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No more Ken vs. Kimbo…

By Zach Arnold | October 4, 2008

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Rumor mill here.

Consider this your post for EXC 10/4 Florida event coverage. Post all comments, links, reports here.

Or maybe the fight will happen… or not.

Frank Shamrock, all dressed to announce, is awaiting word as it is very possible he will face Slice. Slice’s people had not agreed to Seth Petruzelli as of a few minutes ago. Frank Shamrock is a different issue due to the weight difference and the fact Frank has not trained for the fight.

Now it’s Kimbo vs. Seth Petruzelli. If I was Kimbo’s manager and I had a choice between losing to Frank Shamrock or losing to Seth Petruzelli, I’m taking a loss to Frank any day of the week.

Then there is this:

The Petruzelli match was in doubt until the last minute, as according to several sources, Slice’s handlers demanded a considerable amount of extra money to agree to the new opponent.

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Zach Arnold | 21 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

21 Responses to “No more Ken vs. Kimbo…”

  1. Jeremy says:

    MMA Junkie and MMA Rated are both reporting it is off, so it looked legit.

    This is a very bad break for Elite.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    Some are reporting it back on now. No way a doctor should be allowing this fight if the cut is severe enough.

    EliteXC continues its reign as the Undisputed White Trash MMA Company Of The World!!

  3. Mr.Roadblock says:

    If Ken got hurt training it just goes to show how little he and the people around him know about MMA. The night before a fight you should eat and rest after weighins then move around to get a sweat going and do light work for the time limit of your fight. Hit mits, do light takedowns and submission setups/escapes (just set ups really in this case because you’re preparing for Kimbo). There should be absolutely no way that anyone would be going against you hard enough to headbut you hard enough for a cut to open. If anyone is throwing punches at you the night before a fight you train with retards.

  4. Chuck says:

    It’s official. Ken is out, and Seth Petruzelli is in. It’s now a better fight because of it.

    They still need to do Kimbo vs. Bob Sapp. And what the hell? A triple threat with Kimbo vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Frank Shamrock.

  5. Tomer Chen says:

    Frank going “WTF are you doing, Ken?!” was classic.

  6. 45 Huddle says:

    They all look sad because their jobs are on the line.

    The fight card still has 3 good fights.

    This could be the end of EliteXC.

  7. Chuck says:

    Decent event thus far, but the ref during the ongoing Arlovski/Nelson fight made a TERRIBLE stand-up call. Nelson almost had a Kimura lock, and the ref ordered them back up. What the fuck?! It’s not like Nelson was just laying on him, he almost had a Kimura on him. He had ot on him, he just didn’t stretch it out at the moment. Terrible call…

    But Nelson definitely won that first round.

  8. 45 Huddle says:

    Horrible stand-up then. Also during the Carano fight. Her opponent was in on a double leg against the cage and they stood them up.

    They called Tito Ortiz a former Heavyweight Champion. Get the facts straight. Even if he does sign, by the time he is healed from back surgery, EliteXC will be out of business.

  9. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Hm, Kimbo not sounding thrilled about fighting someone else. I expect he still wants his payday, but there’s a little dissatisfaction boiling under there.

    I wonder if one Mr. Joe Silva’s had a bug in his ear.

  10. Tomer Chen says:

    One word: owned.

  11. 45 Huddle says:

    Good Bye EliteXC. That’s what happens when you bank an entire FIGHTING company on a guy who can’t FIGHT!!

  12. Mr.Roadblock says:

    I thought it was a good standup on Arlovski/Nelson. Almost impossible to get the Kimura from that position and really you could say totally impossible on someone as strong as Arlovski. Ref did a good job to stop Nelson who was scared from turning that into a boring(er) first round.

    This fight is on mainstream TV you are trying to cultivate new fans. You don’t do that with two men in their underpants dry-humping. Kobold was also going nowhere with that double leg. This is a business as much (really more so) than it is a sport. I’d like to see more of that in the future. The rounds are only 5 min long if you can’t set up a submission in 20 seconds and there isn’t a scramble going on stand them back up.

  13. 45 Huddle says:

    Are you serious?

    This is a business for EliteXC, but the refs should have nothing to do with that. Glad you aren’t running a state athletic commission.

  14. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Well, if he had gotten a call from Silva, he won’t be getting a callback.

  15. Chuck says:


    I understand what you are saying. Of course MMA is more of a business than a sport (especially in Japan) but newsflash! The ref’s job is NOT to make sure the fight is entertaining. I know it is hard to swallow, but the ref is not there to make sure the guys are pounding the shit out of eachother. He/she is there to make sure the rules are being followed, and for the safety of the fighters. The ref doesn’t have to give a shit if a fight is entertaining or not.

    I love stand up as much as anybody (I do like boxing more than MMA by a little bit) but I don’t want to see MMA turn into an ugly stepson of kickboxing with a little bit of grappling and groundwork. We all ready have Shootboxing and San Shou/Sanda for that, and they do it MUCH better (they don’t have ground work, but you get what I mean). It’s bad enough that Olympic style Judo disencourages ground work, I don’t want to see it in MMA.

  16. Chuck says:

    My last post was to Roadblock, just to clarify.

    Oh, and thank GOD for Seth Petruzelli! Good bye Kimbo Slice! See you at the isle of misfit freakshow fighters, along with Bob Sapp, Giant Silva, Bobby Olugun, Mark Gastineau, Butterbean, Ed White, etc. On that note………………….See you in a few years Brock Lesnar!

  17. Mr.Roadblock says:

    I think you are being ridiculous and just looking for something to complain about. I’m glad you’re not a ref. The AC’s and in turn the referees have every bit the interest that the promoters do in making sure the fights are interesting. If people get bored and stop watching MMA then everyone is out of work. I’m imagining that you don’t own a business.

  18. Mr.Roadblock says:

    Go back and rewatch the Nelson/Arlovski first round. Nelson was stalling for most of the time ont eh ground. He had his hands on Arlvoski’s arm but was nowhere near a Kimura. If you think he was, go find a jiu jitsu school and take a class there.

  19. Chuck says:

    “The AC’s and in turn the referees have every bit the interest that the promoters do in making sure the fights are interesting. If people get bored and stop watching MMA then everyone is out of work. I’m imagining that you don’t own a business.”

    Are you serious? The refs are under scrutiny of the state athletic commission, not the promotion. It’s bullshit if the ref is officiating with the entertainment factor of the crowd in mind. It’s not like boxing or kickboxing with a referee breaking up a clinch (which is a good thing, and not enough referees do it. Which is why Dr. James Jen Kin is one of my favorite referees), this is MMA with ground work. The fighters score with good and effective ground work. Yes Nelson was close to getting a Kimura. He didn’t have it in all the way, that is very true. But he was working towards it.

    You know what it is when a referee does his work with the crowd’s entertainment and the health of a promotion in mind? Corruption.

  20. Mateo says:

    Wasn’t that funny when the crowd yelled at Arlovski to knee Nelson when he had him in the clinch?

  21. catch says:

    Mr. Roadblock:

    Perhaps you shouldn’t be telling others to take jiu jitsu classes to improve their knowledge if you’d call that “stalling”. Is 90% of every grappling match ever stalling by your standards?

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