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It’s come to this: Penn camp files formal complaint with the NSAC over GSP & vaseline

By Zach Arnold | March 11, 2009

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12 Responses to “It’s come to this: Penn camp files formal complaint with the NSAC over GSP & vaseline”

  1. samscaff says:

    “Penn and his representative also allege that St. Pierre “ingested a substance that would cause his body to become highly and unnaturally slippery during the bout.””

    Making wholly unsubstantiated (and outrageous) claims like this really hurt Penn’s argument.

  2. Fluyid says:

    I really don’t think that Penn and Co. think they have a winning argument.

    All of this BS gives them (arguable) leverage in discussions for a rematch or whatever.

    As far as fighters ingesting something, that’s been talked about for a long time. I don’t know if anyone has ever shown that it can be done. Maybe it’s like an urban legend!

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    Penn needs to stop talking and fight. He has enough energy for all this garbage, but can’t give Florian a title shot at UFC 99?

    I’m sick of this character. The Lightweight Division would be better without him.

  4. Alan Conceicao says:

    Clearly, what the UFC needs to do is get rid of the best lightweight in the world and let him go roll on over to whichever promoter in the US might want a massive draw. That is a fine idea.

  5. samscaff says:

    I’m not saying its impossible to ingest something to make slippery skin (though i’ve never heard of it), but its completely outrageous to claim that St. Pierre knowingly did this.

    Where is the evidence? Penn must be paying this lawyer some good money to write such unprovable nonsense.

  6. samscaff says:

    And as for this giving Penn leverage? How on earth would this give Penn leverage?

    We all know that Dana does whatever the fuck he wants to do. Hell,even if GSP had been caught injecting steroids in the corner, if Dana says the fight wont happen, it wont happen.

    The days of BJ Penn throwing his weight around and making demands are over. He is no longer a prodigy and he is no longer bigger than the UFC (which he once was).

  7. The Citizen says:

    I really wish BJ Penn would go away. After whipping Sherk, I started to like him again.

    After all this, its like getting Xpac heat — I don’t even want to see him win or loose, I just want him to go away.

    If for some reason they do make a rematch of this, does anyone see a different outcome then GSP beating him again?

  8. 45 Huddle says:

    Did I say the UFC needs to get rid of him? Nope.

    I hope he loses and then retires at Lightweight.

  9. trent thorne says:

    BJ Penn is an IDIOT!! his ego is so big he just cant come to terms with the fact that GSP is by far superior! Just deal with you egomaniac!!!!

  10. robthom says:

    Penn really doesn’t care what anybody thinks about him does he.

    Yeah there may possibly be some tiny tiny basis to his complaint. But pissing and moaning till the cows come home is not very attractive or respectable.

    If he really feels so slighted he should be demanding a rematch, not playing lawyerball like a woman.

  11. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    No one is suggesting that UFC get rid of Sean Sherk, Diego Sanchez, Roger Huerta, Spencer Fisher, Josh Neer, or Tyson Griffon, we’re talking about getting rid of BJ Penn.

    He’s so scared of fighting most of these guys that he’s talking about retiring and focusing on a different weight class. He’s not even in the same zone as most of them.

  12. Ultimo Santa says:

    — Controversy erupted inside the cage between the first and second rounds when the NSAC was alerted to the inappropriate use of Vaseline by St. Pierre cornerman Phil Nurse. Officials wiped the welterweight champion down with a towel between rounds and monitored the corner closely until the bout’s halt. —

    So this is where my disconnect is:

    R1 of this fight was VERY close – maybe slightly in GSP`s favor, but basically BJ Penn sustained no measurable damage.

    So AFTER this round, they point out in the 20-page complaint document that GSP was toweled down.

    Now assuming that this towel-down would have removed any trace amounts of Vaseline and sweat build-up, GSP would be going into R2 relatively dry.

    R2 begins, and BJ starts losing, and losing badly.

    So I`m a little confused at why he`s even complaining? If GSP was dry going into R2, and he was being closely monitored the rest of the fight, then where was the infraction?

    I`m more convinced of GSP`s innocence after reading this document than I was before.

    The parts about suspending Greg Jackson, a `conspiracy`, and a pill that makes you greasy? All this is LOL funny, and not worth even commenting on.

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