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UFC 85 in London

By Zach Arnold | June 7, 2008

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I share the same sentiments as Leland Roling does about Thiago Alves.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 14 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

14 Responses to “UFC 85 in London”

  1. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    If you’re in a title fight, and you don’t make weight, you can’t win the title. If you’re in a contender fight and you don’t make weight, you shouldn’t be able to get a title shot from it.

    Hopefully the UFC won’t give Alves a title fight next.

  2. D.Capitated says:

    Given the situation with how MMA is licensed in the UK, did Alves even suffer any consequences?

    Seriously though, the show was fairly mediocre, though that wasn’t necessarily unexpected. The best fight was with Tavares and Wiman.

  3. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Well, for some reason my PPV provider sold it to me for $3.95 (glitch in my favor? thank you), so I’m not that concerned about the quality of the card.

    At four bucks, I thought it was a bargain. I would have still paid $45 for it, but I’m that kind of idiot.

  4. Kris says:

    If GSP defeats Fitch I think Penn vs. GSP is next and that means Alves will need another win (again who IDK) before he’d get a shot at the title.

  5. IceMuncher says:

    Alves can probably squeeze in another fight before taking on GSP. He’s definitely the #2 contender at this point though.

    I really don’t like the idea of GSP vs Penn. No matter the outcome, one division’s title-legitimacy will take a major blow as a result. Yeah, it’s a great fight, but I’d rather see them defend their titles. If they both clear out their divisions in a couple years, we can talk then.

  6. 45 Huddle says:

    I predicted 2 of the 10 fights right. That might be my worst for any UFC ever.

    Overall, it was kind of a crappy PPV.

  7. Tim Lee says:

    We all know that Alves is going to give Matt Hughes 10% of his fight pursue for not making weight, but i personally think that it’s too light of a penalty as a 1st offense of not making weight.

    I think UFC should add this penalty as well for a fighter not making weight. “if you don’t make weight, you don’t get any ‘fight night’ bonuses”

  8. Leslie says:

    I don’t any need to ask for blood when people don’t make weight. There are already rules in place and they are adequate. If Sherk can test positive for steroids and come right back into a title shot, then I don’t see how you’d even begin to justify harsher punishments for not making weight.

  9. Chuck says:

    I agree with Leslie on this. Seriously, when a fighter (not just MMA, bot boxing too) doesn’t make weight many put freaking fatwas on the overweight fighter. Why? Many react worse than fighters who test black for whatever drugs. This hatred has pretty much started when Jose Luis Castillo weighed over the weight limit for what was going to be the third fight against Diego Corrales. Corales opted to pull out of the fight. Castillo was overweight for the second fight as well. I wrestled in high school, and trust me when I say that cutting weight is a VERY hard and stressful endeavor. Even cutting two pounds is hard without killing and/or starving yourself. Sometimes it’s NOT worth it, especially when you lose many times because you are drained from cutting weight. I went through it, and it completely sucks.

  10. Rollo the Cat says:

    Not a great show. Crowd was dead. Last time in London the crowd wasn’t great. It seems to be the one city in the UK that is different.

    I really thought Swick ruined my night. He was trying to squeeze by on points and it ruined what could have been a great fight.

  11. crowd were dead? wtf? dude there was a mexican wave that went around the arena six times. they went insane for Bisping and gave good reception to all the good fights

  12. 45 Huddle says:

    I don’t think the crowd was mic’d properly, hence the appearance of a bad crowd on TV.

  13. Rollo the Cat says:


    They sounded dead on TV, except when they booed. Or maybe I wasn’t hearing right and those weren’t boos. I’m not sure.

    I think the Newcastle crowd was the best ever.

  14. Zack says:

    I thought the Marquart/Leites fight was excellent, although all the fouls kind of took away from it. Overall, I enjoyed the card.


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