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Elite XC’s FSN/Comcast Sportsnet TV deal

By Zach Arnold | October 5, 2008

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I’m watching their show right now featuring Cage Rage footage with Anderson Silva fighting. Other than perhaps a rights fee, what is the point of this FSN TV show for Elite XC?

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “Elite XC’s FSN/Comcast Sportsnet TV deal”

  1. D.Capitated says:

    Is this a serious question? The idea is to use the tape library to make money by having a TV partner willing to pay them to air old fights as content.

  2. Andrew says:

    I understand that, but wouldn’t you want to show fights of current stars that are in the company right now, showing footage of your competitors fighters is saying how inferior your organization is to them.

  3. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    It’s consistent with their strategy all along. Box up a five event set with Anderson Silva, Takanori Gomi and BJ Penn on the cover from Hawaii, a best of for Quinton Jackson’s fights in KoTC, an Anderson Silva retrospective for Cage Rage.

    Given the almost complete psychic rift between EXC and their daughter promotions, it shouldn’t be that surprising.

  4. Dedwyre says:

    I think it makes more sense to use UFC fighters like Silva, Penn, and Jackson to sell DVDs of smaller promotions that otherwise wouldn’t get a second glance from most customers than to fill your TV show with UFC fighters, unless putting those fighters on the show is the reason there is a show at all. Now if they had some footage of UFC fighters losing to their fighters, that would be another thing, but I don’t think they do.

  5. DannyD says:

    off topic but some news this morring with seth’s interview on a radio talkshow. Where he mentions being paid not to take the fight to the ground and keep it standing. What is this japan lol the underground has the link to the show

  6. DannyD says:

    LMAO forgot about the fight linker spoof sight

  7. D.Capitated says:

    I understand that, but wouldn’t you want to show fights of current stars that are in the company right now, showing footage of your competitors fighters is saying how inferior your organization is to them.

    Like what? Aaron Rosa KOing some no name? Anderson Silva fighting 5 years ago against Tony Fryklund doesn’t do any damage to them whatsoever, no more so than the UFC replaying Ricco/Couture on UFC Unleashed did.

  8. DannyD says:

    I guess I wasn’t really off then.


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