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Fight Opinion Radio #79: Mark Dion
By Zach Arnold | April 11, 2008

We’re back this week with an intriguing spotlight interview featuring Mark Dion of City Boxing. Mark talks about his recent experiences in arbitration in regards to being owed money by former client Brandon Vera, along with details about some of the past meetings he has had with UFC. A very intriguing and timely interview.
Plus, we open this week’s show with Caleb from MMA Predictions to talk about the recent Ultimate Fight Night event, plus upcoming odds on GSP/Matt Serra and Rampage Jackson/Forrest Griffin. As always, Caleb is a very entertaining and informative guest. Start your weekend off the right way by listening to the latest edition of Fight Opinion Radio.
The 79th edition of Fight Opinion Radio is now online and available to download. Download this week’s show here.
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[audio:http://www.fightopinion.com/podcasts/foradio-4-11-2008.mp3]Podcasting: Use http://feeds.feedburner.com/fightopinionradio. This link should work for all RSS programs and podcatching programs. You’ll never miss another show again.
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- In your iTunes program, go to Advanced. Then choose the Subscribe to Podcast option.
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With the listenership for Fight Opinion Radio dramatically increasing week by week, we definitely could use your financial support for the Fight Opinion project. If you want to contribute to us in a way that directly helps us out with our web server costs, you can donate directly to our web host – A Small Orange. Please help us out. I will personally contact you and give my sincere thanks if you make a donation.
To contact us for show feedback, you can e-mail any of us on the Fight Opinion radio staff.
- Zach Arnold – [email protected]
- Jeff Thaler – [email protected]
Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, Pro Elite, UFC, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |
thank you, Arnold.