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Fight Opinion Radio #94: UFC 95 fallout and a big UFC 2010 prediction

By Zach Arnold | February 26, 2009

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We are back and better than ever with a new edition of Fight Opinion Radio. This week, Caleb of The Fightworks Podcast and Zach open up the show talking about all the fallout from UFC 95. Our opening focus is on the selective outrage of drug abuse and promotion in MMA, centered around the media huffing and puffing when a fighter fails a drug test but a fighter with an “HGH sponsor” receives no scorn. Plus: Will the nationalistic marketing card work in promoting this season of The Ultimate Fighter on Spike TV? Who will be Demain Maia’s kryptonite at Middleweight? A bonus business prediction that will surely come true for UFC in 2010. Also, why is MMA doing so well in these tough economic times while other sports are struggling to stay afloat?

In our closing segment, we talk about a recent interview with Rickson Gracie and whether or not he will fight in MMA again. Building on our previous segment talking about the health, we’ll address some of the challenges Strikeforce is facing with an increase in their events promotion workload. Will the promotion get stuck in-between being an independent or a major player? Plus: Taking a look at the current fanbase that financially supports MMA today versus what the audience was like five years ago and why so many hardcore fans that were invested in the business throughout the decade seem to be fading away. Money marks willing to pay big fight money for Fedor, however, do not seem to be fading away and we ask a simple question — we know Fedor is getting paid a lot of money, but outside of what promoters are currently paying him per fight… what do you think his true worth is in the MMA marketplace today?

The 94th edition of Fight Opinion Radio is now online and available to download. Download this week’s show here.


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Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Media, MMA, podcasts, StrikeForce, UFC, UK, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #94: UFC 95 fallout and a big UFC 2010 prediction”

  1. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:


    Has it really been three months?

  2. Tim Lee says:

    I missed Fight Opinion Radio. Nice to hear you guys back

  3. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    PPVs aren’t cheap, but they are cheap in comparison to taking one, two, or three people to an NHL or NBA game.

    MMA is really expensive live, but you can have an experience that is usually of a reliable quality on your couch for prices that are really competitive with live sports. You aren’t picking between buying an NHL game on TV (because they’re free) and UFC, you’re choosing between a UFC PPV and a live sporting event with $50+ tickets, $9 beers, $30 parking, etc.

  4. catch says:

    What’s the name of the song you always end your shows with, anyway? I’ve always wondered.

  5. […] Fight Opinion RadioFight Opinion Radio #94: UFC 95 fallout and a big UFC 2010 prediction […]

  6. Its good to hear the show again. I’m glad you had Caleb on. He’s a great co-host. I hope this is a regular occurence.


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