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TUF 7 Finale (6/21 Las Vegas)

By Zach Arnold | June 21, 2008

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Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 31 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

31 Responses to “TUF 7 Finale (6/21 Las Vegas)”

  1. Leslie says:

    Hey, can you guys link me to the announcement where Anderson Silva became the best fighter on the planet? I think I missed it while watching him tap to Takase on the Youtube.

    That shill session between Joe and Dana was even more shameless than usual.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    Leslie, you are a hater.

    Anderson Silva is at the very least a Top 3 P4P fighter in the world.

    The people who run Affliction must have been crapping their pants when Dana White hyped up that card….

  3. Credeur-Yarbrough was canceled but it’s not known why yet. Interesting and rare situation for the UFC to have a fight canceled on fight night and no announcement be made.

    Was looking forward to the fight, just hope nothing major is wrong.

    Also, I have live coverage at

    PS – Keep up the good work Zach. Feel free to send me an email if you need any help as I know you’ve been having problems lately with your host I believe.

  4. He’s the top P4P fighter imo.

  5. 45 Huddle says:

    I think Spencer Fisher will get the decision, but I could see it going to Stephens. Fisher won the 2nd and Stephens won the 3rd. It all depends on how the judges saw the first. Stephens are actually doing more damagae from the bottom for a good period of the round.

  6. I saw it for Fisher too but it could go either way.

  7. From “Saturday night’s preliminary bout between middleweights Tim Credeur and Cale Yarbrough at The Palms in Las Vegas was cancelled by the Nevada State Athletic Commission after traces of the prescription drug Adderall were found in a pre-fight drug test administered to Credeur.”

  8. Leslie says:

    “Anderson Silva is at the very least a Top 3 P4P fighter in the world.”

    Explain to me how I’m a “hater” when you aren’t even sure that he’s the top fighter in the world? I wouldn’t say he isn’t near the top, but he doesn’t jump Fedor just because Dana puts on an obviously scripted skit with handpicked buzzwords.

  9. IceMuncher says:

    Anderson is at the top of the p4p list because he makes great fighters like Henderson, Franklin, and Marquardt look like cans. Nobody absolutely destroys top-ranked guys the way he does, not even Fedor.

  10. 45 Huddle says:

    GSP, Penn, & Silva are the Top 3. People can argue all day about who is #1, but it is purely subjective. With that said, you are a hater because you bring up a fight that took place 5 years ago, when anybody can see Silva is a completely different fighter since then. As for Fedor, the guy took a 3 year break from fighting Top Heavyweights. He shouldn’t even be on the Top 10 at this point.

    Sanchez vs. Luigi was a really fun fight to watch.

  11. Leslie says:

    “With that said, you are a hater because you bring up a fight that took place 5 years ago”

    And how far back do you have to go to find a chink in Fedor’s armor? Same thing with GSP and Penn. When you have someone whose pretty much perfect compared to people who clearly aren’t, even if they’re great, perfect wins. This is not undone by beginnings of White’s Karl Rove-esque buzz campaign. I’m sure we’ll hear, on every UFC show until Silva loses again, “He’s the best Pound for Pound fighter.”

    Now, if that’s true, why is he moving to 205 and not fighting one of the 10 or so legit contenders that are better than Irvin?

  12. Jason says:

    I think that, GSP, Penn, Faber, Yammamoto, and Silva are the 5 top P4P fighters in no particular order. Notice that they are all in lower weight divisions, while I think Fedor is the top heavyweight I don’t think he is in the discussion for top P4P fighter. Theres just not that many good heavyweights around like there are in the lower weight divisions, so dominating the weakest division in fighting just isn’t as impressive. Nog and Cro Cop were to me the only great fighters hes beaten, even in those fights he never finished either one where as the other 5 just demolish their opponents who are tougher competition IMO.

    To me P4P means if two fighters were the same weight who would would, imagine if those 5 fighters were Fedors size, they’d be almost unstoppable.

  13. Chuck says:

    Man, that promo (yes I am calling it that) Dana White and Joe Rogan did hyping up the free show and Silva as being the best fighter P4P was completely embarrassing. Anderson Silve is a damn good fighter, one of the best out there, but that was clearly an immature schmeil against Fedor and the Affliction card, it was just stupid. I am not nut-hugging Affliction or hating on UFC, but that really was just pathetic on Dana White’s part. I am surprised it was Joe Rogan who played ball and not Mike Goldberg with that stupid skit.

    Here’s a drinking game all of you and your buddies can play. For every time Dana said “pound for pound” take a shot of something hard. Miller Lite and Xyience don’t count, even though they PROUDLY present THE UFC!!!! Oh, you WILL get drunk. Just make sure no fat chicks are around…

  14. Kev says:

    Leslie, you’re a hater. Everyone knows p4p’s are subjective opinions, and A. Silva has been called best p4p by other people outside of Dana White’s control. Opinions are like assholes, as in, you can’t debate away the existance of my asshole.

  15. Leslie says:

    “Leslie, you’re a hater. Everyone knows p4p’s are subjective opinions,”

    No shit. My point was that this was an obviously scripted attempt by the UFC to push this message and anyone who likes that sort of thing probably watches Fox News and still thinks there were WMDs.

    I don’t hate Silva (FFS, it’s not possible for me to hate any fighter or wrestler who knees people in the face). I just hate blatant propaganda like that, especially when the goal is to undercut other MMA shows and fighters, which the UFC seems keen on doing as often as possible now. It didn’t come across as, “We’re going to say this because it’s true.” It came across as, “This is how we’re going to sell our hastily put together show and shit on theirs.”

    I don’t complain when Dana calls every single obviously mix matched opponent “dangerous” in the interview package. That’s a level of bullshit I expect. This rubbed me completely the wrong way.

  16. Mateo says:

    Doesn’t Dana White know that Leslie from Fight Opinion has problems with every single thing he does?

    And that’s not because he’s a hater. Just ask him. Even though every single post he’s made has been anti-UFC and pro-anybody else. That’s just a coincidence.

    Blah. Blah. Blah.

  17. Leslie says:

    “Even though every single post he’s made has been anti-UFC and pro-anybody else.”

    I make a lot of posts about how MMA fans are so easily worked, and seem to like it. It has little to do with UFC fights or fighters, but more to do with the generally knobbery of Dana and the mark love for that knobbery by the “hardcore MMA” fan. Coming from the “hardcore pro wrestling” world it’s a bit odd to see such uncritical views and see people constantly repeat the company line. Everyone points out and laughs at all the BS WWE tries to pull, even if they watch it religiously. You’d also never see someone, with all seriousness, use the term “hater” post 1998. Different strokes I guess.

  18. tv says:

    Hey Icemuncher, In the context of top 10 fighters Franklin is a tomato can.

  19. Andrej says:

    That same tomato can who defeated Yushin Okami even though Yushin Okami is considered the next fighter to fight Anderson Silva later this year? Damn I hate this carnival act.

  20. Ultimo Santa says:

    Hey ladies – are we going to discuss TUF 7 Finale, or just continue to discuss who’s a ‘hater’ and who ‘sucks’ like this is a Sherdog forum?

    Just ignore Leslie and move on.

    I was impressed with Grove’s win, but he still has a little ways to go in terms of technique. I was surprised he didn’t KO Evan ‘Unibomber’ Tanner, but it was a well-deserved decision.

    Diego looked sharp as hell, and I believe the Nightmare is back. I am shocked at his stand-up improvements.

    CB’s ‘tap and then pretending he didn’t tap’ thing was a little odd…I don’t know what the hell happened there. I would have liked to hear some post-fight comments from him.

    But hat’s off to Amir – he’s a warrior. I can’t wait to see him evolve in the future.

  21. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Grove definitely picked it up as the fight went on. I would have liked to see him make more use of knees to the face in the thai clinch, but he did what he needed to do win anyway.

    Those vertical leaping knees were pretty crazy.

  22. Dave says:

    I hate to say it, but I wasn’t impressed with Grove’s win. Tanner really wasn’t in that fight, ever, and his inability to just flat out finish him wasn’t Tanner’s heart and will, it was Grove’s inability to put something together long enough to take him out.

    Grove’s reach advantage just completely undercut anything that Tanner tried to do, and Grove kept landing shots.

    It kinda depresses me that Tanner lost, though. He is just one of those guys you want to succeed and wish the best for, knowing all of his problems and so on.

  23. Rollo the Cat says:

    I agree with Dave. Grove is back… to B level.

  24. George Lucas says:

    I didn’t think Grove turned it on. I thought Tanner turned it on, winning the 3rd round- which is impressive considering the beating he took in the second.

    Maybe I was just pleasantly surprised that he didn’t give up despite being totally outclassed.

  25. Ivan Trembow says:

    Amir Sadollah looked impressive. A heck of a night of fights overall with Spike TV, Showtime, and HBO all broadcasting live fights. The best fight (and the biggest star-making performance) on any of those three broadcasts was definitely Arthur Abraham’s knockout of dangerous knockout artist Edison Miranda. I can’t wait for Abraham to fight Kelly Pavlik, although I doubt Showtime is getting that one!

  26. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Ivan, you angling for Goldberg’s job?

  27. Ivan Trembow says:

    Jeremy, I’m not sure if you mean Bill Goldberg, Mike Goldberg, or Grand Theft Auto 4 character Tom Goldberg, but in all three of those cases, the answer would be no.

  28. Kev says:

    My point was that this was an obviously scripted attempt by the UFC to push this message and anyone who likes that sort of thing probably watches Fox News and still thinks there were WMDs.

    Seriously. You’re comparing p4p rankings to WMDs in Iraq? Seriously? You can’t be serious. You can’t be.

  29. Streitigkaiser says:

    Look, regardless of what anyone says, for his weight Anderson Silva is an excellent fighter who has definitely demonstrated improvement in his striking and ground skills since his PRIDE days; in fact, he seems better suited for the cage. But the fact that he has the balls to step up a weight class to fight a career risk like James Irvin (ask Doug Marshall and Houston Alexander) earns a lot of respect and admiration in my book. Silva is a true fighter who wants to prove that he lives up to the hype; I honestly think he ranks in the top 5 and if he can prove success in multiple weight classes he may very well earn the #1 spot. As far as Fedor is concerned, lets see how he fares against Tim Sylvia before assigning a legitimate ranking; it has been a few years now since Fedor has fought anyone in the top ten so he needs to prove that he is still #1.

    Amir is the man; he proved that he deserved to be in the top spot with his neo-Liddell style. I have to hand it to McFedries too, that guy is one brutal son of a bitch. I’m honestly surprised that Dolloway took so many risks and tapped so easily, especially with that contract on the line. Has anyone seen the trailer for the new UFC video game? It looks fuckin sickkkkk.

    Leslie, you ain’t nothing but a little bitch who is pissed off because pro-wrestling has been on the decline in favor of MMA. Going out into your backyard and jumping on broken glass has nothing to do with getting punched in the face and once you realize that people will start taking you seriously around here. I love WWE but there is a definitive line between sports entertainment and MMA; if you don’t believe me then start reading the injury statements made by the athletic commissions. I don’t see Triple H incurring lacerated eye sockets.

    I’m going to lay this out there: Evan Tanner and Kendall Grove are both washed up and need to be relegated to the upper weight divisions in WEC. Fioravanti can go with them. Sanchez earned back my respect after that high kick but he still needs to work on his fluidity before he starts posing a serious challenge to the Welterweight title.

    Note to Dana White, please try to actually televise the fight of the night and stop trying to give us Spencer Fisher filler.

  30. cyph says:

    For what it’s worth, most sites (Yahoo), Sherdog, and has Anderson as #1 P4P. The only one that doesn’t is which lists him as #2.

    Does that satisfy you, Leslie?

    The one time I’m in Vegas and I missed the UFN finale. You’d think that in Vegas, free UFC fights would be on TV bars. I guess MMA isn’t that mainstream after all.

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