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Tapout founder’s death has the MMA world stunned

By Zach Arnold | March 12, 2009

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Update (3/13): The LA Times reports that police and the district DA may not press charges against the other driver in the incident. The Orange County Register has a very detailed article about the reaction from Tapout employees to Mask’s death and comments from other MMA shirt makers who competed with Tapout for market share.

On a day that saw Ken Shamrock failing a CSAC drug test, BJ Penn filing a formal complaint with the Nevada State Athletic Commission, and UFC preparing to announce Evans vs. Machida for UFC 98, one story has captured the attention of everyone inside the MMA industry — the death of Tapout founder Charles “Mask” Lewis in Southern California on Wednesday in a car crash involving his Ferrari.

Tapout release a statement on Mask’s death. Fox News has an AP photo of the Ferrari cut in two. The Orange County Register also had a photo from the scene of the accident. More details on the crash scene can be found here.

As one of the biggest sponsors of fighters in MMA, the importance of Tapout and the men who founded the company certainly is not lost on anyone in the industry. UFC printed a Tapout press release on Mask’s death. The Press-Enterprise in Southern California has an article on the impact of his death and just how big Tapout is as a local company in Grand Terrace (where they are located).

The LA Times addresses speculation as to whether or not street racing was the cause for the accident. The other driver in the accident reportedly tried to flee the scene. The OC Register reports that the person arrested in the case has a prior DUI conviction.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “Tapout founder’s death has the MMA world stunned”

  1. TheWhipper says:

    Sad, sad news. R.I.P. Mask.

    I hope TapouT continues to sponsor MMA, but in my opinion they will never be the same.

  2. Dave says:

    You know, a lot of people are being dicks about this and really shouldn’t. Regardless of how he or they come off, it was still a company that was at the forefront of the MMA movement and has stuck with it for about 12 years now. They’ve become a brand associated with UFC and so on.

  3. David M says:

    Tapout is legendary in MMA. I met them at UFC 41 before the sport was popular at all. These guys have worked their asses off to help the fighters keep food on the table and to help the sport grow. Tapout merchandise is now front and center at Foot Locker and other mainstream stores. These guys blazed the path for most of the mma companies out there. RIP.

  4. samscaff says:

    How are people being dicks about this? I havent heard anything.

  5. The Gaijin says:

    Probably because some people have had the “gall” to either discuss: (a)the possibility of the stupidity of street racing playing a part in it; and (b) the rumours that alcohol may or may not been involved.

  6. 45 Huddle says:

    I’ve never understood the Tapout hatred. The guys were living up life and doing what they love, and getting to watch a sport they love. Sounds like one of the best jobs ever.

  7. The Gaijin says:

    Who’s got “TapouT” hatred? I’ve never seen it…I’ve seen the Affliction hatred (t-shirts not organization), but the TapouT guys? They were a love them or leave them type of crew, but I don’t think anyone had a real hard-on to hate on them.

    Examples? I’m quite curious.

  8. Sergio Hernandez says:

    The only thing I couldn’t stand was the obnoxious personas they created for themselves.

    That being said, Lewis busted his ass promoting a sport he loved, helping out a ton of fighters along the way.

    Truly a sad and tragic loss. RIP

  9. Dave says:

    “How are people being dicks about this? I havent heard anything.”

    Really? For example if you check the story on people insult him endlessly. The same with a lot of message boards and stuff. I don’t think any bloggers are being too harsh about it, but fans can be brutal.

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