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Fight Opinion Radio #87: Josh Barnett & Shayna Baszler

By Zach Arnold | August 3, 2008

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They wanted to come on our show, so we gave them a not-so-cotton-candy Q & A session. Topics mentioned during the interview include: reports about Affliction pay cuts, will or will not Fedor fight on the second Affliction show, reasons for why Shayna got mauled by a woman named Cyborg, and why Shayna is all of a sudden buddy-buddy with Gina Carano. We’re not playing nice here on this week’s edition of the radio show.

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Topics: Affliction, Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, Pro Elite, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #87: Josh Barnett & Shayna Baszler”

  1. Daniel5678 says:

    Zach, you do a good job on the show. I would listen to it every day if you came out with it that often. However, I do miss Erin. Having three people on the show gives it another layer.

  2. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Is it just me or does that link go to the show about Forrest vs Rampage?

  3. gary says:

    links to forrest rampage not bazler barnett hope u get the right one up soon i cant wait to hear it

    Ed. — It’s fixed now. Sorry.

  4. Zack says:

    Zach…good idea on leaving the comments open on your radio shows. I’ll download it now.

  5. MMA Ratings says:

    Well, when is it going to be up?

    Is that why Fight Opinon is getting killed in the MMA Radio show ratings:

  6. whocaresaboutratings says:


    Who cares, and 6th Place is not considered being “killed”. Damn, I remember a decade ago Beverly Hilly 92010 or whatever it was called was a rating killer too.. but only idiots watched that. Stick your ratings up your ass dude. lol.

  7. MMA Ratings says:

    regardless of “whocares” being an ass, 6th place is not bad at all. When I posted, it was much lower.

  8. MMA Ratings says:

    Zach, I meant to say, though that interview was a bit frustrating, props to you for calling Shayna on making excuses.


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