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IGF 8/15 Ryogoku Kokugikan (Tokyo)

By Zach Arnold | August 14, 2008

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Announced for the show: Josh Barnett vs. Tank Abbott and The Predator vs. Bobby Lashley.

Topics: Japan, Media, MMA, Pro-Wrestling, Zach Arnold | 23 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

23 Responses to “IGF 8/15 Ryogoku Kokugikan (Tokyo)”

  1. CapnHulk says:

    Tank Abbott? Really? Jeez.

  2. Tomer Chen says:

    Hopefully, Tank Abbott dances out like he did with 3 Count… 🙂

  3. Ultimo Santa says:

    The Predator is a legit badass – it would be nice to see him in MMA full-time.

  4. klown says:

    I hope Tank knocks him out so people can lose their illusions about Barnett.

  5. Arnold_OldSchool says:

    Is this the 1st Inoki show that he actually announced matches?

  6. Ultimo Santa says:

    “I hope Tank knocks him out so people can lose their illusions about Barnett.”

    First of all, this will be a work. I doubt we’ll be seeing any knockouts.

    Second of all, is this the illusion of the guy who beat Nogueira not too long ago? Because last time I checked Josh Barnett was top 5 in the world.

    And lastly…Talk Abbott…KOing Barnett? Are you serious?

  7. klown says:

    He beat Nogueira by a close split decision, and Nogueira took the rematch with a more decisive unanimous decision. Apart from that, he’s fought no one in the Top 10. Unless you count CroCop, to whom Barnett lost THREE times, and who has since been defeated by the likes of Gonzaga and Kongo.

    I didn’t realize this would be a work though, but it figures.

  8. skwirrl says:

    So when he was UFC heavyweight champion and he beat Randy…. Randy’s not top 10?

  9. doem says:

    He beat Aleks when Aleks was top 10. He also beat Hunt when, if i remember correclty, hunt was still top 10. Barnett is legit.

  10. doem says:

    Also Klown, the way you wrote about the two Nog fights it would appear that you saw neither of them. There was nothing decisive about either of those fights.

  11. Chuck says:

    It has been confirmed that Rob Van Dam will be in a triple threat against Kendo KaShin and Necro Butcher. It would be a MIRACLE if this match doesn’t suck if there were no weapons involved. If the best wrestler in any given match is fucking Necro Butcher then there are problems with the booking…

  12. IceMuncher says:

    “So when he was UFC heavyweight champion and he beat Randy…. Randy’s not top 10?”

    It irks me when people bring this up. There’s a big fat asterisk next to that victory.

  13. liger05 says:

    Inoki still booking crap shows I see. Does Inoki actually make money out of these shows.

  14. klown says:

    The Couture fight happened six years ago and Barnett tested positive for roids. Anyone who brings up the Couture fight should be ashamed of himself. If I were a self-respecting Barnett fan I would want to forget all about it.

    A.Emilianenko and Hunt are so far from Top 10 it’s not even funny.

  15. doem says:

    They were top 10 when they fought, per MMA ranking systems. The more you post, the less you seem to know

  16. klown says:

    Who cares what they were when they fought (2 years ago)?

  17. doem says:

    Oh really? But seriously, fess up. How many Barnett fights have you seen? It sounds to me like you have seen very little of the fighter you are arguing so vehemently against.

  18. klown says:

    I’ve seen whatever you can find online 🙂

    Look, if he beats Arlovski, he earns undisputed Top 5 status, and I eat my words.

  19. doem says:

    this is true. My prediction is he will.

  20. doem says:

    top 5 though? More like top 3

  21. klown says:

    If he beat Arlovski he’d be in 5th place, behind Emilianenko, Nogueira, Couture and Sylvia.

  22. Joe says:

    First off the steroids he tested positive for half life wouldnt have been able to be tested positive for yet supposedly they tested positive in the pre fight urine test and they still allowed him to fight.That ruling was bullshit and everyone knows it.
    And his fight against Nog if you watch it he beat nog clean and clear if you look at the criteria and scoring qualifications.

  23. Joe says:

    Sorry hit enter before i finished my thought on the steroids rant ok He also took a urine test less than two months later with an official from the IOC which in case none of you know wth that means is the international olympic commitee

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