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Lorenzo Fertitta shifts from the casino to UFC

By Zach Arnold | June 18, 2008

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  1. Kevin Iole – Lorenzo Fertitta steps into co-boss role of UFC with Dana White
  2. Bloody Elbow: Bad news for Dana and Lorenzo is taking a huge pay cut
  3. The Las Vegas Sun: Here a Fertitta, there a Fertitta
  4. Fightlinker: Lorenzo Fertitta comes on board 100%
  5. MMA Opinion: The Mobster and the Boxer

Dave Meltzer’s thoughts

Audio here:

Sam Caplan:

But to say the primary motive for this decision is based on the growth of the company is not telling the whole story. While this isn’t a demotion for White and he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, Fertitta’s involvement still means that a great deal of White’s power has been usurped. Before this announcement, Dana was the most powerful man in MMA. Now, he’s number two.

Jared Barnes:

Having a proven businessman like Fertitta working side by side next to the original MMA gangsta Dana White will mean the UFC will have more executive manpower to put together last-minute promotions to rival any other potential competitors. Good for the UFC, bad for other organizations. See ya Affliction, Darth White has found his Sith Lord and you’re in trouble.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 18 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

18 Responses to “Lorenzo Fertitta shifts from the casino to UFC”

  1. Dave says:

    I try to keep things somewhat clean when commenting on here, but Kevin Iole is such a fucking shill. Add a boiler plate to that “article” and that is a really long, masturbatory UFC press release.

    As for the news itself; whatever.

  2. IceMuncher says:

    This is really good news for the UFC. There’s no exaggeration present when I state that Lorenzo is one of the most successful businessmen in the world. Having a guy like that dedicated full-time to the UFC is going to give this company a massive boost.

    Not quite the major announcement I was expecting, but I’m not disappointed.

  3. Brandt says:

    I’m already getting reamed out for posting up an article about the news because I sound “anti-UFC”… I think some fans need a reality check and you seem to be one of the guys who want to give it to them, haha.

    Lorenzo is the son of a person accused as a mobster – fact
    Lorenzo was the owner of a casino – fact
    Lorenzo gives money to charity – fact

    But yet it’s anti-UFC to bring up concerns about the past of the Fertitta family even when giving them the benefit of the doubt. Tough crowd, these keyboard warriors! 🙂

  4. Matthew Watt says:

    No one on these comments so far have said you can’t talk about who Lorenzo is. He is who he is, their is no denying that. Both good and bad. But one cannot think that this is fairly big news, whether you like the Fertittas checkered past or not. Dude was making $113 million a year as a casino executive, now is throwing that money aside to be part of the UFC. As I have learnt in my time as a commerce student, when someone with a proven track record who is really smart and successful goes one way, fairly good idea to get on board with him.

    Japanese have the yakuza, Fertittas have Xyience, Gary Shaw has a checkered promotion past, Donald Trump has a mysterious net worth (some in the business community think his wealth is highly inflated), when you look under the skin dirt is everywhere. Feel free to mention the path of people (the Xyience debacle I think is far from over), but also realise a big story when it occurs.

    Zach, keep up the good work. Great to see you back to regular posting.

  5. Ivan Trembow says:

    Well, at least this huge announcement didn’t turn out to just be Bill Goldberg turning heel like Eric Bischoff’s huge announcement did…

    Also, I’m sure that UFC employees were thrilled that they found out about their new boss from Kevin Iole on BEFORE they were told in person…

  6. Mateo says:

    Will they aim to be number one sport in the world (in eight years) just by targeting India & China? Or do they plan on expanding MMA in America more? MMA is so much more interesting and exciting than stick and ball sports. I don’t know why it hasn’t taken off more than it has already.

  7. Mr.Roadblock says:

    John F. Kennedy’s father was an accused mobster too. He got to be President.

  8. Those variable-year plans don’t work. Someone hasn’t studied Soviet history. Hopefully there will be no quotas to fulfill.

  9. Mike Rome says:

    They didn’t fail because they were variable year plans, they failed because they were plans for a centralized economy.

    Anyway, it’s a big deal. Meltzer really has the right perspective on it.

  10. John says:

    “They are going to become even more aggressive and be really hard on any competitor by serving notice to anyone who is trying to go national in the MMA scene”

    They’re going to what?! I’m sorry, did I understand this sentence correctly? What exactly are they going to sue other promotions for? For existing? Someone please explain.

  11. Matthew Watt says:

    “Those variable-year plans don’t work. Someone hasn’t studied Soviet history. Hopefully there will be no quotas to fulfill.”

    Anyone who has read a business strategy knows that to be succesful you always have year plans. Variablities come into play in that all plans are at whim to marketplan volatility. Year plans and strategies in a business setting and comparing it to the 5 year Soviet Plans is like comparing a nice home cooked meal to getting bitten by a spider. There is next to no connection at all.

  12. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Serving notice in this case means counter programming, not serving subpoenas and claims.

    I.e. Fight Night 14.

  13. D. Capitated says:

    Will they aim to be number one sport in the world (in eight years) just by targeting India & China?

    They have to target pretty much everywhere and they’re going to have to spend enormous sums of money, because right now their presence outside the US is anything but challenging the status quo. Even then, the likelihood that they’re going to walk into China or India (much less Germany or even the US’ neighbors to the south) and make a huge splash without having a notable world class fighter of Indian or Chinese origin is incredibly hopeful.

  14. IceMuncher says:

    Hmmm, speaking of that, does anyone else think that Fight Night 14 was Lorenzo’s idea?

    Dana had a long time before now to put a card up on July 19th, but he didn’t. Now, within the same week that they announce Lorenzo is full-time, they decided to cut the knees out of Affliction with a hastily assembled card.

    Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure it’s right. Lorenzo’s putting the hit on his competition. Old habits die hard.

  15. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Still a month to July 19th. Compared to some Japanese promotions, they’re giving the fighters and public twice as much notice 😀

  16. The Gaijin says:


    \”Serving notice\” as in, we\’re going to be playing hardball and nip all these promotions who might pose a threat to them in the bud. Basically, \”Go ahead and try to compete with us. We will use our marketshare and status to crush your soul.\”

    Not \”serve notice\” as in \”see you in court.\”

  17. John says:

    Thanks for the explanations, Jeremy (not that Jeremy) and The Gaijin. It feels better knowing they only want to crush their opponents’ souls, and not sue them. 🙂

  18. Dave says:

    Brandt — Well, their mafia past is somewhat well documented, but people tremble in fear to bring it up as, well, Zuffa’s lawyers have been known to use intimidation tactics.

    Rome — Sigh. Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. It is moderate news. It means some things could change in the way they promote shows, things might get more aggressive, it means fighter relations might change… But in the long run, I am thinking it might actually be a really bad idea. Meltzer is partially right, is I think a bit more fair to say. If Lorenzo has half a brain he’d stick on the path Dana has taken and not deviate too much, if he gets too cocky and tries to over-reach, well, they might be in trouble.

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