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You like? Franklin vs. Wanderlei at UFC 99…

By Zach Arnold | February 18, 2009

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at 195 pounds. Interested?

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 20 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

20 Responses to “You like? Franklin vs. Wanderlei at UFC 99…”

  1. ttt says:

    das deutschland?

  2. samscaff says:

    I also heard that UFC 99 will have Crocop vs. Couture.

  3. Alan Conceicao says:

    Cool fight. Should be competitive. I have no idea why anyone in Germany would care about it, but that’s not my problem.

  4. Garp says:

    Not interested. Perhaps we’re a bit too much of a stickler for rules but would rather see the fight at 185 or 205 but not at a catch-weight. All fights feed a storyline for their respective weight division, which keeps us all interested in non-title fights. A catch-weight fight, especially from two guys who can make either weight limit easily, doesn’t make any sense in the bigger picture of the Middleweight and Light-Heavyweight divisions.

  5. Not as enticing as some fights, but sure, that could be interesting.

  6. samscaff says:

    It doesnt make a difference if its at a catchweight or not. The fight will still be significant in the scheme of whatever weight division these guys end up in.

    Not like I have any idea why they would put this at catchweight, but its still just a fight and it wont matter in terms of rankings, etc, what class it is in.

  7. 45 Huddle says:

    Great fight. Horrible Catchweight. That is garbage.

    Isn’t Penn/Florian rumored for this card? This could end up being a really solid card… Which is amazing because UFC 98 & UFC 100 are very stacked cards too.

  8. I’m a bit skeptical as the appeal of this fight. Wanderlei has a distinct reach disadvantage in that fight, as well as a size disadvantage. Franklin should be able to win pretty convincingly.

    Also, Couture vs. CroCop has all but been squashed. Reportedly, Couture returns in the middle of May from a movie shoot, giving him a very short amount of time to train. We won’t be seeing that fight, guaranteed.

  9. Two name fighters, at whatever weight, what’s not to like? Those complaining about the catchweight probably checked out those carano pics in maxim and said her elbows were too pointy. These two guys have a high enough profile that the context of this weight class or that one, or in this case neither, is extraneous.

  10. 45 Huddle says:

    I hate catchweights no matter the fight. There are weight classes for a reason.

    As for the Gina pics… They looked like images from a Saturday morning cartoon. Way too much airbrushing

  11. Mike Rome says:

    I really like it. Franklin is better but can be overwhelmed. I really don’t care much about the catchweight…Wand is on his way down, Franklin is putting on weight, it makes sense to me. It’s two great exciting fighters, I don’t care what weight they fight at, especially since neither is an immediate title contender.

  12. Asa says:

    Those complaining about the catchweight probably checked out those carano pics in maxim and said her elbows were too pointy.

    Those are called Axes. Ex: “You gonna bring the Axe to Thailand!” “Bring down the AXE!” and theoretically “You gonna bring the AXE to STRIKEFORCE!”

    Also, not just too much airbrushing, but bad airbrushing. 🙂

  13. liger05 says:

    No, Silva is shot!!

  14. Kelvin Hunt says:

    I’ll be tuning in.

  15. Chuck says:

    This fight would have been great four or so years ago, but Silva is shot. Franklin by first round KO/TKO.

    In other news, anyone check the buyrates of the second Affliction show? Wrestling Observer is reporting between 80,000 to 120,000. That is really solid, especially the fact that there wasn’t a whole lot of hype for the show (besides Fedor fighting again). Golden Boy themselves are saying between 150,000 to 200,000 , but I’m not buying that. No one expected this show to get as many buys as the first show, but it actually beat it out. Seriously, good for them! Here’s to hopefully a third show, especially if it has Fedor vs. Josh Barnett.

    If D.Cap was still here, we wouldn’t hear the end of it, him going “see, I told you so!!”.

  16. Fan Futbol says:

    I don’t know about Franklin-Silva. I know we’re talking catchweight, but doesn’t Silva deserve a mediocre 185er to beat up on before he faces a real test? I kinda wanted to see him smash somebody in comeback fight first.

    But I’ll certainly watch Franklin-Silva.


  17. A. Taveras says:

    Good fight. No different from Henderson and Franklin, and honestly all three of these guys have been called shot at some point. Catchweight is great because neither guy is forced to drain too far. The point of weight classes is fair fights, the catchweight makes for a fair fight, so it is in the same spirit…people care for non-title fights for storylines?!

  18. Jeremy says:

    99 could end up being damn good. Florian/Penn, Uno/Fisher, Couture/Mirko and Franklin/Silva are all rumored.

  19. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    I think 195 is the test for Silva, he’s dipping his toes into 185 without actually cutting all the way.

    If you’re going to let him do that, then you have to give him someone who is a big middleweight, and that’s a relatively short list (although they’re all top contenders in the division).

    It’s a good fight.

  20. spacedog says:

    Are you kidding me? Totally psyched for this fight. My only beef is that I’d like to see Wand get an warm up fight, but in every way this fight makes sense. Two legends of their era, towards the end of their careers.. and a fight that has been just itching to happen. Heres to Wand Knocking the crap out of Ace.
    ps no problem whatsoever with the catch weight.


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