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Ticket information for Affliction 1/24 Honda Center event in Anaheim

By Zach Arnold | January 13, 2009

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So, I went to Ticketmaster to look for available seats for the January 24th event headlined by Fedor vs. Arlovski. The first thing you notice is that Affliction is giving away a ‘free t-shirt’ to anyone who buy a ticket with a face value of $200 or higher. Underneath the t-shirt offer are prices for parking, which range from $15-40 USD.

In short, you can pretty much get whatever kind of ticket you want for the show. More information here.

I know that on a mailing list for MMA writers, the organization yesterday (like for the first show) was offering free t-shirts as a way of saying ‘thank you.’

Topics: Affliction, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 102 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

102 Responses to “Ticket information for Affliction 1/24 Honda Center event in Anaheim”

  1. AnonMMAWriter says:

    That’s great, but they never sent out the shirts from the last time. I’m keeping this anonymous because I’m embarrassed to admit that I asked for one.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    In many of the ticket prices, there are still 1st or 2nd row seats still available. That is not a good sign. I think after cancelling the last show, they know they have no choice but to put this one on, no matter how few tickets they have sold.

  3. Jeremy says:

    Tom has come out and said:

    “Just wanted to come on here and respond to all the rumors going around that we have only sold 1200-1500 seats. First of all i have no idea where this information is coming from, but it could’nt be farther from the truth. In reality we are opening up more seating to accomodate the demand for tickets.”

    That last sentence is pretty sad. We know that you can get groups of ten tickets in every price, so there is clearly not enough sales to warrent the release of more tickets.

    Why say something that can be disproved so easily?

  4. Kelvin says:

    He’s been doing it from the get go. No sense in stopping now!

  5. Wolverine says:

    Am I the only one who noticed that they put Rodrigo Nogueira picture on the fightcard instead of Rogerio?

  6. mattio says:

    It’s funny that he has to lie constantly. We did 100,000 buys. Golden Boy is a great partner. Sales for our Jan. 24th show are doing swell.

    Why the constant dishonesty?

  7. mattio: Can you name an honest MMA promoter? Gary Shaw (before he was axed) and Dana White lie constantly. Promoters are supposed to hype things up with little twists like “In reality we are opening up more seating to accomodate the demand for tickets”

    What he really means is that he had to open up a larger and cheaper seat area and minimize the ringside and VIP area. 🙂

  8. Ultimo Santa says:

    “The first thing you notice is that Affliction is giving away a ‘free t-shirt’ to anyone who buy a ticket with a face value of $200 or higher”

    That’s an awesome deal. Since an Affliction t-shirt costs about $200, it’s basically like getting an event ticket for free!

  9. Ivan Trembow says:

    Atencio’s blatant lies will make it very hard to feel sorry for him when his MMA promotion goes out of business. With that said, the lack of legit competition to the UFC is nothing to celebrate. Franklin vs. Henderson should not be the main event of a $45 PPV. Hughes vs. Alves should not have been the main event of a $45 PPV. Bisping vs. Leben and Stevenson vs. Sanchez should not be the main events of major shows (albeit not PPVs, but people still had to pay for tickets). If the UFC had more legitimate competition, they would have much less of an ability to get away with sometimes offering sub-standard product at full price.

  10. 45 Huddle says:

    I disagree. UFC 93 was put on to financially hurt Affliction. If Affliction wasn’t around, would the UFC have even put on a PPV 2 weeks before Penn/GSP 2? It’s questionable. And that Franklin/Henderson Main Event would have been able to go on the Sanchez/Stevenson card instead, only making it stronger.

    Whether the UFC has competition from other MMA organizations, they are still competing for the consumers dollars. They are also always fighting to stay away from the perception of being like boxing. That is why we see stacked cards like UFC 92 and UFC 94.

    With that said, I do think they get ahead of themselves sometimes and try and put on too many shows without having enough headliners to fill those slots. Take for example the O2 Arena show coming up with Stevenson/Sanchez. That should never be the main event. But I don’t think that has anything to do with competition. Just poor planning. They shouldn’t be running 5 UFC numbered shows in 4 months, especially when they only have 5 weight classes and 5 champions.

  11. ilostmydog says:

    Ivan: Bisping vs. Leben and Stevenson vs. Sanchez are pretty sad main events, but I don’t really understand the complaints against Hughes vs. Alves and Franklin vs. Henderson. The latter two fights both feature two top ten competitors going at it, and Hendo/Franklin has been a dream fight since those two held their respective divisional titles. How aren’t those two fights respectable main events?

  12. grafdog says:

    Wolverine Says:

    “Am I the only one who noticed that they put Rodrigo Nogueira picture on the fightcard instead of Rogerio?”

    That IS Rogerio

    “Since an Affliction t-shirt costs about $200, it’s basically like getting an event ticket for free!”

    No, you get the $35 event shirt.

    #1 splitting the event into 2 shows on different channels is lame.

    #2 Except for Fedor Arlovski the card has poor match ups.

    These are the match ups we want to see…
    Vitor V Frank
    Vlad v Frye
    Nog v Law
    Barnett v Rico
    Yvel v Paul
    Kiril v Soakajew
    #3 Affliction is failing to get the HW action. Why is paul fighting a middleweight?
    #4 the under card is way underweight. 2 fights at 145? and the Vlad Lil nog rematch is a waste.

  13. Michaelthebox says:

    “With that said, the lack of legit competition to the UFC is nothing to celebrate. Franklin vs. Henderson should not be the main event of a $45 PPV. Hughes vs. Alves should not have been the main event of a $45 PPV. Bisping vs. Leben and Stevenson vs. Sanchez should not be the main events of major shows (albeit not PPVs, but people still had to pay for tickets). If the UFC had more legitimate competition, they would have much less of an ability to get away with sometimes offering sub-standard product at full price.”

    This is completely wrong, because it assumes that the UFC CHOOSES to give “substandard” main events. In fact, its more of a function of the structure of MMA competition, than anything else.

    Lets take a look at the main events you consider “substandard”. Hughes vs. Alves was a replacement for Liddell vs. Rashad which was a replacement for Liddell vs. Shogun. Even so, that was a main event of a former long-time champion vs. an exciting future #1 contender.

    The upcoming 93 is main evented by Franklin vs. Henderson. Thats one former long-time champion vs. another former long-time champion in a fight that people have waited a long time for.

    Simply put, the only way you can have better main events than that is with current champions. But even that isn’t always the case. Anderson vs. Cote was a shit main event, so was Anderson vs. Leites.

    So realistically, for a main event to be “standard”, it has to involve either a champion vs. a realistic contender, or two top and super-marketable fighters in a desired fight. But in order to have one of those fights on every card, you’d have to outright abandon some of the most desirable fights. UFC 93 could be improved with Penn vs. Florian. But that would leave UFC 94 with St. Pierre vs. Alves, certainly a great fight, but not the dream fight we are getting. UFC 93 suffers because we’re getting one of the greatest fights of a generation later this month.

    Furthermore, lets say the UFC DID do Penn vs. Florian and St. Pierre vs. Alves. Who would be next for each of them? Keep them fighting three times a year in order to give every card a championship main event, it isn’t long before they are both in Anderson Silva territory.

    Maybe the UFC can solve the problem in the future, but right now it can produce one elite challenger about every nine months, and one mediocre challenger every six months or so. Rematches between a champion and former champion or elite challenger are the best business, but not always doable. The faster champions fight, the less time fighters get to make it to elite challenger status, which is again where Anderson Silva is, trashing guys who haven’t had the time to reach elite status. That isn’t good for anybody.

    Really, if you want better main events, what you’re saying isn’t that you want better main events. What you’re saying is that you want fewer cards. Thanks, but I’m quite happy with all the MMA we get. Let the market decide which events they want to buy.

  14. Ivan Trembow says:

    Franklin vs. Henderson is a good match-up, but not as the main event of a PPV event, especially when PPVs cost $45. Same goes for Hughes-Alves.

  15. Michaelthebox says:

    Ivan, I responded to that, but my comment is awaiting moderation. Basically I say that main event quality is limited by the structure of MMA, not the UFC being stingy with its product.

  16. Ivan Trembow says:

    Nobody is forcing them to put on that many events.

  17. Marc says:

    Wolverine Says:

    “Am I the only one who noticed that they put Rodrigo Nogueira picture on the fightcard instead of Rogerio?”

    Grafdog says:

    “That IS Rogerio”

    The picture on the fightcard is indeed Rodrigo Minotauro. He has the Pride heavyweight belt over his shoulder.

  18. Zack says:

    I got tickets to Affliction & WEC…gonna be a couple good days back to back.

  19. Michaelthebox says:

    Ivan: nobody is forcing you to buy them, either. So why do you complain?

  20. big boi says:

    Franklin vs. Henderson is a match-up I’ve been waiting years for, so I’d gladly pay for that fight alone.

    Seriously, going back to the old UFC vs. Pride days, I was firmly in the camp that thought Dan Henderson was the best 185’er in the world and Franklin was an overrated UFC marketing creation that Dana protected by getting rid of Lindland. I was itching for Henderson to leave Pride, come to the UFC, and knock Franklin’s head off.

    Fast forward a couple of years, the fight no longer has the promotional rivalry behind it, it won’t determine the best in the world and it isn’t even at 185, but it will still scratch the itch.

  21. samscaff says:

    As someone else pointed out, that is indeed Rogerio Nogueira on the Affliction website.

  22. jr says:

    If Tom has all this money to burn he should donate to military veterans organizations. He couldn’t just be happy with an MMA version of Sheldon Goldberg’s NECW and give up and coming fighters a shot, he had to be national~! Affliction Clothing looks like JNCO and a BeDazzler kit crossed paths.

  23. Steve4192 says:

    I am completely perplexed as to how anyone can say Franklin-Hendo is not a fantastic main event. Aside from Chuck-Wand, it is THE Pride vs UFC superfight that I have been waiting for.

    As far as the ‘Nobody is forcing them to put on that many events’ quip goes … are you kidding?

    Would you really rather go back to the days of five or six cards per year? You’ll definitely get stacked cards that way, but you’ll miss out on a boatload of awesome fights from guys who don’t have name recognition … yet.

    Speaking only for myself, fuck that. I’d rather get monthly PPV’s with a half-dozen SpikeTV shows thrown in for free. It beats the hell out of what we got from 1997-2004.

  24. Ivan Trembow says:

    That’s a good one. I’m not being forced to buy them, so I can’t complain? That’s right up there with, “If you’ve never fought in MMA, you can’t criticize MMA fighters!” on the logic scale.

    My comment, “Nobody is forcing them to put on that many events” was in response to the general sentiment that the UFC is putting on so many events that it’s hard to have PPV-worthy main events for all of them and that it’s almost like a natural part of the industry that there are going to be some PPVs with main events that are not PPV-main-event-worthy.

    My response to that sentiment or attitude is this (to make it more than one sentence this time): If that’s the only defense to the sub-standard PPV main events, then it’s a cop-out because nobody is forcing them to run 12 or 13 PPV events per year. So far, it has generally only been a few times per year that they have PPV main events that aren’t worthy of being PPV main events, so I’d much rather have 10 PPV events per year and have all of them be worth $45 than have 12 per year and have a few of those with sub-standard main events.

    The UFC knows that it’s going to get a guaranteed 200,000+ buys just based on the UFC brand name, no matter what the quality of the card is. Charging $45 for PPV events with sub-par main events (ie, fights that are not worthy of headlining a $45 PPV), just because they know they can, is not the best way to build customer goodwill in the long run.

    PS: I just read on Bloody Elbow that Gonzaga vs. Carwin might actually be the main event of the March PPV. The UFC usually goes longer than two months in between sub-standard PPV main events, so hopefully this is not a sign of things to come as far as what the UFC is going to produce after Affliction is gone.

  25. Ivan Trembow says:

    On an unrelated note, I guess it’s nice to know that Howard Jacobs is still just as incompetent as ever.

    ““(The CSAC) basically said, ‘well, you can’t prove that it actually came from the legal supplement, as opposed to from the banned substance, so you lose because you didn’t prove it to us,’” Jacobs told “We say we didn’t have to prove it, you had to prove it the other way around.””

    In addition to the fact that you can’t just declare which party has to prove whifh facts and have that be the case just because you say so, there’s also the inconvenient little fact that even if they were to prove that it was 100% the fault of the supplement, the fighter is still responsible for what he puts in his body.

    Jacobs has had the same B.S. argument every time a fighter has wasted their money hiring him in Nevada or California, and he almost always loses, and he’s always told by the commission that a fighter is responsible if banned substances are in his body whether they got there knowingly or unknowingly, and yet he comes back with the same argument the next time and loses again.

    Keith Kizer of the NSAC did an interview with MMAWeekly in 2007 where he talked about a lot of the drug testing myths that fighters often try to explot to make it seem that they’re not responsible for what they put into their system. The URL is:

  26. Michaelthebox says:

    “That’s a good one. I’m not being forced to buy them, so I can’t complain? That’s right up there with, “If you’ve never fought in MMA, you can’t criticize MMA fighters!” on the logic scale.”

    Don’t make my eyes roll any harder, they’ll fly out of my head into orbit around Earth.

    You can’t complain, because there are clear market forces in play here. The market does not agree with you, Ivan, because the market is not forced to buy a card either. Customer goodwill is not lost when the customer is free to pick and choose which product he or she wants.

    And that works, because “PPV quality main event” is purely a matter of opinion. Your opinion is that Henderson vs. Franklin is a substandard main event. Many people disagree, and those will be the people buying the event.

    At core, your complaint about main event quality revolves around the fact that you think your opinion actually represents or should represent the market’s opinion. It doesn’t. Its just one opinion among many. Let the market work, because it works just fine.

  27. grafdog says:

    Marc Says:

    Wolverine Says:

    “Am I the only one who noticed that they put Rodrigo Nogueira picture on the fightcard instead of Rogerio?”

    Grafdog says:

    “That IS Rogerio”

    “The picture on the fightcard is indeed Rodrigo Minotauro. He has the Pride heavyweight belt over his shoulder.”

    …my mistake, i didn’t click on the fightcard, i was going by the image on the homepage.

    That’s a pretty big boner they pulled there.

  28. Ivan Trembow says:

    Michaelthebox— It’s always nice to be told what I think, but no, I don’t think that my “opinion actually represents or should represent the market’s opinion.”

    My opinion is that Matt Hughes vs. Thiago Alves was not worthy of being the main event of a $45 PPV. My opinion is that Rich Franklin vs. Dan Henderson is not worthy of being the main event of a $45 PPV. My opinion is that if Gabriel Gonzaga vs. Shane Carwin does indeed end up being the main event of the March PPV, that will be another fight that is not worthy of being the main event of a $45 PPV.

    Those are just my opinions, and I’m pretty sure I don’t need to check with you first to see if I have the right to have those opinions or the right to express those opinions.

  29. MMA Game says:

    Well as someone who’s going to the next London UFC, I can say I’m pretty pissed off at the main event. If I’d paid a reasonable ticket price then it would be fine but I’ve paid ÂŁ50 ($75, even now with the horrible exchange rate), for basically the worst seats in the whole of the 22,000 seater arena.

    Following on from ÂŁ50 for Leben vs Bisping it’s starting to really get annoying.

    As for Affliction, well, it’s sad because I want a competitor to the UFC, but they really have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. The marketing is terrible, their website is terrible, their idea of mixing MMA with other stuff is terrible, their fighter pay is a guaranteed disaster… Never mind eh… eventually someone with a clue will have go at this and we’ll have 2 orgs.

  30. Wolverine says:

    Come on, UFC won’t do Gonzaga vs. Carwin PPV. They’re either going to convince Chuck or put something like Florian vs. Sherk 2 or Alves vs. Swick.

  31. D.Capitated says:

    Is Florian/Sherk II really a main event fight though? Who carries that buyrate? Florian?

    RE: “Just don’t buy”…well, look. There’s two solid arguments against it. One is that forcing decent but non-exceptional fights to PPV builds resentment with the fanbase over time. That’s not a good thing. The other is that the UFC has had multiple attempts to get cards like the Carwin/Gonzaga one onto various TV outlets and refused to because it would force them to lose some onus of control. Its extremely funny then to hear them use their lock on every aspect of the programming as an excuse as to why they don’t need to pay main eventers higher percentages of the total gate.

  32. Steve4192 says:

    “there are clear market forces in play here”


    I think the majority of the UFC’s fanbase is just interested in good fights. They don’t give a shit about the names of the guys fighting (with a few exceptions like Chuck/Brock/Randy). If the UFC delivers good fights, they are happy, and the UFC has been delivering good fights recently.

    While Ivan is certainly entitled to his opinion, I don’t think many people that actually purchase PPVs share that opinion. I think the angst-ridden stream and torrent crowd might, but the UFCs paying customers are don’t.

    And I still don’t get the problem with Rich-Hendo. IMO, that is one of the best main events they have had in quite some time. Not every event can be GSP-Penn.

  33. D.Capitated says:

    I think the issue with Rich/Hendo is multifaceted: Its at 205, both are sort of in rankings limbo, and that its a fight essentially to get onto Ultimate Fighter for another bout 6 months from now against someone either man would likely easily beat isn’t that enticing. The loser, meanwhile, is gonna be downgraded appreciably in the eyes of the fans.

  34. Steve4192 says:

    What makes you think anyone is going to ‘easily beat’ Mike Bisping?

    Ask the current LHW champ how easy it is to beat Bisping.

  35. D.Capitated says:

    I A) don’t think Rashad had that much trouble beating him and that the arguments for Bisping winning were ridiculous and B) he looks completely hittable against guys like Leben and Hamill, and shows (predictably) to not have the greatest takedown defense on earth. One of those gets him torched against Franklin. The other gets him torched by Henderson.

  36. ARCE says:

    Ivan Trembow likes to complain just for the sake of complaining…because if you are a journalist (is that what he calls himself?), then it usually goes without saying that you must be critical most of the time, or run the risk of being called a ‘fan’.

    So ignore him, he really brings nothing to the table here. He likes to think his opinion is worth more, when he throws around what he fights he feels are ‘main event’ worthy, but the reality is, the market will decide that. As stated by a number of people above me, if the UFC keeps selling 350k ppv’s per show, then that says a lot of fans are enjoying it.

    Speaking for myself, I would rather have more ppv’s and free shows, than less. I enjoy seeing new fighters, up and comers, rather than the Pride’esque retread circuit we used to see in Japan. I see nothing useful out of only having 6 ppv’s a year, so that a few cranky old ‘journalists’ and Pride nutjobbers can then crow on about ‘stacked’ fight cards. Bottom line, if an upcoming card doesn’t look attractive to me, I just don’t buy it. I’ll wait for the next one. This really isn’t a big deal. If most people do the same, the UFC will respond in kind.

  37. ARCE says:

    And Rich Franklin vs Dan Henderson is a good fight. I also don’t understand why all these people feel like they need some good story or rankings backdrop either, to make the fight intriguing. Why? Can’t you just enjoy it for what it is…..two top five/top ten fighters going at it, to see which guy is best? Do we really have to sit around and whine about how the winner isn’t getting a title shot next? Who cares. Fussing over story lines makes it seems like we are one step removed from Vince McMahn(spelling?). What’s next for some of these people, do they need a good “Dan Henderson raped Rich’s sister” plot twist to get them to tune in????

  38. D.Capitated says:

    And Rich Franklin vs Dan Henderson is a good fight. I also don’t understand why all these people feel like they need some good story or rankings backdrop either, to make the fight intriguing.

    The fight’s not bad. 3 years ago it would have been great. It just sucks that you either have to pay $45, go to a sports bar to watch it on tape, or go through illegal means to see it.

  39. Steve4192 says:

    D. Capitated,

    I think you and I are going to have to agree to disagree on Bisping.

    I think that guy is a tough fight for anybody and find the assertion that Rashad had an easy time with him ludicrous. Evans definitely won the fight, but Bisping gave him everything he could handle and then some. If nothing else, he managed to finish the fight rather than being left in an unconscious heap on the mat like Liddell & Griffin.

  40. D.Capitated says:

    Styles make fights, and even now I think people who imagine Rashad as a great finisher are fooling themselves. When I look at Franklin/Bisping and compare it to the fight with Rashad, well, Franklin perhaps isn’t as athletic, but he’s about 3-4 inches taller and has a much longer reach. Matt Hammill virtually outstruck Bisping, and look how he did with Franklin standing. I think Bisping might make it 15 minutes against either one (Henderson because he’s old and gasses early, Franklin because he can be lured into sleepwalking and has fragile hands), but I can’t see him beating either.

  41. A. Taveras says:

    I buy PPVs on both the boxing and MMA side. I order fights primarily because I enjoy hosting fight night parties. SO far Ivan is 3 for 3 in predicting my ‘market behavior’. Contrary to comment 34 above I have learned from experience hosting parties that most people don’t care too strongly about undercards but about the fighters they already know. I would not call these guys ‘casual fans’ either…many train and spend hours online tracking down fights.

    When I order fights I consider how meaningful to me the entire card is, along with how much excitement it will generate amongst friends. BUT I also consider the upcoming calendar and how many live fight nights I need to enjoy in a month. In the case of Rich and Hendo though I know enough fans of both men to have a decent party I can expect a lot more fun both on the 31st (Penn and GSP) and on the 24th when Affliction MMA + Mosley-Margarito boxing will both be on.

    Overall I agree with the sentiment that UFC should slow down on the shows and keep up the quality.

  42. 45 Huddle says:

    I’m not buying a PPV headlined by Gonzaga vs. Carwin.

    They need to get the Featherweight Division in the UFC…. Have 6 champions…. 1 PPV per month… And if these champions each fight twice a year, then we have one title fight per card. And then there are enough stars to sprinkle in a non-title main event for one of the 12 PPV’s if needed.

    They are only going to hurt themselves by having people spend $100+ a ticket, then not following through with a respectable main event. It will also teach fans not to buy tickets until a main event is announced.

  43. D.Capitated says:

    “teaching fans not to buy tickets” isn’t a good thing, since most tickets are sold in the first week of an event going on sale. If they don’t buy them straight away, they probably won’t at all.

  44. klown says:

    The “free market” crowd (for lack of a better label) essentially argue against intelligent analysis of any kind. In their circular world, if PPVs are sold, the product is good, period, and anyone who criticizes the product or points to dangers down the line is some kind of elitist. This is a mindless position to take. The reason we go to sites like Fight Opinion is because we have opinions and want to exchange them with others.

    About the “free market”: I self-consciously “reward” the UFC for putting on great cards by ordering them on PPV and “punish” the UFC for putting on sub-par cards by downloading those illegally. Similarly, I encourage competition to the UFC by ordering PPVs like Affliction’s, regardless of how crappy their marketing is (like I care!).

    An individual consumer acting alone makes no difference, but “the market” is simply the sum of consumer behavior. At present, fans like myself are rare, although I’m sure some of you are also self-conscious about your personal contributions to the “free market”. And as the fanbase becomes more educated about the sport, and more PPV-weary, this will become more common.

    Steve, ARCE and others who share their sentiment are short-sighted. Sure, fans right now are being suckered into buying a mediocre product, but for how long? What these guys are missing is the point made by D.Capitated: “forcing decent but non-exceptional fights to PPV builds resentment with the fanbase over time. That’s not a good thing.”

  45. IceMuncher says:

    Personally, I like having more events. I’m not too concerned about the star power of the main event, as long as it has solid fights I’m happy. I’d much rather have 93 and 94 the way they are, than combine the fights into a single super card. I get more fights, and I get to see some potentially exciting new fighters I would not otherwise know about if every show consisted of established top 10 fighters.

    Just tossing my two cents in.

    Also, from the fighters’ perspective, more shows mean the fighter’s fight more often (most can barely get 3 fights a year as it is now).

  46. Jim Allcorn says:

    I happen to agree with both Ivan & Mr. Taveras above regarding the quality of this weekend\’s main event & the frequency with which Zuffa is now scheduling PPVs.

    Sure, Hendo – Franklin is a solid match up. But, it\’s between a pair of fighters that have fallen off to second tier level now & to me, it\’s far more of a good semi-main event or co-feature than a main event itself.
    While I respect opinions to the contrary, that\’s the way I see it.

    As for the rate at which the UFC is scheduling PPVs these days, I think they\’re getting a little greedy.
    With more & more of these shows being filled out by fighters that we all just saw on TUF a few weeks or months ago, it\’s difficult for me not to feel like these $45 events are becoming more & more watered down …

    Of course, no one is \”forcing me\” to watch and/or purchase these PPVs, but the more & the more often that they try to sqeeze out of the consumer for what are increasingly becoming less than stellar cards, the more danger they\’re in of repeating all of boxing\’s mistakes.

  47. Mike Rome says:

    The flaw is thinking they are doing it because they can get away with it, rather than doing it because they find themselves in a bad position. I think UFC 93 is a fine card, somewhere between Spike and PPV level lineups, but again fights are so widely available within a day of the show that it’s not exactly worth complaining about.

    Hughes-Alves show was originally supposed to be Chuck-Shogun. Penn-Stevenson was originally going to be Penn-Sherk. Franklin-Okami was originally going to be Tito/Forrest.

    UFC 95’s main event is a disaster, but it’s a result of them desperately searching for a main event and having no fighters bite. It’s more a reflection of their inefficient use of their own roster than some kind of monopolistic neglect. I am now pretty sure they have a main event they are putting together last minute besides Carwin-Gonzaga, but even if that happened, it would be because Chuck pulled out and all their other top fighters are busy. Not because they want to sell fans that main event.

    People confuse lack of direct competition with no competition way too often, it’s a classic mistake. The biggest competitor of all is indifference, which is what the UFC struggles with every day. They need to convince people to pay for fights every month, and they are nowhere near cemented on television. There are plenty of market reasons pushing great shows.

  48. Chuck says:

    “Personally, I like having more events.”

    Okay, but that leads to over-saturation. How often can you really order $45 ppvs? And I am only talking about the UFC alone. Think about all of the boxing (HBO or otherwise) ppvs, Affliction, WWE, TNA, various porn, old King of the Cage ppvs, etc. You’d either have to be a multi-millionaire or have an illegal box to get all of that. UFC is going to have to have more free shows and less ppvs in the future if they plan on running like this. You’re better off waiting until the shows hit DVD, that way you can read reviews of the show to see if it’s good or not, and then get the DVD which would be $20 instead of $45, and you keep the DVD forever and ever and ever.

  49. Jim Allcorn says:

    Oh, absolutely. As a fan, I LOVE having more events to watch! The more the marrier, let the good times roll & all that stuff …

    But, as a consumer with limited means, it’s just not even remotely feasible for me to be able to afford each & every show that the UFC makes available to me. Especially since I’m not only a hard core MMA fan, but also a lifelong boxing enthusiast as well.

    And that’s just with the already established schedule of a Zuffa PPV per month. Now, they’re apparently moving forward toward a new PPV every three weeks …
    Which would be fun to watch no doubt, but just impossible for the average fan to pay for IMO.

    I’m all for keeping the fighters busier & establishing new stars etc., but I believe it’s come to the point now where Dana & the boys should make a deal for a regularly scheduled Fight Night show per month on basic cable or broadcast television in addition to a single PPV card every four or five weeks.

  50. IceMuncher says:

    “marrier, let the good times roll & all that stuff …

    But, as a consumer with limited means, it’s just not even remotely feasible for me to be able to afford each & every show that the UFC makes available to me. ”

    Get friends. I pay about $5-$20 a PPV, depending on how many people show up. It’s easily affordable, and more fun to watch with a crowd than alone. I don’t think a $45 PPV was ever a reasonable price for a single viewer, no matter how good the show is; I’d never pay that much considering the opportunity costs.


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