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Update on MMA Payout web site

By Zach Arnold | September 19, 2008

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Official note:

Dear Readers,

The stock market wasn’t the only victim of a crash this week. As many of you know from personal experience, has been down for much of the week. The outage was the result of a server switch gone awry and I offer my apologies to our loyal readers for the inconvenience. As you can see, we’re still recovering, but please bear with us as we return to our white on black roots while the old, new site is recovered.

My thanks to those who emailed and called to check on the status of the site. Your support is vital to our success and your affection for the site is heartening to say the least.

So things should be back to normal soon enough. In the meantime, thanks again for your patience and support.


Adam Swift

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “Update on MMA Payout web site”

  1. Razzle says:

    That has to hurt the viability of that site. Wonder how many people just assume it’s gone for good…

  2. Wayne says:

    The whois records indicate it was sold on the 15th to Colorado Studios, a Mark Cuban owned company.


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