title.

    2. Josh Thomson might be pulling out of the fight with Gilbert Melendez. AGAIN!

    3. Sherdog had a poll that asked: “If Affliction had held its third event this week, would a fourth event have ever followed?” 37% said yes. So it is safe to assume that over one third of Sherdog’s fans know nothing about MMA.

  5. 45 Huddle says:

    And Josh Thomson just came on the UG and said he is fighting unless his big toe falls off….

    And Michael Vick has been “partially reinstated” to the NFL. Pathetic.

  6. Dave2 says:

    Sweet. I was looking forward to Babalu-Mousasi. At least one great fight was salvaged from the Trilogy event.

    I’m still very disappointed that most of the Affliction trilogy fights aren’t going to happen. Fedor-Barnett (damn you Josh), Belfort-Santiago, Gomi’s return to America, Hieron-Daley, Horodecki-Lauzon were all noteworthy. I guess it’s too much to hope for Gomi to fill-in for Riggs on short notice. Diaz-Gomi II would be awesome.

  7. Mr. Roadblock says:

    I’d really lime to see Hieron v Diaz.

  8. Alan Conceicao says:

    Hieron/Diaz is way better than Diaz/Riggs too, far as I’m concerned. If that fight came off I’d be overjoyed. I am expecting the worst though: Maybe that WFL kickboxer making a return or something abjectly bad like that.

  9. 45 Huddle says:

    Alexander Emelianenko says that Fedor’s manager is trying to push his own business interests through his brother’s fight contracts.

    Maybe they haven’t asked Dana White to build a stadium, but White has been 100% true. They are crazy Russians….

  10. Alan Conceicao says:

    And now it sounds like Hieron/Diaz is a go. I hope that’s for the vacant title: Hieron is a better fighter than Riggs. Its probably more worthy what with Hieron being a former IFL champ.

  11. 45 Huddle says:

    Affliction cancelling their show has worked out for the best. Strikeforce had absolutely no roster depth. They are still weak in many divisions, but at least some of these cast-offs give them another 6 months or so of competitive match-ups before they run into a problem again.

    Diaz vs. Hieron is one of the best fights that can put on at Welterweight outside of the UFC.

  12. Ultimo Santa says:

    “I’d really lime to see Hieron v Diaz.”

    I’d lime that, too.

  13. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Lol. Glad you didn’t jump off a building or anything bcause of the barnett news.

    I think Hieron/Diaz is going to be epic. Fight of the year potential.

  14. Dave says:

    I think we are all in agreement that Hieron/Diaz would be awesome and that Affliction fell through, but all hope is not lost.

  15. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    If we haven’t seen the UFC “big news” yet, this may be a hint of it, apparently ESPN is going big in Europe:

  16. 45 Huddle says:

    And yet the biggest news of the year…

    Fedor Emelianenko in the UFC….

    I am honestly shocked. Never thought it would happen. Still will not believe it until Dana White announces it.

  17. Mr. Roadblock says:


    I can’t wait for Fedor/Brock.

  18. Ivan Trembow says:

    Why on earth would that be the biggest news of the year? I thought Fedor was an irrelevant, out-of-shape, not even top-five fighter…

  19. 45 Huddle says:

    Fedor is irrelevent to MMA…. Which I have stated. That is still absolutely true. I have also said he is the #1 HW in the world. So it is the biggest news story of the year if Fedor does in fact sign (as the story says) with the UFC.

    What will you do with all your free time now that you will have one less thing to complain about with MMA?

  20. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    I have my doubts. We’ll see.

  21. 45 Huddle says:

    I know some people don’t buy into mmalogic, but he said that LA TIME source is from Fedor’s camp.

    Rothwell’s Affliction fight has been moved to UFC 104.

  22. Oops! says:

    Rothwell will be a solid addition to the UFC’s Heavyweight roster. No longer weak in my opinion.

    Screw Fedor. I’m tired of all the talk going nowhere. Fedor in Japan seem’s to be where he is headed.

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