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Video: Kim Couture talks about her divorce

By Zach Arnold | July 21, 2009

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Posted by Steve Cofield. You better believe I will be transcribing this later.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “Video: Kim Couture talks about her divorce”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    Barnett is likely out against Fedor due to a failed drug test.

    If this is true, and Barnett got busted a second time…. It basically takes him out of discussions until he can get his drug problems taken care of. And the Heavyweight Division is weak enough outside the UFC anyways. Little Fedor has Hep B. Sergei is a shell of his former self. Alistair Overeem keeps getting injured. Arlovski & Sylvia seem on their way down. Not good.

  2. Mr. Roadblock says:

    If this is true, and it hasn’t been confirmed yet, I want every Barnett nuthugger/apologist to stand up like a man and apologize.

    Here is a guy who’s entire career is built on nothing. It’s like the plot of a Seinfeld episode.

    I actually hope this is true so he doesn’t get to waste our time fighting Fedor. I wanted to see Fedor beat him in about 45 seconds and him go away. But this is better.

  3. CapnHulk says:

    I have to admit that I’m a Barnett fan, but if this is true then anything left of his credibility is gone.

  4. Ultimo Santa says:

    “If this is true, and it hasn’t been confirmed yet, I want every Barnett nuthugger/apologist to stand up like a man and apologize.”

    Why would someone who is entertained by Josh Barnett have to apologize? Any why to you?

    “Here is a guy who’s entire career is built on nothing. It’s like the plot of a Seinfeld episode.”

    Wow. That basically sums up your respect for, and knowledge of, MMA as a whole.


    “I actually hope this is true so he doesn’t get to waste our time fighting Fedor.”

    If you don’t order a PPV then how is it wasting your time?

    “I wanted to see Fedor beat him in about 45 seconds and him go away. But this is better.”

    If you think that Barnett would roll over and quit in 45 seconds, again, this further illustrates your knowledge of MMA.

  5. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Ultimo, I think you’re the one that doesn’t know much MMA.

    Barnett’s two biggest wins are the blood bath against Schilt in UFC and his win over Mark Hunt. Aside from that you’ve got a string of wins over mediocre and smaller fighters, a steroid tainted “win” over Randy Couture and a gift decision against Nog. To be fair Barnett fought great in the fight he won against Nog. I thought at the time he won to pave the way for Cro Cop to win the GP. Nog avenged that loss nicely.

    For all the people that complain about Brock just being big, that’s exactly what Barnett did. Except he’s less exciting. But Barnett gets a huge pass because internet writers like him.

    I lost all respect for Barnett when he started mouthing off during the Press Conference after Randy beat Gonzaga and the ensuing comments he made that year.

    Barnett is like one of the College Football teams (Ohio State comes to mind) that climbs the rankings every year by not losing. Instead of taking risks (like Arlovski, Sylvia, Couture, Nog) he beats a string of cans and climbs over the risk takers.

    He’s wasting my time because this fight is a waste of time. It’s several months of preparation/marketing where Fedor could be fighting someone more relevant.

    If they ever do fight and it seems now like they won’t I think Fedor wins very quickly.

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