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Report: Forrest Griffin out of action for all of 2009

By Zach Arnold | January 13, 2009

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So sayeth The Sun in the only style they can.

On a side note, the mess in Michigan for MMA legislation is growing.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 11 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

11 Responses to “Report: Forrest Griffin out of action for all of 2009”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    That guarantees Evans/Griffin. I was hoping for Evans vs. Silva/Machida, with the winner fighting Rampage/Forrest 2.

  2. Kelvin says:

    They are saying that Dana wanted to put Forrest against Rampage this summer? SMH.

  3. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    How does that guarantee Evans/Griffin?

    They’re not going to ice their champion for a year just because the last one is out.

  4. Kelvin says:

    It’ll be Evans/Rampage with Machida possibly fighting the winner if he wins at UFC 94 IMO.

  5. Fluyid says:

    “They are saying that Dana wanted to put Forrest against Rampage this summer?”

    That’s what UFC supremo Dana White had planned.

  6. 45 Huddle says:

    Oops, I meant it guarantees Evans/Rampage.

  7. Ivan Trembow says:

    As for who is getting the next title shot, the UFC had already made clear in numerous interviews (starting on the night of UFC 92) that the next title shot was going to Jackson, not to the Machida/Silva winner.

  8. klown says:

    With Griffin out of commission, W.Silva probably dropping to 180, and Jardine playing the role of gatekeeper to the Top 5 (set to face up-and-comer Cane), we are left with a list of exciting contenders.

    I’m still hoping against hope they’ll nix the idea of putting the Henderson-Franklin winner on TUF vs Bisping – especially if the winner is Franklin. This would clarify the LHW division rather than further confusing the MW picture.

    The winner of Henderson-Franklin could fight the winner of Machida-T.Siva for a title fight. Anyone who gets past 2 of those 4 fighters certainly deserves a shot. The potential match-ups against the winner of Evans-Rampage are tantalizing.

    Meanwhile, Liddell would face the winner of Rua-Coleman. If Rua were to beat Coleman and Liddell, he would deserve the next shot, and for that matter, if Coleman overcame Rua and Liddell, he’d have a strong case for a title shot himself.

    As for Liddell, one victory might not be enough. Perhaps he could take on the loser of Evans-Rampage, and only be allowed a title shot if he avenges one of those losses.

  9. Zack says:

    With fighter’s going on record saying that Forrest’s punches can’t bust a grape…maybe he’s getting steel inserted into his hand old school wrasslin style. He could’ve made it easier on himself and just stuck to coal miner’s glove matches though.

  10. Steven says:

    This story is false.

    Don’t report anything from the Sun. They made up the Couture vs. Liddell 4 news too.

  11. Ivan Trembow says:

    While The Sun has had plenty of false stories, the fact that Couture-Liddell 4 was a possibility was not one of their false stories. If they ever reported that it was signed or agreed to, that would have been false, but just the fact that it was a potential fight was not false. The fight was informally offered to both Couture and Liddell, and neither fighter was interested in it, with Couture wanting the loser of Nogueira-Mir (since Lesnar was guaranteed the winner of Nogueira-Mir), and with Liddell having a number of fights that interested him more than another Couture fight.

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