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The media heat-up for Saturday’s TUF Finale event

By Zach Arnold | June 20, 2008

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I have a new article up at MMA Memories, which discusses the divide in MMA media circles regarding the Nick Diaz/KJ Noons post-match brawl in Hawaii last weekend. You can read that article by clicking here. If you want to subscribe to that site’s RSS feed, use this link.

Onto today’s headlines.

  1. Worth Playing: UFC 2009 Undisputed officially announced
  2. Gambling 911: TUF Finale betting odds
  3. 2008 US Presidential Candidate Charles Jay: Dogs have their day in TUF Finale wagering
  4. MMA Betting Blog: TUF 7 Finale fight predictions
  5. UFC HP: CB Dollaway – the Doberman bites back
  6. Fox Sports: CB Dollaway says he’s looking forward to TUF finale
  7. Sherdog: Wherever Kendall Grove may roam
  8. Kevin Iole (Yahoo Sports): Luigi Fioravanti prepared for battle against Diego Sanchez
  9. Sportsnet (Canada): TUF choices
  10. KJZZ 14 (Salt Lake City): Ricco Rodriguez to fight at the E Center
  11. The Olean Times Herald (NY): James Giboo to take the ultimate challenge on 7/19
  12. The Chester Chronicle (UK): Dave Newbrook sees possibility of heading to MMA
  13. The Lincoln News Messenger (CA): Fabulous Faber (an update on what Urijah Faber is up to right now)
  14. The Tennessean: Tennessee provides existing fan base for MMA (op-ed by Marc Ratner)
  15. MMA Payout: UFC Expansion – prioritizing a must
  16. Bloody Elbow: The case against UFC counter-programming the Affliction show

Topics: Affliction, Media, MMA, UFC, WEC, Zach Arnold | 17 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

17 Responses to “The media heat-up for Saturday’s TUF Finale event”

  1. CapnHulk says:

    Here’s the 1up preview of UFC 2009: Undisputed, since it has some pictures.

    I cannot describe in words how excited I am for a potentially good MMA game.

  2. David says:

    Ridiculously brilliant article Zach!

  3. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Rampage headlining a show in Memphis at the Pyramid would be epic. That would be a must attend event.

  4. IceMuncher says:

    Nice article Zach.

    CapnHulk, that game looks sweet. I love the small details, like how they included Juanito and Stitch in the game.

  5. Matthew Watt says:

    Brilliant article Zach, really enjoyed it. My only problem is that I may not be much of a wrestling fan (I come from the purist sport sect, sorry), I do understand how drama (I think the term used in the wrestling world is shooting an angle, correct me if I am wrong) hypes up a fight. But as I stated on an email that was read on the Jordan Breen show, there is a difference between hyping a fight and acting like classles idiots. To me, what took place is the latter.

  6. Leslie says:

    I’m really very shocked at the reaction to Diaz vs Noons.

    1. How do people, at all, come to the conclusion that the Diaz brothers are thugs when it was pretty boy Noons and his old man that made a charge?

    2. How does this not get you excited for a fight? It’s harmless hype. Not everything has to be pure sports all the time. Some showmanship and rivalry works at times. Even UFC’s current popularity is largely based on a completely worked Shamrock vs Ortiz grudge.

    My conclusion isn’t that people legitimately didn’t like the angle, it’s that most of the people complaining are marks who are really buying into the Diaz character. And they’ll be watching to see Noons shut him up once and for all.

  7. Ivan Trembow says:

    Regarding Jesse Taylor getting kicked out of the UFC… first of all, I’m not surprised that after being encouraged to act like a boorish drunkard in a house for six weeks that he would continue to act like a boorish drunkard afterwards. If the UFC was serious about not fostering an atmosphere of boorish drunkards on TUF, they would insist on having no alcohol in the house (just as Lorenzo Fertitta insisted in the middle of TUF 1).

    Nonetheless, Taylor absolutely deserved to be kicked out of the UFC. But he’s not the only one. Just in the past year or two, Jon Koppenhaver and Chris Leben have both done things that are just as bad or worse than what Taylor did. They should have also been released from the UFC.

  8. Michaelthebox says:

    What did Leben do?

  9. zack says:

    Tito posted this on the UG on a thread titled “It’s On!!!”:

    “Dana is going to get a SLAP!!! This weekend. I will be front row and walk up and slap him! just watch when I get kick out, you will know why. THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dana is my BITCH!!!!”

  10. Ivan Trembow says:

    Leben got arrested for drunk driving, failed to comply with his court sentence, and didn’t tell his employer that he wouldn’t be allowed into England because of his outstanding warrant until after they found out about it themselves.

  11. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Tito, irrelevant and desperate.

  12. KennyP says:


    Can’t happen. The Pyramid is closed and growing weeds. The FedEx Forum is the new arena in town.

  13. Me2 says:

    since when does “making money” justify bodily injury and other “enternainment” things like lying. While these stunts are staged for Pro-Wrestling, they are not staged(in most cases) in MMA and someone can get hurt.

    This is not fantasy kiddies! Diaz and Noons were not playing. If they actually had got close enough, they would have been trying to do serious harm to each other. If you think that this is good for anything, or it is OK as long as it makes money, you need be locked up.

  14. Leslie says:

    “This is not fantasy kiddies! Diaz and Noons were not playing. ”

    Thanks for giving me my morning laugh dude. Ever notice during these “pull aparts” the guys never get within 10 feet of one another and no one ever gets hurt? That doesn’t make you the least bit curious?

  15. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Shows how long it has been since I’ve been to Memphis, I guess. Last time was like, 2004. I’m surprised that they’ve built a new arena in that time.

    Is it still HUGE?

  16. Chuck says:

    “If you think that this is good for anything, or it is OK as long as it makes money, you need be locked up.”

    Yeah? You and what army PAL?! Bring on the imagination police!! Leslie covered the fact of guys in pull-aparts never getting at eachother well enough. Really, are you THAT naive that you don’t see the fact that MMA isn’t exactly 100% pure sports? Besides MAYBE the IFL? Even 45 Huddle himself admitted that the UFC itself is atleast about 75% sport and 25% entertainment, and I think that is pretty accurate. EliteXC is about that too. If you want pure 100% sports in fighting sports then you have to go down to the amateurs. It’s so 100% sports THEY DON’T EVEN GET PAID!!! YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Ivan Trembow says:

    The UFC game is being developed by Yukes! Based on Yukes’ stellar track record with pro wrestling games, this ensures that it’s going to be at least a pretty good game and possibly an excellent game. This is very good news for MMA fans.

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