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Video: Footage of McCullough/Cerrone WEC “no-TV” fight

By Zach Arnold | December 21, 2008

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Topics: Media, MMA, WEC, Zach Arnold | 21 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

21 Responses to “Video: Footage of McCullough/Cerrone WEC “no-TV” fight”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    The entire fight is showing on Sunday as part of a “Best of 2008” special.

  2. Grape Knee High says:

    Must’ve been an awesome fight if Cerrone got dropped twice and still won the decision.

  3. skwirrl says:


  4. Ivan Trembow says:

    Great article by Robert Joyner about the UFC’s international drug testing:

  5. Grape Knee High says:

    Ivan, that article highlights an interesting issue, but I don’t know if it is “great”.

    Joyner’s article highlights the primary problem with the glut of MMA news and opinion sites: that in order to compete, you have to dredge up what amount to meaningless throwaway articles even on slow news days.

    As a news piece, it lacks relevancy at this moment in time. Leben was caught ages ago and the next Euro show still isn’t for a while.

    As a commentary piece, it has an interesting premise but is half-baked and lacks true substance.

  6. Zack says:

    Hard to get excited about a fight this far after the fact.

  7. IceMuncher says:

    Enough with the sloppy kickboxing comments. If you have an issue with the striking in the 1:31 of footage linked in this post, MMA is not for you.

  8. Grape Knee High says:

    Agree with IceMuncher.

    That said, how come we hardly ever see any “sloppy jiu-jitsu!” accusations?

  9. Ivan Trembow says:

    Speaking of prelim bouts that didn’t air live, guess who’s a prelim fighter again? That’s right, it’s Jon Fitch.

    In his first fight after his excellent title match against Georges St. Pierre and his first fight since the UFC-AKA contract dispute, Jon Fitch has been relegated to being a prelim fighter on the January 31st event, according to the UFC’s own web site.

    Not only is the Fitch fight being slotted below the Parisyan main card bout (in Parisyan’s first fight since he pulled out of a fight at the last minute), not only is the Fitch fight being slotted below the Diaz-Guida main card bout, but freaking Stephan Bonnar vs. Jon Jones is a main card fight while the #2 welterweight in the world is in the prelims. Unbelievable.

    I guess the UFC felt that they needed to send even more of a message to Fitch and his management than they already did.

    Being relegated to the prelims is something that Fitch has faced before… his first 5 UFC fights were all wins over Brock Larson, Josh Burkman, Thiago Alves, Kuniyoshi Hironaka, and Luigi Fioravanti, and all of them except the Hironaka fight were non-televised prelims.

    Now, after 3 more UFC wins (for a total of 8), and one loss to St. Pierre (for a total of 1 UFC loss), Fitch is in the prelims again.

  10. […] Georges St. Pierre. After the contractual dust-up over video game rights with UFC management? Fitch is relegated to dark match status. Thoughts on this from Sherdog, Fightlinker, and MMA […]

  11. Dave says:

    Guys, Ivan Trembow is indignant over something. Stop the presses!

  12. Grape Knee High says:


    We all know Zuffa can be vindictive, but the fact that Jon Fitch has primarily been an undercard fighter even before the controversy should tell you something about where his true level of marketability is.

    Just because he got a massive beatdown from GSP in a main event does not automatically make him popular.

    Notice that Yushin Okami still gets the undercard treatment as well. At some point, don’t you get tired of manufacturing controversies around non-issues?

  13. Ivan Trembow says:

    Yeah, because I’m the only one who has written about Fitch’s prelim demotion. Nice job of making it about me instead of about the issue at hand.

  14. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Blogs are in the same 24-hour news cycle as everyone else now, of course they’re going to seize on non-issues, and of course we’re going to fight about it, because this is the internet, man.

    If you have an issue with that, then the internet is not for you 🙂

  15. Ivan Trembow says:

    It’s a heck of a non-issue for a fighter to match the UFC’s all-time consecutive wins record by beating eight strong opponents in a row, then lose to the #1 fighter in his weight class in a UFC Match of the Year candidate, and then be in the prelims in his next fight.

  16. jj says:

    tell him to be more exciting and get the fans to notice him, market himself so that the ufc can make money off of him and they’ll put him on the main card. it’s completely a non issue though since fitch only cares about fighting top competition. he doesn’t care about the money or the fame, just fighting top competition.

  17. ilostmydog says:

    Ivan, I’m wondering, did you raise a similar issue when Josh Koscheck had his five-fight winning streak snapped by GSP and was relegated to the prelims in his next fight? It’s not quite an eight-fight winning streak but it’s still tremendous for the division he is in.

  18. klown says:

    Ivan, ignore the hate. The right perspective is rarely the most popular.

  19. 45 Huddle says:

    What came first… The chicken or the egg?

    Fitch isn’t popular because he is in prelims. Fitch can’t get on prelims because he isn’t popular.

    I agree with Ivan on this one. Fitch is the #2 Welterweight in the world. He should be on the main card. Same as Okami should be on the main card. And if they can’t find a way of justifying him getting on the main card, then Joe Silva needs to be doing a better job.

  20. klown says:

    45, sometimes I (unfairly) accuse you of shilling, but I’m glad we’re on the same page about this one.

  21. Naf says:

    I have to agree that while he may not be really marketable, Fitch should be on the main card. But even with that said, I would think at this point that he is still more marketable than Parisyan, Bonnar, or Diaz.

    Also, I can’t wait to watch the replay of the Cerrone fight. I read a break down of it, and it sounded like Cowboy messed him up pretty good. But the clips they show tend to lean towards Razor. It will be nice to see the whole thing. I’ve watched a few of Cowboy’s fights, and he is really good. If he really messed Rob up this much, I think he will take Varner.

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