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A strange ratings list

By Zach Arnold | June 4, 2008

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Right here. Let’s just say there’s quite a few missing fights on that list that drew nearly, oh, four-to-five times those ratings.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “A strange ratings list”

  1. The New Revelation says:


  2. pattisod says:

    So when are we going to get the correct list from FO?

  3. Ultimo Santa says:

    I think they meant in the US, and were not including Japan.

  4. Shane says:

    A more interesting story is why Spike/UFC now are claiming Quinton Jackson v. Dan Henderson was watched by 5.93 million people. The press release posted back in September for that event stated that the main event peaked at 5.6 million:

  5. Zack says:

    Zach…how do the Japanese ratings correspond to actual viewers compared to in America? For example…How many viewers is a 5.0 rating in:

    1) Japan on TBS?
    2) America on CBS?
    3) America on Spike?


  6. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    US ratings are a percentage of US TV owning households (~112.8 million).

    Japanese ratings are a percentage of the total population (~128 million).

    A 5.0 rating in Japan would be about 6.4 million viewers. A 5.0 in the US is 5.64 million households at an average household size (per 2006 census estimates) of 2.61 = 14.72 million.

    It’s a rough estimate.

  7. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    So, for example, the 6.51 rating for the EliteXC show is roughly comparable to a 17 rating in Japan.

    In March, Dream drew an 8.9.

    K-1 2004 and 2005 outdrew the EliteXC show in Japan on a pure estimated ratings basis, but to figure out an estimate of the number of people watching you’d have to re-do the population/household math. It probably wouldn’t be very different though, Japan has a highly stable population level vs the steadily rising number of US TV households.

  8. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Man, it’s early.


    1.9 rating for EliteXC is roughly comparable to a 4.4 rating in Japan.

    The K-1 2004, 2005, and 2006 grand prix ratings are more comparable to a US TV show like a Lost season finale (one of the earlier seasons, not this one).

  9. karat3 says:

    it’s almost reaching a level that is annoying with every website claiming the exc show was “the most watched ever”.


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