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Fight Opinion Radio #91: The meltdown of Kimbo Slice & Elite XC

By Zach Arnold | October 7, 2008

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Kimbo Slice gets knocked out in 14 seconds, Elite XC loses their top meal ticket in the process, and the winner of the fight opens his mouth in a very bad way. Welcome to the fight business! We’ll do our best to make the case as to why you should care about allegations of fight fixing and bribery by promoters in the fight business. (Besides the fact that it’s a felony criminal offense in the United States.)

After the meltdown of Elite XC this past week, we take a long-term view look at the MMA industry landscape. Just what kind of start-up capital would it take to actually be competitive on a global or national level in the UFC-dominated MMA business? (Hint: There is a large disparity in terms of what each of us at Fight Opinion Radio thinks is needed for start-up capital.) Is MMA a viable business to make money in or not?

Plus, the world-famous grab bag (is it fixed? is it worked?).

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Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, Pro Elite, UFC, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “Fight Opinion Radio #91: The meltdown of Kimbo Slice & Elite XC”

  1. krusty5678 says:

    Nice episode Zach. I wish you guys would put out the show more often.

    I especially liked Jeff’s suggestions as to how he’d start an MMA promotion if he had the cash.


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