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Today’s chalkboard (7/15/08)

By Zach Arnold | July 15, 2008

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Total MMA radio has an interview with Amir Sadollah.

  1. Stephen Quadros: Affliction 7/19 Honda Center event preview
  2. The Fightworks Podcast: OPML file of 60 BJJ blogs you should be reading
  3. The Las Vegas Sun: Fiercest UFC fighter isn’t in the ring – fan with disability helped change access rules, now writes for sport’s web site
  4. The Billings Gazette (MT): Former Skyview wrestler Reese Andy set for UFC debut
  5. The Omaha World-Herald (NE): UFC Fight Night coming to Omaha in September
  6. Men’s Fitness: Edith Labelle – get to know UFC’s 5’8″ Canadian beauty
  7. The Tennessean: Ultimate fighting brings up moral questions
  8. UFC HP: Brad Blackburn – removing question marks one fight at a time
  9. MMA California: CSAC clarifies ‘back of the head’ and other rules
  10. Dave Meltzer (Yahoo Sports): Cain Velasquez has chance to show he’s real deal
  11. Kevin Iole (Yahoo Sports): Can Jesse Taylor make most of second chance?

Topics: Affliction, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 17 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

17 Responses to “Today’s chalkboard (7/15/08)”

  1. GassedOut says:

    The moral imperative that the article in the Tennesean refers to is not talked about because it is moot. Athletes in this sport make a choice to compete. At its basis, no sport is immoral if it does not result in purposeful death.

    Even if you bring out arguments from the Bible, look, how do you think warriors trained? In a SPORT. Call it training, call it drill, call it what you want, it’s sport. Did people get hurt? Yes. Did people occasionally die? Yes, without intent.

    And it is that intent that moralists argue in this case. It’s a sport…it simply doesn’t exist at it’s root. The argument isn’t avoided, it’s dismissed outright because it’s moot.

  2. D. Capitated says:

    I don’t think the question is so much “is it sport” as much as it is “How moral is it to pay to watch two men beat the tar out of one another?” Its a question that is legitimate in the minds of many. MMA is not a sport that is ever likely to usurp football, baseball, soccer, and the like on that basis alone.

  3. GassedOut says:

    Sure, of course you’re right…but it’s a sport. People chose to watch soldiers training in olden days. These guys were trying to beat the tar out of each other if they were anything like today’s soldiers. Is it immoral to choose to watch? I don’t think so, and that’s what I’m saying. I personally feel that the point is moot.

  4. D. Capitated says:

    People would pack open air stadiums to watch slaves blow each other up in mock sea battles. I don’t know that such would be the best argument for MMA as “moral”.

  5. Donny says:


  6. GassedOut says:

    Yeah, I know about the Roman Gladiators and the like. Hence my first post saying “no sport is immoral if it does not result in purposeful death.” That’s immoral on any level, and I agree, it’s not the best argument for MMA.

  7. D. Capitated says:

    There are lots of people who merely find violent acts, which MMA or boxing or similar are full of and entirely based on, to be rather immoral. I can’t say I necessarily disagree with them.

  8. spacedog says:

    Does anyone know the actual order of the Affliction fights? I know they are having three segments, the ppv, live on FSN and the prelims, but what order are these three segments actually happening live and what is the order of the fights therein? For example I\’ve read somewhere that Fedor will actually kick off the ppv rather than being the last fight of the night as I might expect and his brother will be the very first bout at 5;00 . Does anyone know the order? Please.

  9. D. Capitated says:

    Their website lists what is going where. For instance, Belfort/Martin is not scheduled for broadcast, but will probably be shown depending on the length of the other fights.

  10. spacedog says:

    D. I checked the website but it is still rather vague. I understand what fights are ppv and so on but what is the actually order? Again I read somewhere that the very first fight of the night is the Alex E. fight, so would the second then be diet Nog? On a UFC cards are listed in order, main event first (on the top of the card) on down.
    Assuming this is how affliction is listing their fights than Fedor fights last and Savant young fights first, but I have heard otherwise.
    So again does anyone know the actual order of fights, in sequence, first fight to last, as they will be fought, not as they will be broadcast?

  11. D. Capitated says:

    Fedor is not going to fight first. I have no idea who is telling you that, but its pretty ridiculous to assume that the main event is getting bumped forwards to opener status. Even if they were doing it for the Russian audience, having the fight at 9PMEST puts it at around 4AM in Moscow. Given that the FSN stuff is gonna be live and the relative value of each bout, They’re probably going with what you see in the order on the site.

  12. spacedog says:

    I did not mean first overall I meant first on the ppv segment. I think I read that on this site.
    Anyone else with knowledge?

  13. Ivan Trembow says:

    If the allegations against Quinton Jackson are true, he deserves to serve a prison sentence. If they’re not true, then obviously he doesn’t.

  14. 45 Huddle says:

    Couldn’t be that serious if bail was set at $25,000

  15. zack says:

    If I was rich I’d run over cars with my monster truck too. Not a big deal, IMO

  16. Rollo the Cat says:


    That is the LA area. They may be trying to keep people out of jail pre trial because of overcrowding. Bail varies widely from county to county and judge to judge.

  17. D.Capitated says:

    So, anyone want to take a stab at when people will bother to rediscover the little incident in Rampage’s past? You know, the assault charge when he was in junior college. I remember hearing the story awhile back, but I distinctly remember it involving Quinton being upset about not being able to use a phone and the aftermath. Could be wrong, of course….

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