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That nutritionist really paid off for Gina Carano

By Zach Arnold | October 3, 2008

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Update: Denny Burkholder of CBS Sports has a report on the Carano weigh-in debacle. He further adds the following:

Suffice it to say, she looked absolutely terrible. I’d go so far as to say she looked sick. She clearly needs to either stop cutting to 140, or figure out a safer way to do it. It was a little uncomfortable watching Glen Carano, who had to watch his daughter strip nude in front of a room full of strangers, many of them hooting and whistling, while he held two towels up (one with his teeth) to try and protect her privacy.

Esther Lin further comments. Steve Cofield comments.

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Zach Arnold | 20 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

20 Responses to “That nutritionist really paid off for Gina Carano”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    She says fighting is like sex.

    She comes in over weight on multiple occasions. This for a weight class that was made for her.

    She was giggling like a school girl when she had to remove her clothes.

    Imagine the WNBA having their players wear skimppy outfits and using their sex appeal in an attempt to gain fans. They would be BASHED for it.

    Gina Carano deserves to be bashed. She doesn’t take this sport seriously. That much is obvious.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    And this is a little off topic, but when I bash EliteXC, it is not because I’m Zuffa Nuthugging. It is because EliteXC stinks.

    They make up weight classes. They promote talentless hacks based on sex appeal and street fighting crentials. According to reports, the press conference was a complete mess, including Kimbo’s entourage being all over the place. They had more then 1 “pull apart”. Which once in a while is fine, but it seems like almost a show by show occurance with these guys.

    Plain and simple, EliteXC is the White Trash MMA Organization. It needs to go away.

  3. artur says:

    women cutting weight is totally different than guys cutting. females are MEANT to have more fat on them. just look at how big her boobs are. those are pounds she could never lose unless she went anorexic. unfortunately for her she’s into mma while being a full figured, curvy woman.

  4. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    It’s always possible that the weigh in with the nude re-weigh was a media stunt.

    It’s not about what she’s meant to weigh, it’s about what weight class she fights in. Sports are sports, more or less, and there are rules, at least in theory.

  5. Jeremy says:

    I have to say I am baffled at Elite continuing to make her bouts at 140 when she clearly has a hard time getting there.

    Make the damn fights at 145.

  6. Mr. Roadblock says:

    her breasts aren’t real. If she were serious about the sport she would take them out or fight at a different weight. She knows what she weighs stop making stupid excuses about male and female weights. This is a business don’t agree to a fight if you can’t make it.

  7. spacedog says:

    Uhh.. her tits aint real? Not sure I agree, but, as the kids say, pics or STFU.

  8. Steve says:

    Can we keep the fanboy posts off this site?

  9. Mr.Roadblock says:

    Not sure how many sets of breasts if any you guys have seen. Gina’s are enhanced and she is giving up a couple pounds right there. That isn’t a joke.

    Also for you scientists, women do lose mass in their breasts when they lose weight. Sorry for trying to interject fact on this site. I know you guys like to pretend to know what you’re talking about.

  10. Zach Arnold says:

    A lot of commenters are acting like boobs on this site lately.

  11. IceMuncher says:

    That weigh-in was a little fishy. She takes off her clothes and weighs in at 142.5, then drops to 141 about 30 seconds later for no apparent reason.

  12. frankp316 says:

    I have said for two years that Gina shouldn’t be fighting at 140. This is probably her last fight at that weight. Cyborg normally fights at a heavier weight and weighed in for her fight at 148. And EliteXC has signed Marloes Coenen and she fights at 150. Expect Sarah Kaufman to take over the big push at 140.

  13. Jeremy says:

    Ice makes an excellent point:
    How did she suddenly drop 1 1/2 pounds?

  14. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    I refuse to speculate.

  15. Chuck says:

    “Ice makes an excellent point:
    How did she suddenly drop 1 1/2 pounds?”

    I used to wrestle in high school, and I used to BARELY make weight most of the time in 10th grade. Many times I had to weigh in naked (it sucks and is embarrassing). Trust me, taking off your clothes makes quite the bit of difference. What did she take off? A pair of shorts? A shirt of some kind? Her socks maybe? Her panties? Maybe she was wearing a bra? That can easily be a pound and a half. Especially if she was sweaty (looking at those pics, it didn’t seem like she was sweaty).

    And about her tits being real or not. The only ways you can truly tell are if you have seen her boobs prior and see that they got much bigger. Or if you actually felt them (fake boobs are usually harder than real ones). Or if she jumps up and down (unless they are stuffed in a bra, if they barely move, they are more than likely fake).

    Man, I feel like a pervert….

  16. frankp316 says:

    I have found unedited video footage of the weigh in and posted it on my blog.

  17. frankp316 says:

    I have found unedited video footage of the weigh in and posted it on my blog.

  18. Fred says:

    I’ve been saying it for a while: Gina doesn’t deserve all the attention she gets, and never has. There are other female fighters out there, and some of them are as attractive as Gina is. She’s had six total MMA fights, and can’t make weight to save her life. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of women’s MMA. Her current opponent has fought 19 times.

    Kedsie. LaRosa. Toughill. Kobold. Young. Let’s start focusing a little more on some of them and a little less on this butterball-in-training.

  19. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    It’s not the first time:

    Unless she had a really large ring of keys in the pocket of that skirt, the weigh in results seem unlikely based on that video.

  20. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Franks video, not the one I just posted.

    Just to clarify.

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