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How people are finding and discovering Fight Opinion

By Zach Arnold | June 12, 2009

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I thought it was for MMA news and notes. According to my site traffic information, that’s not the case.

What are people typing into Google and other search engines when they discover our site? I’ll give you the following choices:

Is that what it will take to increase site traffic? Should I just put names of female MMA personalities in every post and link to pictures? Is that what it will take? Is that how it works for the boys at Cage Potato?

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 21 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

21 Responses to “How people are finding and discovering Fight Opinion”

  1. robthom says:

    Pictures of Gina Carano Naked is always a good idea!


    I actually hope she never stoops to that. She’s plenty beautiful with her clothes on.

  2. Fluyid says:

    What type of readership are you after? What type of readership are the Cage Potatoes of the world after?

  3. Zak Woods says:

    I understand Zach,

    I get about 20 hits a day bc I wrote about Jayden James and Chuck Liddell rumor. It makes me sad.

  4. jj says:

    that will definitely bring your traffic up which would of course increase your revenue, but do you want the type of traffic that this will attract?

  5. robthom says:

    If your trying to increase traffic, I might suggest redesigning the front page to be more eye catching.

    Personally I like its bare, functional look the way it is. It looks like your focus is information more than entertainment.

    But I suspect that there may be many people who prefer bells and whistles so they can feel like they’re being entertained.

    I dont think you should change it, but if your after more traffic its just an idea.

  6. Nepal says:

    Not really surprising since as much as 25% of web traffic is porn related. Based on that alone you would have to imagine anything to do with girls that look good is going to bring you a lot of traffic.

  7. Mark says:

    I like the site because it’s one of the more intelligent MMA sites and the feedback section isn’t filled with idiots more importantly.

    But the content updates are so inconsistent that you probably lose steam that way. Like this week it has been really good. But then sometimes you’ll go a week or longer without much of an update. And that makes people get out of the habit of returning to the site.

    I’m not saying you should hire a staff beyond the podcast, because I don’t think anybody really wants the return of Erin Bucknell talking about how cute guys are or more Tomer Chen 800,000 word essays that go nowhere. But acknowledging news stories a couple of times a day would be great.

  8. Zach Arnold says:

    Started this site in Christmas of 2005… over three years later and many various attempts to bring on new writers, how many new writers have stuck around?

    Hint: The number looks like a doughnut.

    If people want more updates, then that means I need writers. However, nobody wants to actually do it. *shrugs*

  9. Mark says:

    Established blogs adding new writers is always tough. Because they’re already associated with the head writer (Mr. Arnold in this case) and the other writers either get ignored (Tomer), get negative feedback for not being as knowledgeable as the head writer (Erin), or they just use the established blog to springboard their own so don’t stay long. It’s a real pickle.

  10. Michaelthebox says:

    Gina Carano naked! Where???

  11. ChinBo says:

    I know whoever runs this site is probably extreemly busy, but I remember when FO would post links to newpaper articles and smaller articles about MMA every single day.

    That is when I read FO every day. Now I check it every once in a while but I loved those daily news link updates.

  12. William Holmes says:

    Fightopinion is by far one of the most informative mma websites out there. Take comfort in the fact that you were the first to break the yakuza story, and the fact that sentana sports was having financial difficulties.

  13. William Holmes says:

    But if you want to post a picture of brittney skye every now and then..I won’t complain 🙂

  14. Dannyd75 says:

    Well I have been comming on here for a few yrs. and the reason I do is to get a “newspaper style” no fluff on the business side of MMA and exp. on the news from Asia.

  15. Fluyid says:

    “if you want to post a picture …. every now and then..I won’t complain”

    Here you go!

  16. klown says:

    Is getting random traffic the goal? Or is the goal to actual build up a steady base of readership. If it’s the latter, who cares what searches lead random people to the site?

  17. William Holmes says:

    “Is getting random traffic the goal? Or is the goal to actual build up a steady base of readership. If it’s the latter, who cares what searches lead random people to the site?”

    –great point!

  18. Dr. Montgomery says:

    The short answer is yes.

  19. Bob says:

    I think I stumbled across Fightopinion from a link on 5 ounces way back when.

    I check the rss feeds on the side and when there is new content it’s an added bonus.

    The rss feeds also show which sites are the leaders and which are the followers.

  20. Pierre says:

    I myself truly enjoy this site this is one of the first sites i check everyday if not multiple times. If posting about mma women gains you readership in the long run, i wouldn’t be a hater as the articles and information that you provide is excellent and well worth it. Of course the less reliant on it the better. Keep up the good work.

  21. GB says:

    More Edith Larente wouldn’t hurt but more original content (interviews instead of analysis) and, if possible, breaking news would help what’s still a pretty good website.


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