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Media heat-up for tonight’s WEC event in Las Vegas

By Zach Arnold | August 3, 2008

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Give Zuffa credit — they have done an excellent job in heating up press coverage for tonight’s WEC event on Versus.

  1. The New York Times: 30 seconds with Brock Lesnar
  2. New York Newsday: In legalization fight, MMA has champ in corner with Melvina Lathan
  3. Charles Jay (MMA Memories): MMA adversary removed from NYSAC payroll
  4. New York Newsday: MMA combatives training a hit in military
  5. New York Newsday: MMA champion Brian Stann knows real pressure after Iraq
  6. Sports Illustrated: Another day, another challenge for WEC champion Brian Stann
  7. USA Today: WEC titlist Brian Stann finally brings full focus to MMA
  8. The South Florida Sun-Sentinel: WEC’s Carlos Condit making third title defense tonight
  9. Todd Martin (CBS Sports): WEC Welterweight champion Carlos Condit looks to finish Hiromitsu Miura early
  10. Jeff Haney (Las Vegas Sun): Cage fighter Carlos Condit has ties to troops, New Mexico governor Bill Richardson
  11. The Las Vegas Review-Journal: WEC champion Carlos Condit ignores speculation — some think UFC is next step for Condit, who risks belt today against Miura
  12. Dave Meltzer (Yahoo Sports): Jamie Varner’s detour to WEC a good move

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, WEC, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “Media heat-up for tonight’s WEC event in Las Vegas”

  1. 45 huddle says:

    I know there are 3 title fights, but I’m not overly excited about this WEC Card. I’m looking forward much more to the next one.

  2. IceMuncher says:

    It should be a good night of fights (it always is with the WEC), but I agree with 45 about not being excited about the card.

    I’m a hardcore fan, but I lose some interest when I’m not watching guys at the top of their division fighting each other. As a result, I watch WEC mostly for the BW and FW divisions.

  3. Ivan Trembow says:

    I tried to access the site throughout the day today and couldn’t until now. I just wanted to say that I watched Clottey vs. Judah and I’m wondering how many more major fight outcomes are going to be wrong before the Nevada State Athletic Commission implements some limited form of instant replay. There have been three embarrassingly bad rulings just in the past couple months (two in boxing, one in MMA, with the previous two being Humberto Soto and Anthony Johnson).

    Everyone in that building except for the referee could see plain as day that a Clottey uppercut caused Judah’s cut, so it should have been a TKO win for Clottey. They are very fortunate that the judges had the fight scored in Clottey’s favor up to that point, because if Judah had won the decision, that would have been three major fights with the wrong fighter winning as a result of the lack of instant replay.

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    I am already more entertained with this WEC then I was with the last UFC Fight Night & EliteXC combined.

  5. CapnHulk says:

    It’s been a pretty good night of fights, but I find myself being less than impressed with WECs higher weight divisions as time goes on.

  6. 45 huddle says:

    There was talk about pushing the WEC LHW & MW divisions into the UFC. I think that would be a good idea. Let the WEC concentrate on Welterweight, Lightweight, Featherweight, & Bantamweight.

  7. IceMuncher says:

    That sounds like a really good idea. I hope they follow through with it. On the other hand, the UFC has too many good LHWs for that to work out. I don’t see Stann or Cantwell lasting long in that division.

  8. 45 huddle says:

    I agree. It would be sending Stann & Cantwell to the wolves. Sucks for those two guys, but better for the fans. Their TV Spot can instead be given to an up & coming Featherweight which will only help to build that division. In the LHW & MW Divisions, the only fighter who is UFC caliber is Paulo Filho.

    I would also suggest that the WEC take on the Flyweight Division. However, with only 9 events in 2009, it is probably better to only have 4 weight divisions and make those the best possible.

    As for today’s WEC card… That was one of the better cards I have seen all year. I had no expectations for it, and it did nothing but entertain me from start to finish.

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