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Fight Opinion Radio #92: Delivering our eulogy for Elite XC

By Zach Arnold | October 22, 2008

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Strangely, it always seems that our best work comes around stories involving scandals in the fight business. The implosion of Elite XC is no different, as we are on our A-game this week covering the destruction of a second major MMA company within the last three years. In this one-hour edition of Fight Opinion Radio, we take a look at the history of Elite XC from start to finish and give you an easy-to-understand timetable as to when things started to fall apart for the company. Simply put, Elite XC was created and based on a lot of potential and management in the company failed to deliver on that potential. How? Why?

Plus, we have found some warning signals in the implosion of Elite XC that may portend to some shaky events down the road for UFC in the future. (Hint: It has to do with what CBS was considering doing and may still do.)

In addition to our eulogy for Elite XC, we bring back the world-famous grab bag and discuss two marijuana-related stories that you have to simply hear to believe. Get a contact high from the highest quarter-hour rated segment in all of MMA radio.

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Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, Pro Elite, UFC, UK, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #92: Delivering our eulogy for Elite XC”

  1. Rollo the Cat says:

    You have it linked to an old show. I just downloaded FO Radio #91.

  2. Jeff says:


  3. Pontus says:

    Real solid show this time, Keep up the good work!

  4. Luke says:

    The Lloyd Irvin criticism is absurd, Zach. Say what you want about his coaching abilities (and I disagree with you), but he charges $1k an hour so he WON’T be hired. He does that a) because he constantly travels and b) so his students will get picked to do private lessons. He doesn’t have the ability to do private lessons and why should he when Ryan Hall is has been tapping black belts since he was a newly minted purple belt?

    And it’s been this way for years. How many private lessons has he done? Not one, just the way it’s intended.

  5. The Gaijin says:

    I’m a bit puzzled by the CSAC decision in the Silva case. They have set a precedent in that, suspensions have been reduced to 6 months where appealled with any type of defense. See both Baroni and Sherk, who each used just as conflated a defense as Silva yet received half the length.

  6. Jeff says:


    It was me, not Zach, that directed most of the criticism towards Lloyd. The guy’s got legit skills as a competitor and has proven he can produce top bjj talent, but . . .

    His marketing gimicks are terrible. I invite you to check out he and his wife’s get rich quick real estate hustle. ( The overhyped bjj marketing is no better.

  7. Ivan Trembow says:

    Another incompetent defense by Howard Jacobs in a steroids case, once again trying to equate taking a steroids-containing supplement with being innocent.

  8. […] mentioned it in his latest video blog, and if I remember correctly, Jeff Thaler alluded to it on the latest episode of FightOpinion Radio. So what was it all about? Good question, but it appears the answer has been made […]


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