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Another round of Kimbo Slice talk

By Zach Arnold | June 3, 2008

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  1. The Miami Herald: Kimbo Slice outdraws playoff hockey
  2. AOL Fanhouse: Bas Rutten thinks the Kimbo fight should have been stopped in the second round
  3. The Kansas City Star: MMA meltdown
  4. Defamer: Kimbo and Regis Philbin slug it out for the soul of weekend television
  5. E! Online: Kimbo Slice puts best foot, fist forward
  6. ABC Action News: It’s Kimbo-mania!
  7. MMA Junkie: EXC on CBS peaks with 6.51 million viewers
  8. MMA Analyst: Against the media – EXC was technically a success
  9. Charles Jay: Just ‘slice’ off some of that respectability

Topics: Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “Another round of Kimbo Slice talk”

  1. Dave says:

    I like how the AOL dude is calling Rutten’s bluff on something Rutten actually knows pretty well. I think the 20 or so (did anybody actually count?) unanswered elbows to Kimbo’s noggin should have been the end of the fight.

  2. bdizzle says:

    Those elbows weren’t doing any damage to Kimbo. They were not even quick and hard enough to cut. And correct me if im wrong didn’t kimbo give a thumbs up to the ref while Thomson was elbowing him?

  3. Zack says:

    Dave…do you really want to see fights ended due to positional dominance? If you’re not inflicting any punishment, why stop the fight?

    If Brock Lesnar holds Heath Herring in the corner and Heath can’t get up, should the fight be stopped? If not, why should it be stopped if he starts throwing pitter pat strikes that don’t do any damage?

    This is one of the main reasons why I still prefer the ring.

  4. Dave says:

    I thought the thumbs up was to the choke that Thompson had on Kimbo, not to the elbows. While I’m not a fan of stoppages due to positional dominance, obviously, technically, Kimbo was getting pelted with elbows, was showing no signs of defense or trying to improve his position and stop the elbows.

    Well, I think we can all say that we’ve seen fights stopped for similar reasons. This wasn’t simply holding against the cage, this was holding against the cage while striking an opponent who was unable to defend themself against said elbows.

  5. Zack says:

    Dave…have you seen Bas Rutten’s statement about the fight yet?

    He actually says that Kimbo was resting cuz he wasn’t getting hurt, and was communicating verbally to the ref. Bas says that was a mistake though because the fight could’ve been stopped or he could’ve been cut, and says that Kimbo won’t make the same mistake again. Bas actually said in the last paragraph that he agrees the fight should’ve been stopped in the 2nd.

    I don’t know…personally fights being stopped due to positional dominance is just something I dont like as a fan, but I know I may be in the minority. “Intelligent defense” is a big gray area. For instance, if you’re on top of me and I can’t move, but you can’t figure out a way to hurt me, how am I not intelligently defending myself? I’m smart enough to know how to protect myself, and wait out the round or for a standup. That’s pretty intelligent, IMO.

    Also, knees to the head on the ground HAVE to come back. Imagine if Thompson had that weapon in his arsenal. We wouldn’t even be having this talk.

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