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CBS airing ads during NFL games for EXC 10/4 Florida show

By Zach Arnold | September 21, 2008

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It’s basically a 5-second spot with Kimbo Slice’s mug and a graphic in gold letters for “Saturday Night Fights.” The network’s not exactly doing the hard-sell here.

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Zach Arnold | 46 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

46 Responses to “CBS airing ads during NFL games for EXC 10/4 Florida show”

  1. brashleyholland says:

    Why, oh why are they not pushing this?

    Surely CBS have a vested interest in pushing the show…and with the company’s future riding on it, you’d think Pro Elite would be going crazy to promote this thing.

  2. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    CBS has a vested interest in getting the show to do numbers just good enough to justify them pouring millions down the toilet over the next several years instead of strangling this monster in it’s crib?

    Ok, maybe that’s harsh, but if CBS was interested in saving them, they would have given them the 3.5 mil.

  3. Matthew says:

    CBS and Showtime have a vested interest in making the product viable enough to purchase at this point. Now I do not have the facts to support this theory but I truly believe that CBS / Showtime wants to purchase Elite. At one extreme, if they didn’t think Elite had any benefit to their company, they would have dropped EXC from their schedule after the horrible second show ratings. At the other extreme, they obviously don’t think that ProElite is being run directly or you would see a combination of a hard push for the October show coupled with some more financing.

    Thats why I believe that CBS is purposefully driving the value of Elite down. They have already shown that a weak marketed show with B level stars can draw a couple of million, and they don’t expect the October show to draw any lower. If Elite screws the pooch with this show they have no bargaining power for the sale of their brand. CBS swoops in and acquires them at a lower price. Then they bring in their staff and most importantly their own direction and vision.

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    They put $1 Million into the company to keep it going until the October show. If it gets bad ratings, they can just let it die off.

    If it gets the ratings they want, then they can purchase it.

  5. David says:

    Good insight Matthew, thank you.

  6. The Citizen says:

    Precisely! Typical Corporate play.

  7. Zack says:

    I saw a full commercial during the Steelers game today. It mentioned Kimbo vs Shamrock, Shields vs Daley, and Gina (no mention of Kelly.)

  8. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    EliteXC has one champ likely facing a year off due to a positive steroids test, just stripped a second champ of his title because he doesn’t want to fight who they want him to fight, and apparently is more interested in boxing than MMA at this point, have lost millions, and have already had significant top level management turnover. They gambled everything on the network television deal while allowing profitable promotions that they owned to die on the vine.

    Their stock is already in the penny range.

    Just how much farther down can the price be driven?

  9. 45 Huddle says:

    If EliteXC ends up booking Nick Diaz vs. Eddie Alvarez (which is rumored) for the vacant 160 lbs title, then they will be proving KJ Noons right. Noons has basically said that Diaz was not he #1 Contender to his belt. Nobody will even dispute that Eddie Alvarez is higher ranked then Diaz. Which means if Eddie is fighting for the belt, EliteXC could have easily put together Noons/Alvarez.

    Really want it comes down to is that they bend over backwards for their own fighters. Kimbo, Gina, & Diaz. This promotion stinks of boxing poltics.

  10. D.Capitated says:

    They gambled everything on the network television deal while allowing profitable promotions that they owned to die on the vine.

    Like who? Icon Sport is still running. King of The Cage is still running. Spirit MC is still running. Cage Rage is the closest thing to having “died on the vine”, but they’ve been in financial trouble virtually their whole existence.

    Really want it comes down to is that they bend over backwards for their own fighters. Kimbo, Gina, & Diaz. This promotion stinks of boxing poltics.

    This would be an incredible talking point if it weren’t obvious that every MMA organization bends over backwards for “their own fighters”. Oddly, you’re often the last to complain when Zuffa does it.

  11. Mr. Roadblock says:

    the most important thing to CBS is that the show sells our it’s commercial inventory. The first two shows did that. The CBS execs know sports. They do a great job with football both pro and college and with NCAA basketball. I magine they will look at the ratings on this show and see if they think elite is doing a competent job putting on fights. If not they will do one of two things either reopen negotiations with UFC (Spike is a cousin to CBS) or buy elite and let the highest ranking MMA geek at CBS book the fights.

  12. 45 Huddle says:

    Zuffa constantly puts their stars and top selling fighters in tough fights, ones they cannot easily win. Yes, they will build up fighters here and there, but more often then not, they are fighting tough challengers.

    EliteXC keeps Rogers away from Kimbo. Cybord away from Gina. Make a new weight class for Nick Diaz.

    Zuffa puts Lesnar against Mir & Couture. Liddell against Silva after he already had 2 fights in a row. Penn against GSP.

    Mr. Roadblock,

    Commercial time isn’t the only important thing. The age demographic is also vital to the success of EliteXC. It is no secret that CBS was interested in “Ultimate Fighting” because it could pull in the young males. EliteXC so far has not done this the way the UFC can. CBS took notice when a UFC PPV Repeat brought in more 18-24 males. This made EliteXC look really bad.

    Also, there is a major difference between broadcasting sports and owning and running a sporting company. Two different balls of wax.

  13. BK says:

    “I saw a full commercial during the Steelers game today. It mentioned Kimbo vs Shamrock, Shields vs Daley, and Gina (no mention of Kelly.)”

    Yep, sorry to disappoint you guys but I saw the same full length commercial during the Raiders Bills game earlier in the day.

  14. GassedOut says:

    Really want it comes down to is that they bend over backwards for their own fighters. Kimbo, Gina, & Diaz. This promotion stinks of boxing poltics.

    Coming from anyone but 45 Huddle, I might think that’s interesting. Look, I’m a UFC fan too, but man, can the shill routine, it’s getting old, brother.

    Besides, it’s not like the UFC hasn’t done this kind of fighter protection or exclusion of guys that don’t “tow the party line” as it were. Matt Lindland comes to mind, among others. Interestingly, Nick Diaz does too.

  15. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    I guess the highest ranking geek at CBS is Caplan. Or is he a freelancer?

  16. D.Capitated says:

    the most important thing to CBS is that the show sells our it’s commercial inventory. The first two shows did that. The CBS execs know sports. They do a great job with football both pro and college and with NCAA basketball. I magine they will look at the ratings on this show and see if they think elite is doing a competent job putting on fights. If not they will do one of two things either reopen negotiations with UFC (Spike is a cousin to CBS) or buy elite and let the highest ranking MMA geek at CBS book the fights.

    EXC’s matchmaking isn’t the problem for them. The problem is that they’ve not been able to get any monster payoffs revenue wise whilst they spend like there is no tommorrow. They need a couple successful PPVs a year to generate income.

  17. D.Capitated says:

    Besides, it’s not like the UFC hasn’t done this kind of fighter protection or exclusion of guys that don’t “tow the party line” as it were. Matt Lindland comes to mind, among others.

    Exhibit A for this is Sean Sherk.

  18. GassedOut says:


  19. Ultimo Santa says:

    When Elite XC is being discussed, you can typically find UFC fans complaining non-stop about booking an inexperienced street fighter, Kimbo Slice, and giving him top billing when he doesn’t deserve it.

    Once Couture vs. Lesnar and Nogueira vs. Mir were booked, I suddenly don’t hear so many complaints about Kimbo anymore.

    Interesting. 🙂

    Promotions do one thing: promote. they give people what they want to see, because that’s what puts asses in seats and PPV dollars in their pocket. If they have to protect someone who is of exceptional value to them, they’ll do it. If they have to give someone an undeserved title shot, they’ll do that too.

    The reality is, “boxing politics” are EVERYWHERE in business…some companies just hide it better than others.

  20. 45 Huddle says:

    In Sherk’s 5 fights while being back in the UFC, he has fought: GSP, Diaz, Florian, Franca, & Penn. Yeah, that is really benig protected.

    As for Lesnar/Couture….

    Kongo beat Mirko, and from that win went into most people’s Top 10’s. Kongo was beat by Herring. And Herring was beat by Lesnar. While Lesnar might not be Top 10, he is very close based on that Herring win. So it’s not like Couture is being fed a guy like Shamrock, who isn’t even ranked in the Top 30 Heavyweights in the World. HUGE DIFFERENCE.

    The Zuffa hate on this board is getting out of hand.

  21. D.Capitated says:

    In Sherk’s 5 fights while being back in the UFC, he has fought: GSP, Diaz, Florian, Franca, & Penn. Yeah, that is really benig protected.

    Who said he’s being “protected”? He got an immediate title shot after being stripped for steroid use. Maybe you forgot about that, given how unwilling the UFC was about mentioning it on air or allowing its fighters to say that. Plus he had his promoter out there stumping for him, something said promoter never does for the other positives.

    So it’s not like Couture is being fed a guy like Shamrock, who isn’t even ranked in the Top 30 Heavyweights in the World. HUGE DIFFERENCE.

    You’re right. Tito was. Twice.

  22. IceMuncher says:

    Ultimo, I don’t see how you can still compare Lesnar to Kimbo. It might have been relevant a little over half a year ago, other than the fact that Lesnar still fought legit opponents while he was being pushed, but it’s been completely invalidated for a while now.

    Lesnar is currently ranked as the #12 heavyweight fighter in the world by Fightmatrix, which would make him #6 in the UFC. Most people thought that a fight with Kongo was feeding him an easy win, so we can bump him up to #5 if you like. The UFC choosing to let him take part in a 4-man tourney for the belt isn’t much of a stretch by any means.

    Kimbo is currently ranked as the 64th best heavyweight in the world by Fightmatrix, and is arguably the most promoted fighter in the sport. Comparing the two of them to make a point requires complete ignorance of Lesnar’s abilities, accomplishments, and current ranking.

  23. Ultimo Santa says:

    ‘Zuffa hate?’ 🙂

    Records and MMA accomplishments aside, the Lesnar push and the Kimbo push are *not* apples and oranges. Guys who are popular OUTSIDE of MMA are being given pushes based on their celebrity – period.

    Lesnar vs. Mir was promoted ahead of Nogueira vs. Sylvia for the UFC Heavyweight Title! They used WWE footage to promote him!!

    I do not have a problem with this BTW – I was a Lesnar fan in the WWE and I’m a fan in the UFC – I’m just pointing out that UFC, Elite XC, and every other promotion on the planet is not above a tactic like this.

    If Dana White could get Jean Claude Van Damme to step into the octagon, he would. And you know what? Even though he’s 0-0 in MMA, Van Damme would get top billing, and be front and center on every poster. Why? $$$

    Don’t kid yourselves, children.

  24. IceMuncher says:

    “Records and MMA accomplishments aside, the Lesnar push and the Kimbo push are *not* apples and oranges.”

    This sentence amazes me.

  25. D.Capitated says:

    The people acting as if Zuffa doesn’t coddle the undeserved must have forgotten the Wesley Snipes/Joe Rogan near miss. I’m sure that would have done great things for the sport.

  26. D.Capitated says:

    Kimbo is currently ranked as the 64th best heavyweight in the world by Fightmatrix, and is arguably the most promoted fighter in the sport. Comparing the two of them to make a point requires complete ignorance of Lesnar’s abilities, accomplishments, and current ranking.

    Lesnar was hyped up to be the “next big thing” by the UFC, as stated re: WWE footage by Ultimo, when he was a whopping 1-0 with that win being against a guy who would be lucky to be in the top 200. Did I mention that he lost that bout? Oh, and now after a single win, its onward to a fight with Randy Couture with maximum fanfare. And the guy who beat him, a cardiolacking, motorcycle crashing, ever expanding former champ who has spent most of his “second career” staring at lights is getting a title shot with TUF as the promotional vehicle. This is all very different from what EXC would do.

  27. D.Capitated says:

    Seriously, and this is my last post here, but the UFC title situation is a UFC/PRIDE Champion Emeritus away from being the WBC’s heavyweight situation. They have two heavyweight titles (in interim and “full” flavor) being defended against different guys with the winners probably fighting each other while the guy who was the #1 contender has to fight fringe opponents in what seem like endless eliminator bouts. All that needs to happen is Fedor to sign, get an immediate title shot, and then 6 months of litigation to follow before he ends up pushing the fight date back 2-3 times due to injury.

  28. Ultimo Santa says:

    D.Capitated speaks the truth.

  29. IceMuncher says:

    “The people acting as if Zuffa doesn’t coddle the undeserved must have forgotten the Wesley Snipes/Joe Rogan near miss. I’m sure that would have done great things for the sport.”

    Is that the best you’ve got? Something that didn’t happen?

    “Lesnar was hyped up to be the “next big thing” by the UFC, as stated re: WWE footage by Ultimo, when he was a whopping 1-0 with that win being against a guy who would be lucky to be in the top 200.”

    You bring up WWE, but let’s not gloss over Lesnar’s NCAA wrestling credentials. Collegiate wrestling champions have excellent success rates in MMA. You’d also have to be willfully ignorant to think his size, strength, and cardio don’t make him a potential monster in the division.

    “Did I mention that he lost that bout? Oh, and now after a single win, its onward to a fight with Randy Couture with maximum fanfare. And the guy who beat him, a cardiolacking, motorcycle crashing, ever expanding former champ who has spent most of his “second career” staring at lights is getting a title shot with TUF as the promotional vehicle.”

    Your problem is that you don’t realize how shallow the division is. In the last 3 UFC fights, Mir is 2-1, Werdum is 2-1, Lesnar is 1-1, GG is 1-2, Herring is 1-2, O’Brien is 1-2. The only guy you could really argue getting a fight before Lesnar or Mir is Werdum. It’s not even close to the circus you make it out to be.

    “This is all very different from what EXC would do.”

    True that.

  30. IceMuncher says:

    “Seriously, and this is my last post here, but the UFC title situation is a UFC/PRIDE Champion Emeritus away from being the WBC’s heavyweight situation. They have two heavyweight titles (in interim and “full” flavor) being defended against different guys with the winners probably fighting each other while the guy who was the #1 contender has to fight fringe opponents in what seem like endless eliminator bouts. All that needs to happen is Fedor to sign, get an immediate title shot, and then 6 months of litigation to follow before he ends up pushing the fight date back 2-3 times due to injury.”

    You can thank Randy Couture and the contract dispute for this.

  31. D.Capitated says:

    Is that the best you’ve got? Something that didn’t happen?

    Something that they wanted to happen? I mean, I did already talk about Tito/Shamrock II and III.

    You bring up WWE, but let’s not gloss over Lesnar’s NCAA wrestling credentials.

    So Team Takedown would be deserving of title shots should they beat a top 10-15 contender right now? This is to say nothing of the fact that no one watches NCAA wrestling.

    Your problem is that you don’t realize how shallow the division is.

    I know very well how shallow it is. I also know that Mir is realistically about 8th or 9th on the depth chart. On a good day. He got the fight because A) Dana loves him B) He speaks english. Those, incidentally, are the reasons why Mir still had a job after getting stopped twice.

    You can thank Randy Couture and the contract dispute for this.

    Dana could have stripped Randy of the title and handed it to Noguiera instead of creating two belts. He chose not to because it would hurt his position in the lawsuit. In other words, boxing politics.

  32. zack says:

    “You bring up WWE, but let’s not gloss over Lesnar’s NCAA wrestling credentials.”

    Yeah, because they showed tons of his NCAA highlights when hyping the Mir fight. Oh wait, they showed him doing a moonsault instead.

  33. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Tito was responsible for the bookings that Tito got. He ducked any competent contender routinely, but he was a hot personality, and he still held the belt, so he got booked for the fights he was willing to take.

    Frankly, seeing the extreme lack of depth in any weight class that EliteXC has makes me wonder just who Kimbo should be fighting that he isn’t.

    zack, do you have a copy of that NCAA highlight reel? I’m jonesing to see twenty year old amateur wrestling, and I just can’t seem to find it in my video library.

    Whether Lesnar is deserving or not, Mir and Nog was already booked, UFC’s got a twelve or thirteen week show on TV as we speak to promote it, and it’s not going to get overbooked now. I’m miffed that Randy’s fighting anyone that isn’t holding the interim title, but that aside, Lesnar vs Couture is still an intriguing matchup. They both have the strong wrestling background, Lesnar showed in his last fight that he was able to translate that into the cage. Lesnar is also a nasty if unconventional striker. That same description happens to fit someone else who fought Couture multiple times and knocked him out twice.

    Couture’s never lost a decision, and it will be very interesting to see him either grind out three rounds with Lesnar (this is a three round fight right?) or try to stand with him.

    From a pure style standpoint, it’s compelling and from a name standpoint, it’s marketing gold. Deserving’s got nothing to do with it.

  34. D.Capitated says:

    Tito was responsible for the bookings that Tito got. He ducked any competent contender routinely, but he was a hot personality, and he still held the belt, so he got booked for the fights he was willing to take.

    Tito/Shamrock I was a fight demanded by hardcore and casual fans alike. Its success is similar to numerous post TUF UFCs. Its pretty much the only Zuffa show from between 30 and 52 that such can be said about. The second two fights happened when Tito hadn’t held the belt in years, but was clearly a top ten fighter, while Shamrock wasn’t a top 100 fighter. That’s undoubtedly a grosser mismatch than Shamrock/Kimbo, where Kimbo is barely among EliteXC’s ten best big men. And when the first fight was “called early”, they did it a third time.

    In other words, the talk about Zuffa not resorting to “boxing tactics” is complete bullshit. Oh, I know I said I wouldn’t post again, but the followups were too good to resist.

    Whether Lesnar is deserving or not, Mir and Nog was already booked, UFC’s got a twelve or thirteen week show on TV as we speak to promote it, and it’s not going to get overbooked now.

    Jeremy, it doesn’t fucking matter. Couture still has a belt because it was the smart thing to do legally, not because it was best for the UFC or best for the sport or any other shit you can concoct. The UFC chose to have two belts and chose to not have them be unified. Its nothing that hasn’t already happened with several WBA and WBC title situations. Of course, admitting that establishes the inital premise that EliteXC’s “boxing politics” are not unique onto them.

    From a pure style standpoint, it’s compelling and from a name standpoint, it’s marketing gold. Deserving’s got nothing to do with it.

    You’re absolutely right! Of course, that’s not the point being made here. Note also that 45 has gone silent. Hmmm.

  35. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    So, your point isn’t that the fight isn’t a compelling match of styles, and it isn’t that the match isn’t marketing gold, it’s that Zuffa is no better than boxing?

    This is ridiculous. I’m not seeing what boxing has to do with this at all.

  36. D.Capitated says:

    So, your point isn’t that the fight isn’t a compelling match of styles, and it isn’t that the match isn’t marketing gold, it’s that Zuffa is no better than boxing?

    Since you’re not willing to scroll up and read the thread, here is the jist of it:

    -45 cries a bunch about Kimbo/Shamrock being a fight undeserving of the attention it has garnered, arguing that it reeks of “boxing politics”

    -Others point out the numerous things Zuffa has done that are reminiscent or are basically cloned from the problems that have done damage to boxing reputation stateside (Sherk’s title fight, Shamrock/Tito II and III, UFC’s heavyweight title situation, etc)

    -A third group entirely ignores the premise, instead mindlessly yapping about how Lesnar/Couture is good for business

  37. D.Capitated says:

    Also, to further explain the boxing comparison: The WBC has mandated on several occasions having interim title fights and then failing to ever mandate that the interim and “full” champions fight, or even throwing in others into the mix (see: the Sam Peter/Oliver McCall/Juan Carlos Gomez/Vladimir Virchis/Oleg Maskaev/Jameel McCline/Vitali Klitschko clusterfuck or the parallel flyweight reigns or Arce and Wongjongkam). Similarly, the WBA has had upwards of three world champions at once (interim, full, and super) all defending against other opposition instead of each other. the argument to say that it “isn’t like boxing” is to point out that Randy Couture and the UFC were in a contract dispute, as if legal, political, financial, and contractual issues weren’t at play when boxing’s sanctioning bodies decide to have an array of world title belts. That it is “good business” only seems to be an valid excuse if you used to run boxercise classes.

  38. Chuck says:

    If you can;t see the boxing politics of the UFC heavyweight title situation then you really know nothing about boxing. The interim title bullshit is purely a boxing thing. God forbid if the UFC decides to implement the super champion policy that the WBA in boxing land invented.

    For those not in the know; The super champion policy was concocted by the WBA back in either 2000 or 2001. The policy is that if a boxer wins multiple titles (read; titles of other sanctioning bodies) in addition to the WBA title in that same weight class then the WBA awards that fighter the WBA super title. It’s more of a trophy in belt form than a defendable title. Because when a fighter is super champion then the two highest ranked fighters in the weight class (it’s not uncommon for numbers 1 and 2 to be vacant, so the top two are numbers 3 and 4. Which is retarded as hell, and fighters could easily be bumpd up a spot) will fight for the “regular” WBA title in that weight class. So now you have two WBA champs in that weight class. What D. talked about being three champs was last year in the cruiserweight division. Last year there were THREE WBA (just WBA alone) champions. The “regular” champion was Virgil Hill. The interim champ was Firat Arslan (he’s the “regular” champ now) and the super champion was Jean Mark Mormeck (he was also the RING cruiserweight champ and basically undisputed cruiserweight champ).

    See how much of a clusterfuck this shit became? Imagine if this happens in MMA? ::shudders:: This can easily happen in the UFC, and posibly EXC (if they don’t strip Antonio Silva and have an interim title in the meantime while Silva is still suspended). Atleast EXC had the foresight to just outright strip Noons of his title instead of a Diaz vs. Eddie Alvarez fight for some bullshit interim title. Instead that will be for THE EXC lightweight title.

    Man, my fucking brain hurts…

  39. Zach Arnold says:

    I’ve never seen someone argue about nothing so vociferously and energetically. And, strangely, it doesn’t matter what topic it is on this site, you always try to bring boxing into it.

  40. D.Capitated says:

    Well, the argument was about “boxing politics”. I’m not sure how one discusses that without boxing.

  41. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    I’m not sure how you see it as easy for UFC to have three champions in one weight class. They’ve had interim titles before for various sorts of reasons and they’ve all sorted themselves out.

    Heck, unless they own the organization, they generally don’t even recognize belts that guys may hold.

    Fact is it’s going to be case by case no matter what, and it seems like the boxing folks are always arguing things from both sides of the fence:

    1. Zuffa acts like it’s the only authority and there’s no central authority.
    2. Boxing has central authority and therefore boxing is better than MMA.

    A. Boxing has central authority and there are three guys with belts in the same weight class within one of the alphabet promotions.
    B. Zuffa shouldn’t have three guys with belts in the same weight class (which they don’t, but they easily could, and therefore they are no better than boxing)

    Boxing, MMA, whatever. I can see the reasons why Zuffa might be doing what they’re doing, and I’ll judge whether it’s legit or not for myself.

    It’s the same with 45. People routinely say that we should dismiss whatever he says and then they turn around and act like he’s an authority that needs to be rebutted. Just because he mentions boxing doesn’t mean that the Boxing Defense Force needs to come out and start talking in circles. He’s crazy (or not).

  42. cyph says:

    Late in the game here, but…

    Comparing Lesnar and Kimbo is pretty weak by the UFC haters.

    1. Lesnar has a bigger fan base than Kimbo.
    2. Lesnar has a fan base that is willing to pay PPV dollars which has been proven as fact. Kimbo’s ability to sell PPV is unproven.
    3. Lesnar has better credentials as an athlete than Kimbo, who’s claim to fame was fighting backyard brawlers and getting beat by an MMA rookie, who was promptly demolished in the UFC and subsequently retired.
    4. Lesnar fought a former world champ and lost. He fought a top heavyweight and won. Kimbo fought a former can and won due to bad decision. He’s also set to fight a fighter who’s lost 8 out of 10. Lesnar is set to fight one of the best heavyweights in the world at the current time.
    5. Lesnar has been impressive in all his fighters, win or lose. Kimbo has been exposed as a nobody by Thompson.
    6. You can’t just compare records as if all wins and losses are equal. You have to compare the performances in those wins and losses.

    Anyone who advocates that Lesnar and Kimbo are comparable fighters are the bigger Zuffa hater on the Internet. I can name a couple on this board.

    P.S. The haters happen to also be boxing fans, for some reasons.

  43. D.Capitated says:

    I’m not sure how you see it as easy for UFC to have three champions in one weight class. They’ve had interim titles before for various sorts of reasons and they’ve all sorted themselves out.

    Well, Zuffa as a company currently has two champions in every weight class from 155 up, but that’s sorta besides the point. Many of the interim titles were the result of contract negotiations and the like, such as Couture’s interim light heavyweight title. It has nothing to do with boxing or MMA/any single MMA organization being “better”. You’d need to be making assertions that aren’t there to do that. Its simply that the things that boxing (and to some extent, EXC) has done that get railed against as being corrupt or detrimental to the sport are, when utilized by Zuffa, often seen as being “smart business practice”. Shamrock/Ortiz II and III are really good examples of that and virtually indefensible as anything but.

    Ultimately here though, neither you nor cyph are arguing the same thing 45 was, which is why 45 has since bounced. If you really want someone to go on a rant about how boxing is better than MMA, I’m sure there’s someone on Eastsideboxing willing to do that.

  44. Chuck says:

    I never said boxing was betetr, nor did I “hate on” UFC. I was just mentioning the recent similarities of boxing bullshit and MMA bullshit. I never said I liked the fact of three champs in one weight class of just the WBA 9or any other alphabet org). I was just saying that it could happen in MMA. Especially since the inclusion of WAMMA. WAMMA is what is going to be detrimental to MMA. Personally I like boxing overall moreso (only by a teeny-tiny bit) over MMA, but that is jsut my preferance. I still love MMA (pro wrestling too. Hell, I could tolerate Olympic style Taekwondo!. I love Judo as well).

    I’m just saying is that UFC is welcoming in the shitty aspects of boxing (names interim titles) not the betetr aspects (better punhcing techniques. Well, that is on the fighters not the feds).

  45. 45 Huddle says:

    I left this discussion because I see a no win situation like this. No point in arguing with people who see things so differently from me. Agree to disagree.

    Every Interim UFC Belt has been resolved within a year. And with the exception of Arlovski/Mir situation, the interim and regular champion have fought, which got rid of the interim belt.

    Seeing people trying to compare boxing to MMA is just not worth debating. The general fans can obviously see the huge differences. Sometimes the hardcore fans cannot.

  46. Chuck says:

    “Seeing people trying to compare boxing to MMA is just not worth debating. The general fans can obviously see the huge differences. Sometimes the hardcore fans cannot.”

    No man. It’s that the general/casual fans CAN’T see any differences, and the hardcore nitpick like crazy and see all the similarities, and even make some themselves. Same deal with pro wrestling and MMA similarities. Big difference.


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