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Both good and bad news today for UFC

By Zach Arnold | February 10, 2009

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The bad news? Karo Parisyan tested positive for painkillers. Reportedly, Parisyan didn’t tell the Nevada State Athletic Commission about medications he took before the fight.

The good news? UFC’s Tampa show from last week drew a 1.5 cable rating. It was a great show, so I’m happy to see that the fighters were rewarded with a large audience.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 14 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

14 Responses to “Both good and bad news today for UFC”

  1. Dave says:

    Oh Karo, c’mon buddy.

    I’m glad the UFN did well as it was a really solid show. I’m usually not big on the UFN cards, but it was a better overall show than UFC has put on this year, period. Other cards have some great fights, but this show was really entertaining.

  2. PizzaChef says:

    Why isn’t War Machine getting arrested in a gay bar not being reported here?

  3. Steve says:

    The UFC really needs to change some of their production for their shows. The current format is way too tired.
    Surely while they are doing such good business they could try change a few things maybe add a new expert commentator or even change the music? With the number if shows they’re doing now it really brings the overall quality of the event down with the repetitious filler that they use now.

  4. Steve4192 says:

    “The UFC really needs to change some of their production for their shows. The current format is way too tired.”


    Their PPV sales and ratings clearly indicate they need to change things up.

    “Surely while they are doing such good business they could try change a few things ”

    Ever hear the old saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”?

    Long-time fans have to remember that what might seem old and tired to you does not feel that way to the mainstream audience who is currently paying the bills. The post-2005 crowd still thinks that stuff is cutting edge and awesome.

    Why would Zuffa want to mess with success?

  5. EJ says:

    This is going to be an interesting case to watch closely, i’ve been on the NSAC because of some shady moves and comments from Kizer. I really hope that they can come to a clear decision on this within reason because if not we are going to have another CSAC on our hands and that is bad news for all MMA fans.

  6. sheldon says:

    About the production values. I’m just hoping that by UFC 100 they have gotten rid of the gladiator opening.

  7. 45 Huddle says:

    It would be bad to get rid of that opening. It would hurt them more then help. But they should fine tune it.

  8. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Get used to it, it isn’t going anywhere, like that theme song that everyone uses for the Olympics.

  9. Rollo the Cat says:

    The last show was great. Lots of technique, finishes and fast paced matches. It was a nice mix, unlike those cards that have quick KOs or long Guida-like hug fests.

    The opening could be improved in a way that doesn’t provide ammo for critics of “bloodsports”. Instead of gladiators, use ancient Greek pankrationists. MMA is not gladiator fighting anyway, but it is Pankration.

  10. Steve4192 says:

    “Instead of gladiators, use ancient Greek pankrationists.”

    I’m pretty sure the whole nudity thing will be a problem. 😉

    I see what you are saying, but the gladiator is iconic, people know a gladiator when they see one. Most people don’t have the slightest idea what a pankrationists is, much less what one looks like.

    The Gladiator is the UFC’s version of the Eveready bunny or Ronald McDonald. People strongly associate it with the UFC. You don’t throw away that kind of brand identity because a handful of long-time buyers think it is stale.

  11. Dave says:

    People know what gladiators are, most people wouldn’t know how to recognize pankration fighters. I would really like to see some fine tuning to show openings as well, but I think it is understood that the opening is like the opening of a TV series; standard.

    Maybe revamp it a bit at UFC 100?

  12. Joseph says:

    MMAJunkie reported the two-hour broadcast scored 1.3 rating and averaged 1.7 million viewers.

    It was the lowest rating in the past 4 events and had the 2nd lowest gate.

  13. Steve says:

    No-one is arguing their success, but can they improve the UFC product?

    The countdown shows have definitely improved, and UFC primetime was great except for the Dana part. But unfortunately until there is some real competition they probably won’t improve the PPV’s.

    However the one redeeming part of the current format is that when you’re having a few people over to watch, when Goldie rambles on about nothing you know you got time to take a leak.

  14. A. Taveras says:

    I agree wih Steve, change a fw things up already. Overall I do like the consistent production, it makes it feel like ‘coming home’ when it is PPV night… but it’s been long enough, I’m ready for some new bumpers and graphics!


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