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Today’s MMA media content

By Zach Arnold | July 10, 2008

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Brandt DeLorenzo at MMA Opinion asks where Brad McCray is and whether or not he’s still with Sherdog.

Kevin Iole gives James Irvin points for honesty when it comes to how Irvin is trying to sell his chances of winning his July 19th bout against Anderson Silva.

Luke Thomas appeared on Mauro Ranallo’s radio show on Thursday (audio here) to talk about Affliction vs. UFC on July 19th.

ESPN has a new edition of MMA Live, recapping UFC 86. Fox News has a new edition of Fight Game with Randy Couture, also recapping the UFC 86 event.

The staff at Total MMA has a new interview with Neil Grove. Will Grove face Kimbo Slice soon?

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, UFC, UK, Zach Arnold | 34 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

34 Responses to “Today’s MMA media content”

  1. Mike says:

    some dirty, dirty, DIRTY pool went down with how McCray got shoved out of Sherdog.

    Ed. — I don’t know what happened and I can’t allow any accusations to be leveled without some level of sourcing (either a report or a claim). Unless more is elaborated on here, I do not support the statement above because there is not enough credible information made publicly available. If the statement above is not factually-backed up in short order, I will remove the comment and not allow the statement to credibly stand. — Zach Arnold

  2. Jason Bennett says:

    The Brad McCray story has been treated very poorly and appears highly suspicious. His release has been dealt with like an ill animal taken out back and put down for unknown reasons. For Sherwood and Co. to dismiss any of the fans concern as simply none of our business even further advances any negative aspects of his dismissal, especially given Josh Gross’s royal extended exit from his position.

    McCray gave the presence of a good man with plenty of MMA knowledge to bring with his editorial experience. I’m sure his editing skills were there since he was awarded the position to start with. While it truly may be none of ‘our’ business, being concerned and curious about the dismissal of the editor of the leading site for the fastest growing sport in the world is not unusual or unwarranted.

    “Why do you care?” says Jeff Sherwood.
    I say, Why should we not care.

  3. Big Bill Bob says:

    This isn’t about MMA but moreso about ethics within mixed martial arts. In case you don’t follow Sherdog recently their editor Josh Gross quit to write for another publication, and in his departure they acquired Brad McCray to fill the void. Now I don’t know Brad personally nor have I ever corresponded with him but to my understanding he had a fourteen year professional career at The Oregonian periodical, which was apparently more then enough to entice Sherdog and pursue his extraction regardless of any previous MMA experience. He did prove relatively green, but showed an aptitude and eloquence which was refreshing especially compared to the other stagnant on-air personalities. He has since been quietly swept under the rug after his five week tenure as editor. It was later addressed on radio both reached an impasse and parted ways, but according to email from Brad himself that is not necessarily the case.

    The jist of the mail is Sherdog lured him away from his career but canned him after five weeks because he was not a good fit. Hunt is now the acting news editor and Brad is left unsure why Sherdog ruined his career and has left him unemployed with wife and kids.

    I find correlation between antisocial behavior present in MMA and the shady business practices currently in use by both promoters and media. From ironclad UFC contracts to fluctuation in fight bonuses to enabling unnatural behavior, to Sherdogs proliferate plagiarism and inhumane treatment of qualified professionals. Theres a stigma in America about how to do business, and where to draw the line between smart business and screwing someone over. I’m pretty sure Brad wouldn’t have jumped ship if Sherdog hadn’t offered a candy coated deal and I definitely know he wouldn’t had he known that he was to be marked as a future temporary day labor.

  4. Donny says:

    hmmm….Im guessing that you guys haven’t heard the reasons behind his firing?

    If you did, you wouldn’t be complaining about why it was treated this way…trust me.

  5. Brandt says:

    Donny: Nobody is complaining. People are just trying to learn what happened. If you have a credible source and you know the details please post up the information without negatively impacting McCray’s professional or personal life in the process.

  6. Big Bill Bob says:

    Why donny? Because Brad openly insulted the subjective ranking system? Brad was doing a fine job of producing articles and editing them, let alone offering his opinions on the radio. Greg Savage openly chastises the Sherdog ranking system but hasnt lost his job. Behind the scenes nobody really knows, except Sherdogs number one troll ole donny I guess. I think I’ll stick to the email I’ve read that seems from Brad and is currently beign hidden/edited/removed by all forums that carry it.

  7. Donny says:

    I dont want to ruin the guys rep so I will just say that it had nothing to do with what he does on the website, it was something that happened during an event.

  8. Big Bill Bob says:

    TBH I don’t think Brad has any rep remaining after getting eschewed from Sherdog, I dont forsee him ever writing about MMA again unless he started his own Anti-Sherdog website. Regardless actions do speak louder then words and I’d be interested to hear the other side of this story.

    One thing I will say considering Loretta Hunt seems to have no interest beign on radio, They punted Brad, and Jordan Breen hosts his own medicore show, I dont see how The Beatdown can survive anylonger since the host has no original insight, doesnt cover shows like Brad/Josh did, and lacks any other topic of MMA interest or discussion besides video games and fruit juice. The kid obiviously has no contact to MMA and shouldnt be running his own show, but rather slink behind the scenes and let the hosts with valid analysis proceed. Or perhaps find themselves another temporary yes-man patsy to have him mingle with. Other then that Beatdown needs to go. Sort of like what they did to Brad McCray.

  9. Donny says:

    The problem with your post is that almost everyone loves the Jordan breen show. That show gets the most love out of all their shows. Beatdown has fallen off badly and SDS just keeps getting better by the day.

    Their going to have to find someone to replace McCray, Gross shoes are hard to fill.

  10. Jordan Breen says:

    Brad McCray’s dismissal had nothing to do with “something he did during an event”, and I’m amazed that somehow people think Brad’s dismissal had anything to do with an on-air discussion with TJ DeSantis about rankings. If poor opinions was all it took to lose your job at Sherdog, none of us would have jobs.

  11. Mateo says:

    Why can’t the completely uninformed be given a hint as to what went down?

    If any of you in the know have an IMDB account, post what went down on The Ultimate Fighter message board.

  12. Brandt says:

    Well said, Mr. Breen. 🙂

    So how come nobody has interviewed McCray yet?

  13. Mike says:

    McCray came on; then Hunt came on; then McCray suddenly was out. Do the math.

  14. Jordan Breen says:

    Loretta Hunt and Brad McCray were hired at the same time and Loretta Hunt’s role at hasn’t changed.

  15. Rollo the Cat says:

    Breen’s show is not “mediocre”. No host who can breakdown the Solomon Islands Vale Tudo Championship MW division with such expertise could be said to run a mediocre radio program.

  16. Big Bill Bob says:

    Brad was brought on as Executive Editor, Loretta was brought in Gary Shaw style creating her an entirely new position like “Active News Editor” or something I can’t remember. But essentially it’s the same thing and likely served up to the public after some further review on the side. Brad’s dismissal is none of our business, and wouldn’t be in good business for Sherdog to release. Like Mike said it is a simple consolidation for a better qualified employee.

    All I’m saying is keep on consolidating and give The Beatdown it’s inevitable due notice.

  17. Jordan Breen says:

    Solomon Islands Vale Tudo Championship is overrated, in my opinion. Solomon Cage Gladiators is where it’s at.

    And, as I said, Loretta Hunt and Brad McCray were hired together. Brad was not deemed obsolete because we suddenly hired Loretta Hunt.

  18. Brandt says:

    Jordan, can you simply let us know if there will be any public announcement regarding McCray from Sherdog or Jeff Sherwood?

  19. Donny_ says:

    it makes perfect sense why Brad was fired though. There were a lot of problems since he joined sherdog and Loretta Hunt could do his job 10x better so theres no need for him.

    Add to the fact that his MMA knowledge was below par and Jordan Breen proved it on the radio when he picked War Machine and gave some retarded responses

  20. Mike says:

    Whoa whoa whoa … don’t put words in my mouth BBB. It’s actually the exact opposite. McCray got subjected to a screwjob that should make any reporter out there very, very leery of ever doing business with Sherdog. The fact Jordan keeps mouthing a couple technically accurate but completely misleading semantic talking points should be all the evidence you need that something foul is being covered up here.

  21. Brandt says:

    Mike: You mean a quote like this?

    “Brad was not deemed obsolete because we suddenly hired Loretta Hunt.”


  22. Big Bill Bob says:

    I apologize, I thought you were inferring what was said, as you can see it’s hard to convey sarcasim over the internet. I fully agree the jaded replies are mysterious, but it’s probably an attempt to dissipate attention and diplomatically expunge Brad from Sherdog history books. The way it’s beign handled will continue to fuel speculation, and it seriously exemplifies your typical conspiracy theroy. It would probably be in Sherdogs best interest to put a gag on any future reference and wait for it to just go away like big brother UFC would. Without unbiased journalism these stories unfortunately get pushed to the wayside more often then not.

  23. cyph says:

    I prefer Fightlinker’s radio show myself. It’s so bad, it’s good!

  24. Fightlinker says:

    What a cock up. I never would have cared about this if the whole thing wasn’t such a tantalizing mystery. Now I won’t rest until I know the full story.

  25. MickDawg says:

    This is rather interesting.

    Does Sherdog traditionally treat people this way?

    If so, is the UFC completely in the wrong if they don’t credential Sherdog?

    What was the full story on the UFC/Sherdog beef?

  26. 45 Huddle says:

    Come on Zach Arnold…. A little freedom of speech would go a long way here. Let the stories be told. And let the fans decide what the truth is. As long as a disclaimer is on that says it has not backing at this time.

  27. Zack says:

    Wow…that site is a piece of shit.

    Has anyone on this forum ever gotten released from a job? Do you think the reasons for dismissal should be released by the company on the internet? C’mon now.

  28. Brandt says:

    Aw, is someone upset? 🙁 wah wah

  29. Big Bill Bob says:

    Donny I dont know if your able to go back and edit posts, or that I’ve missed what you originally said, but I should clarify what I meant. Jordan’s show is toiling in mediocrity because The Beatdown takes away good guests due to seniority, Jordan obviously has the superior intellect to expand outside the box. Even though he’s currently on Beatdown it’s likely temporary unless he enjoys five days of radio a week. If he does though he could end up in his own slump coasting through every show in off mode.

  30. Zack says:

    “Aw, is someone upset? 🙁 wah wah”

    Not upset…your site just sucks. Sorry bro.

  31. Brandt says:

    And your anonymous commenting on the internet is awesome, right…”bro”? 🙂

  32. Zack says:

    I’m not anonymous…contact me through the link if you want.

  33. Click on my name of this link to view Brad’s distrubing side of this conspiracy.

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