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Today’s chalkboard (6/18/08)

By Zach Arnold | June 18, 2008

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Amateur MMA tournaments are coming to Singapore soon.

The Washington Times has more thoughts on the current landscape in the MMA industry.

The latest update on possible MMA regulation in the state of New York.

Michael Bisping is going to be training with boxer David Haye in Cyprus.

Other headlines:

  1. The Canadian Press: UFC aims knockout punch at rival Affliction
  2. Sports Illustrated: Dana White says July 19th is on, and Anderson Silva’s coming
  3. The Winnipeg Sun: Promoter Tony Condello heating things up on June 27th at Winnipeg Convention Centre with Alberto Crane headlining
  4. The Brockton Enterprise (MA): Dan Lauzon has his eye on the ultimate prize
  5. Yahoo Sports: Nick Diaz says his grudge with KJ Noons is real (the comments from Diaz are must-read)
  6. Press Release: Shawn Tompkins to fight for XFA promotion

Topics: Affliction, Media, MMA, Pro Elite, UFC, UK, Zach Arnold | 11 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

11 Responses to “Today’s chalkboard (6/18/08)”

  1. D. Capitated says:

    There was an MMA event already in Singapore back about 2 1/2 years ago. A local muay thai trainer/promoter paid for a cage, the KOTC name, and Herb Dean reffed. It was also possibly the worst MMA show ever.

  2. The Gaijin says:

    XFA is a stand-up only organization correct?

    For as great a coach as Tompkins is, it appears his success as an mma practitioner is quite the opposite (0-4). With all due respect, I guess it is true what they say,
    “Those who can do, those who can’t teach.”

  3. Dave says:

    Why would Bisping go out of his way to train his stand up when his stand up is fine? Shouldn’t he be focused on all of the other aspects of his game that are hurting? By all means, train your stand up, Bisping, but christ.

    But then again, as long as they keep handing him canned hams, he’ll be fine.

  4. Dave says:

    Gaijin — I kind of agree with you. I trained with a guy in RI, Mat Santos, and he was just really amazing. His BJJ was outstanding and he seemed to always have an answer for any situation or tight spot, and he had some really decent stand up. But man, his 1-5 record, yeah.

  5. Ultimo Santa says:

    “As a mother, my gut is telling me this is not a good thing to do — to let people get in a ring and let people hit each other and pound each other on any part of the body. It looks to me like there really is no holds barred,” Sayward, R-Willsboro, said in a telephone interview on Tuesday.

    SO, this woman, who knows apparently NOTHING about MMA, is voting if MMA should be legalized in New York or not?

    Lord help us all.

  6. The Gaijin says:

    For all the disgust and outrage that’s being levied at Elite XC for that “pull apart” brawl between Noons and Diaz’s crews, I’m wondering if the UFC will in any way penalize Nate Diaz for his part in instigating the brawl and carrying on with flipping off the crowd and throwing gang signs.

    As an ambassador for the sport and UFC specifically, if they’re so worried about preserving the image of the sport as a sport, shouldn’t they be speaking out against one of their “champions” (TUF) for doing the very thing they endlessly rail against?

  7. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    If UFC retaliates against everyone who shows up on an EliteXC or HDNet show, then they’re going to have a lot of work ahead of them and possibly as many disgruntled fighters as some people here believe them to have.

  8. The Gaijin says:

    My comment had NOTHING to do with contracted fighters showing up on other shows…use your head for a second.

    The UFC rails against how “bad for the sport” everything to do with Elite XC is and will be. Yet THEIR OWN contracted fighter acted like an retarded asshole gangster cum professional wrestler…my point is – if they were serious about how they don’t like all these other companies being ambassadors for the sport and ruining the legitimacy and respect for mma, they should rightly punish THEIR EMPLOYEE for the way HE behaved.

  9. Chuck says:

    Man, why is Tony Condello getting involved in MMA promoting? I hope the fighters are vigilant, because Condello might have some checks made of rubber…

  10. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Yes, but what you’re failing to include in your analysis is that Nate and Nick Diaz ARE retarded asshole gangsters cum professional wrestlers.

    It’d be like punishing Rampage for showing up at a farm show and being a gregarious funny guy.

  11. The Gaijin says:

    You make an excellent point.

    It’s just interesting to see that they basically “fired” JT from TUF right before the finale for similar, though not identical behaviour. But in his case I think the behaviour EASILY warrants being fired. Then again I bet Chris Leben and Jon Koppenhaver won’t be too far down the list of guys the UFC has on an UFN or undercard either.

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